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Keeping Pace with the Shift


Enjoy this video on what is happening to Mother Earth and her children. Enjoy the change and revel in the LOVE!

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and beyond!

Living Your Highest Point of Perception

Arcturian Message
Living Your Highest Point of Perception
credit to below for this invaluable information
You may think that your world is the same, but if you look deep into your consciousness you will find that it as greatly changed. Whereas before you looked within and sensed the warning to be careful and even secretive, you now find the message that something has changed. You may not, yet, know what that something is. However, there is a feeling of safety where once there was a sense of alert.
Your body, which has been running on adrenalin for much of this life, in fact most of your Earthly incarnations, is now going through adrenalin withdrawal. It is because of this withdrawal that you feel so exhausted and may even have episodes of anger for no apparent reason.
You awoke on 12-22-12 to a world that was apparently the same, but you did not know what a victory that “nothing” was. Great battles, both mental and physical, have been waged, and many lives were lost in the invisible battle to save Earth from the unseen Service to Self dark ones.
Hence, to awaken to find a world that appears to be the same is a sign that your consciousness has expanded into the resonance of reality in which the Light has won! Remember, ascension does not mean leaving a certain place and going to another. Ascension means attaching your Point of Perception to a higher frequency of reality.
The underbelly of your world is still tainted with darkness and driven by unseen forces. However, you have ascended beyond the tentacles of that reality. You know this is true because whereas once your inner self felt a constant state of alarm, you now feel an inner safety. The years of 1996 to 2003 were the darkest times since the fall of Atlantis.
These times were even darker than your World Wars because these were times when your entire planet was on the edge of complete domination and/or destruction. That reality still exists, but at a much lower frequency. However, the lower versions of “life on planet Earth” are beginning to close. The area of Cosmic Space in which Earth is now traveling is too intense for those frequencies of reality. Hence, they are beginning to cease to exist.
Dear Ascending Ones, it is because of your silent, and apparently individual, process of expanding your consciousness that this victory of freedom from darkness is yours. The mere fact that so many groups could openly and publicly gather to meditate and send love to Gaia is proof that you have expanded your Planetary Consciousness into a higher octave.
On the other hand, some of you had no idea of the true state of your world because you looked to your mainstream media instead of the Internet or your inner SELF. However, each day more and more of you are experiencing unexplained changes in your daily reality. These changes are not because Earth has changed, but because you have changed your Point of Perception into a higher frequency of Earth’s myriad versions of reality.
Releasing your third-dimensional habit of believing that your life is outside-of- you is the KEY to holding your Point of Perception at a higher frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF. Your third-dimensional self is accustomed to looking outside of you to find out how your life is doing. “Are my bills paid? Do I have a nice house? Do I have a good job?” These are all questions based on the illusion that life is outside-of-you. Fortunately, you are beginning to realize/remember that the truest assessment of your life is found within.
Those of you who have been awake to the Truth for the last decades of extreme darkness, sought solace in your outer world because when you went inside to view life, you found fear and darkness. Hence, you often focused on your outer life of finding good jobs, nice houses and lot of toys to distract you from the fear you found within.
This inner fear was NOT a sign of your personal depression or mental illness. This fear was a true perception of how your world was in great battle with the forces of Service to SELF. However, if you consciously realized that your inner feelings stemmed from such a frightening truth, your resulting depression and anxiety could diminish whatever determination you had to carry on.
We now want you to know that NOW you can remove your cloak of denial. Your deep, inner fear was not based on whether or not you could pay your bills or would lose your job. The deep inner fear was a true reaction to the secret world that you were fortunate enough to not live. You, our wondrous ascending ones, did your parts marvelously. You pretended and/or believed that life was what it appeared to be while you sought to expand your consciousness into the higher expressions of your SELF.
Congratulations, you have been victorious. Not only have you remained attached to the fringe reality of the third dimension, rather than the underbelly of the battle for planet Earth, but you also expanded your inner awareness into the true, higher-dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. In doing so you assisted Gaia more than you can imagine.
Unknown wars were being fought inside of Gaia’s body. Auspiciously, the Lemurians resonate to their fifth dimensional expressions and could balance the darkness with the great light of their inner cities. Fortunately, now most of the dark ones have been defeated. Also, Earth is still intact, which is largely due to the service dwellers who held the Light of higher consciousness for Gaia through Her darkest nights.
Your choice to not consciously know what was happening was a good tactic, as it greatly diminished your fear. However, you paid the price of depression and anxiety, which appeared to be unfounded. We wish to remind you again that your fears were, indeed, true. As Gaia moves into higher frequencies of reality more of these facts will come into the light of day.
