A Thought On This LIfe~ReBlogged


Cesare Beccaria (1738 - 1794) was one of the g...

Image via Wikipedia

There is so much debate on God v. Terrestrial Beings.  This is the way in which I have chosen to view this subject . . . I would much rather believe that there are those taken over by Reptilian EXTRA-dimensional beings; those which care NOTHING for Humanity and ALL their wonder.  Beings that feel they are superior to WE the People, and feel they are above our Humanity.  I CHOOSE to believe HUMANITY is a light born being, incapable of such treacheries on ONE another; without interference of a soulless being.  This applies to politicians, musicians, or anyone else buying into the NEW World Order.  It is time that WE the People of the HUMAN race join forces against the FEAR that has been instilled into us from our earliest years; and move in LOVING Harmony toward the common, and LONG overdue goal of personal Enlightenment and the Peace that comes from within ONE’s Self.

It has taken me many years of personal Transmutation of OLD ideologies to come to this conclusion; and as ALL is continuously changing moment to moment, these IDEAS will grow to meet the changing demands of this continuously changing reality.  This being said, I feel it is possible to reGAIN our Humanity; even after past transgressions on the Collective Unconsciousness; ONLY through complete and UNSELFISH LOVE of ONE another!

Some might argue, that we NEED someone telling us HOW to behave.  I feel this is UNtrue to the Core of our Being.  We know right from wrong, we know HOW to LOVE, and we continue to make excuses for Our BAD behavior as a collective.  We label everyONE and Everything; without much attention to our own shortcomings.  We hide behind our BLIND Faith in those in charge and we are killing ONE another with this BLIND Obedience; whether to our religious “leaders” or the politicians WE elect.

The Pope is NO Voice of God in this material realm; as the GOD most religions boast about, ONE I would choose to follow . . . would be that in which St. Issa spoke of in the missing years.  The SOUL searching years the Bible has omitted.  Yes, the Bible has its stories to tell us; YET MOST of us are unaware that the Bible we read today was AGREED upon by those who think we cannot handle the complete unadulterated TRUTH of the omitted text.  We should ask questions, OPEN our eyes, and find LOVE for those we fear the most, as I AM sure those we FEAR the Most are just as FEARful in their realities.  An OPEN Mind and heart is the way to begin.  Change IS on the horizon . . . and I for ONE have seen the Light, it is my HOPE that many more follow, as it is the ONLY way we will ever TRUly be FREE to live in Harmony in the ALL we call Life.

LOVE and Light to ALL my HUMAN brethren . . . Don NOT let the Fear and Darkness enter into your Hearts and LOVE will lift us to the ONE and the Light.

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