What We Should Expect From The 2012 Pole Shift


I feel it is again necessary to remind my readers how important changing ourselves from within truly is.  NO matter what is to come, we have to remain calm and remember we are children of LOVE and Light.  Do unto others should be embedded into our psyche.  Begin by turning within and LOVE yourselves, forgive yourselves, and remember it is our own guilt that can be our biggest detriment.  We need to add to the collective unconscious KNOWing we are ALL One . . . race, religion, and culture are still FEAR based ideas to keep us in the lower vibratory realms.  If we remember, it is as simple as that!  LOVE unconditionally to the fullest, and Mother Earth will take care of the rest.

LOVE and Light in ALL you do.  Visit Birth Charts HQ to see how the planetary changes will affect you in the time to come!  FULL astrological interpretation reveling your personal hidden energies.