There are still many people who resonate just below your current Point of Perception that would rather doubt themselves than confront the illusions that seemed to offer them enough security to carry on with their lives. It is for this reason that many of the higher frequency facts such as our Galactic assistance, NESARA, withheld technologies and other advantages have not been released to the mainstream public.
Those of you, the Ascending Ones, who so needed to know the Truth that you sought out the terrible facts of the battle for planet Earth, are now being rewarded with the knowledge that you are not alone. You will, also, become increasingly aware that your world is on the cusp of an incredible transition. Because you could allow yourself to know the fearful truths, you can now know the glorious achievement that YOU have fulfilled.
We are sorry that the truth must still remain at a frequency that can only be known by those who expand their consciousness into that resonance. We understand that you tire of waiting. However, we remind you that you were NOT passively waiting for a new world to spontaneously rise up on its own. Now, you can realize that you have been brave warriors who had to block the hidden enemy of inner truth because it could destroy your resolve to continue and/or endanger your safety.
Therefore, you paced your reception of truth and only knew as much about the underbelly of reality with its myriad lies and deceits as you could balance with your daily life. Now your daily consciousness has reconnected with your Higher SELF, and you have achieved the safety of Unity Consciousness with other Ascending Ones as well as with Gaia. Hence, now we can reveal that you were not suffering a psychosomatic illness.
Instead, YOU, our brave multidimensional warriors, were trying to ignore that which you could not change. Instead, you focused on what you could change, which was the resonance of your earth vessel and the Earth vessel of Gaia. Congratulations, our beloved ones, for you have been victorious.
However, we feel how much you want to instantly awaken to find New Earth outside your bedroom window. PLEASE maintain this constant desire. However, do not feed it disappointment. Instead, feed this desire Unity Consciousness, hope, anticipation, joy and unconditional love. You are learning to accept what you were waiting for during your myriad lifetimes.
Impatience is understandable and even normal, but not effective in your manifestation process. You have just emerged from a dark cave in which shadows have been perceived as reality. Hence, as you step out of this cave, your perceptions are not yet calibrated to the frequency of light that is still blinding to your physical eyes.
Therefore, you perceive the reality to which you are accustomed. Just as you have tenaciously held on to an inner hope of salvation through the last years of the Kali Yuga, we ask that you maintain that hope while your perceptions re-calibrate to match the frequency of your expanding states of consciousness.
We understand that many of you do not know that your consciousness has expanded into the fifth dimension. However, if you find this message and can accept it, you HAVE indeed invisibly crossed that threshold. You see, our beloveds, YOU are New Earth. YOU are New Earth because you have expanded your glorious Unity Consciousness to encompass the entire planet.
Do you know how much Gaia is cherished in Galactic Circles? You are NOW within the reality for which you have fought and waited for myriad incarnations. However, your Point of Perception has been habitually locked onto the outside-of-you in the physical world. Therefore, open the windows of your Earth Vessel and allow the higher light to activate your inner perceptions. In this manner, you can look inside-of-you to find your highest Point of Perception. Then, attach your High Heart to this state of consciousness and open your Third Eye to see the New Earth that is YOU.
You have now come into the next phase of your reality. What has changed is the inner causation that creates the effect in your reality. Gaia is moving into the Causal Plane of the fourth dimension. Hence, the 3D lag time between cause and effect will increasingly diminish until your state of consciousness is instantly manifested to become the reality that you wish to perceive.
Most importantly, there is a dimming of the darkness and an expansion of the light. This expansion is felt within your earth vessel and within your daily life. Your bodies are changing more each day, and as they do so, more expanded perceptions will come online. Because the lag time between cause and effect is ever closing, your thoughts will appear as light, and oppositions will become fluid and timeless.
Your expanding perceptions are a shift that is 100% under your control.  Hence, there is no event out-side-of-you that can deter this process. Furthermore, the in-side-of-you is undergoing a slow but steady alteration. Your Lightbody grows stronger each day, which is why interacting with the third dimensional paradigm is becoming increasingly burdensome.
You are realizing how your consciousness is manifesting into creation. Verbal words are becoming restrictive and you yearn to live in unconditional love and peace. There are many components of your apparently third-dimensional life that have already shifted into the fifth dimensional resonance. You recognize these areas of your life because they are filled with, and/or create the sensation of unconditional love.
This unconditional love may not feel the same as the love that we, the Galactics and Celestials, can emanate from our Group Mind, but it is love that has no conditions. If you can remember to allow this unconditional love to guide you to surrender to all issues of life, you will be creating an aura of protection around you composed of that frequency of unconditional love. Whenever you surrender your life to your higher expressions of SELF without any conditions or limitations, you are creating an aura of unconditional love around you.
This aura of protection allows you to become very brave. Thus, you will gain more confidence in your SELF. It is not easy to put down your 3D reactive and protective shield to surrender into a situation. You have lived in a defensive mode for myriad lives. Thus, it is difficult to completely own your great multidimensional power so that you can release all fear in EVERY situation. In fact, one of your greatest challenges will be to KNOW that you are a Multidimensional Being who naturally resonates beyond the grasp of any 3D issue.
You may experience your Multidimensional SELF as a higher frequency, a sound, a color, a vibration, an energy and/or a higher intelligence. As you come to KNOW your innate protection, you will be able to easily surrender into every situation. This protective frequency of “YOU surrounding you” realizes that EVERY situation that comes into your life is your creation. If you are having a problem in your life, you created that problem so that you could learn and/or remember.
We know that these statements might sound cold to those who have not yet awakened to their true SELF. They still live in a reality where something can be “out of their control.” However, surrender is not a problem for your Ascended Master SELF, as the third dimension is below your base-line resonance. For example, if you are in the water and a shark comes, you can raise your resonance and become invisible to the shark. Furthermore, the shark’s teeth cannot harm you because they will just go through your aura.
Many of you are beginning to have experiences in which you resonate just a half octave above your environment. You are “in that place” and “with those people,” but you are also just above it, as if you were looking into a dream. In other words, your resonance is going “out of sync” with the physical world. At first, people will not notice this because they just saw you there and believe that you are still there. In fact, the same will hold true for you.
 At first, you may still believe that you are resonating to the 3D, but feel strangely detached and “spacey.” Do not judge yourself when this happens or try to “pay attention.” Instead, make sure that your body is safe and grounded then allow your bodily sensations and attention to gradually shift. It is preferable to shift gradually, rather than swiftly, as fear can come into your consciousness if you change so quickly that you feel out of control.
Try to consciously recognize this experience. Stay calm and breathe slowly with longer exhales. If your body is unsafe, i.e. driving a car or walking on a road, pull your attention back to your physical body and 3D life. When you learned to drive, you first understood about braking and steering before you pushed the accelerator. The same rule applies here. First learn how to stop the experience and how to steer your body and consciousness. In this manner, you will feel in control and will not allow doubt or fear to stop you.
You are learning a new way of living. If you can meditate on a regular basis, you will gain more intimacy with your Higher Expressions of SELF. These Expressions of SELF will assist you to remember what you already know within your higher Point of Perception. Without their guidance, you may believe that you are learning. Learning is a long process, whereas remembering can be instant. Many will have an instant experience, but then doubt it so much that they forget about it until later when they have gained more mastery.
Doubt will be your greatest foe, as it is fear in disguise and lack of confidence in your SELF. When you feel doubt, send yourself unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness and unconditional acceptance. There is no hurry, as time is ending. Yes, your world appears to be the same in many ways, but do you really FEEL the same? You survived and even prospered in the physical world by listening to yourself and by keeping track of your instincts and interactions with your environment.
You will keep this tool and hone it to a sharper edge. As you interact with the higher frequencies of your environment, your instincts will greatly expand. No matter how much you learn from others, you are your own best teacher. You learned and/or remembered how to walk. You often fell, but you still continued. Now that you are learning to run, you may fall more often. However, you are in the company of many others that are taking their baby steps, as well.
Most important, you have constant guidance and protection from your Higher Expressions of SELF. Begin your day communing with your SELF, think about your SELF as often during your day as often as you can. Think of your SELF as you drift off to sleep and as soon as you awaken. It is only within your third dimensional consciousness that you think you should do it alone. As your consciousness expands into the Theta and Delta waves, you will feel the need to actively unite your consciousness with higher expressions of your SELF.
As you grow to appreciate your own higher states of consciousness, you will want to share these experiences with another and/or with a group. You will also find yourself more attached to Nature, plants, animals, waterways and even the sky. You will be getting to know Gaia in a more intimate manner, and experience that Her entire planet is alive and happy to communicate with you.
Do you remember when you were a child and found great fascination in a spider on a web or a bird in a tree? You will begin to return to these interests because you will be returning to the innocence and purity of your Divine Child. It is the purity and innocence of your Divine Child that will heal your many wounds from your long sojourn through the third dimension. Therefore, perceive your expanding reality through the eyes of a child in order to find the wonder and adventure within EVERY moment of the NOW.
Congratulations Beloved Family
Welcome Home to your true SELF.
The Arcturians
Happy New Year
            Happy New Life
                        Happy New Earth

URIEL. Brace Yourself-You Are In For An Exciting Ride. By, AuroRa Le. July 17, 2012.



☮ No doubt, my Friends, you are feeling the effects of the powerful flares of energy that are firing off from the surface of the Sun.  They batter the Earth and it’s occupants, unseen, but nonetheless they are impossible to ignore.  Coupled with the planet Mercury in retrograde, this intense period is serving to lay the groundwork for massive upheaval and change.  Your governments and financial systems are just now beginning to display the first signs of such, while up until this time the turnover and unrest has been simmering just beneath the proverbial radar.  In due course, nothing will be hidden from your view and long anticipated events and well laid plans will soon be coming to fruition.  Brace yourself-you are in for an exciting ride.

☮ This relentless onslaught of solar light is leaving no aspect of your lives untouched.  The pot is being stirred.  The surf is pounding hard against the shoreline, and everything which, up until now, has remained hidden is being dredged up and carried in with the tide.  In so many of your cases, the clutter and debris has piled up quite high.  Be aware that the more you procrastinate and the longer you wait to sift carefully through what has been put before you, the more formidable the task becomes.  Tear into it and separate the treasure from the trash.  Clear away the waste and keep only for yourselves those aspects of your life which appear clean and intact, and vibrate at a level in accordance with your own.  Also, ask yourself throughout your evaluation, “Is this situation conducive to a happy, healthy life?  Does it fit neatly in with the tableau I have created for myself,  does it have a place in the higher-vibrational New Earth?”   The beach I described is a symbolic representation of  your life up until this point, both in a physical and a spiritual sense. 

☮ Consider your New Earth vision to be a stunning landscape you have chosen to paint.  Then go on and imagine yourselves, brushes in hand, approaching an easel upon which rests a brand new canvas.  See how clean it is, how fresh and untouched?   You notice it is startlingly white and pristine, a clean slate.  What is it you will paint there and what will you leave out?  Your rapidly changing human life experience can be seen as just such a fresh tableau.  The paints represent the situations and ideas, and the hopes and dreams that you have the option to bring with you.  Your human vessel is the brush with which you make your magic happen.   Ideally, I feel your ascent into fifth density should be viewed as a rebirth of sorts, a reclamation of  the genuine Self into your existing, and brilliantly transforming, Earthly form.   Gaia herself is undergoing just such a transformation herself, and it is up to you to create a comfortable environment in which to ride out the many twists and turns she faces in her road to ascension.  A happy life is like a pristine and peaceful island; a haven for your ascending soul, and  a place where you may nurture your loved ones and compassionately guide them along on their own journeys.  This will be your safe harbour  in the eye of a swirling storm.

☮ In order to attain such an enlightened state of being, it is required of you to dig deeply into the vast array of things that are currently washing up upon your shore.  Much of what you uncover will be the last remnants of what is now your final incarnation as a 3rd dimension human being.  What do wish to take with you as you move into the 5th?  And what do you wish to discard?  You will find that the greater portion of your life is still quite functional and  will continue to serve you well, while other parts lay in tatters and are beyond repair.  Are you hanging on to something because it is familiar?  Do you fear that in releasing it, a gaping hole will be left where it once was, and that you may never be able to replace it with something of equal value or better?  Or is it that, mistakenly, you believe that this is all you know?  For many of you it is about guilt, an insidious illusion, which keeps you holding fast to much which no longer serves you.   My Friend, you are not being disloyal or what you might deem “a quitter.”   Whether it be a job, a place of residence, an abusive or energetically toxic relationship, or merely an excess of material baggage…allow me to assure you that it is not so.   Thiese transitions are but part and parcel of your ascension plan and, in most cases, written in the contracts you designed.  To not release and progress will only sabotage your upward mobility, and it is seen by us as a form of emotional hoarding.

☮ Everything throughout the Universe will naturally fall into it’s proper place.  Trust that all is, and will always be, in Divine Order.  Ascension is an equal opportunity, which is lovingly offered to all living beings upon the planet.  No one will be left behind.  It is desirable that each of you grow and come into your own awareness at a pace that is comfortable for you.  I promise, it absolutely will occur, for your ascension is guaranteed.  It goes without question that you will succeed.  By the same token, the current conditions are rendering it impossible for you to ignore the need to make the necessary changes this process requires.  Try not to cling to what is broken and cannot be repaired.  Only you can make the determination as to whether something can be fixed or not.  To exist in a constant state of anger, stress, disarray or even boredom will either stagnate or impede your progression.  Take note here, that I do not refer to children who appear to be still soundly sleeping.  Within the familial and close social structures, it is to be expected that not all will progress at the same pace.  I refer here to to people, situations and things which cause you grief and pain, and even make you doubt yourself;  that which triggers anxiety, fear and depression.  It truly is best that rather than fight the process, be kind to yourself and allow this period of life-review.   Let it flow and see where it takes you.  Amend your personal circumstances in a way that feels comfortable and at a gentle pace.  Remain focused, and trust your heart-and your common sense-to guide you. 

☮ Let me also take this opportunity to remind you that there is not a one of you who is not surrounded by an ever-growing network of support.  It is not necessary that you see us with your physical eyes nor hear us with your physical ears.  Step away from your reliance on your five 3rd dimensional senses, and access us by turning inward.  By seeing with your inner eye and hearing with your inner ear, you are utilizing your natural gift of telepathy.  If you take nothing else away from our conversation today, please remember this: telepathy is the chosen means of communication in all dimensions above the 3rd.  Without exception.  It is to these higher realms that you have chosen to go.  It is imperative that you understand, and practice using it now.  You are more than capable of receiving information this way, and it is high time you set aside your self-doubt and the idea that you are somehow not good enough or aren’t up to the challenge.  Pay attention and you cannot miss the signs of our presence.  We are ready, as we have been all along, to partner with you in these historic times of change.

Carry on, my Friends.  You are doing admirable work.  Rest easy in the knowledge that the miracles are only just beginning!

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as the content remains complete, you do not alter it in any way and you include this copyright notice.

URIEL. Brace Yourself-You Are In For An Exciting Ride. By, AuroRa Le. July 17, 2012..

For Your personal planetary story, visit Birth Charts HQ TODAY!  Let ME guide You through 2012 and BEYOND . . . Much LOVE and Light on Your Journey, JoJo



The Sea Maiden; Moreanna Of Sirius. SHATTERING THE GLASS SLIPPER. Fairytales and the Disempowering of the Human Race. By, AuroRa Le. July 14, 2012.


 This message was a very enlightening one for me, personally.  When it first began coming in, I thought Moreanna meant it for me alone, since this archetype and her corresponding issues are something I’ve been working to break free of for some time.  As a small child, I struggled to make sense of the memories I arrived with, and to incorporate the little bits and pieces that were resurfacing every day.  In my little-girl mind, I felt abandoned.  It was as if my family; my real, mysterious, somewhere-out-there family had just dropped me off here and left.  In my deepest heart I knew that this wasn’t really true, but I found tremendous comfort in Fairytales. I wasted no time in latching onto the role of the Princess in the Ivory Tower.  Rapunzel, Cinderella, Snow White, etc…  I decided that I would be the girl who, at any moment, would be rescued by her Prince Charming as he rode up on his white charger and bestowed upon her lips a magic kiss-thereby awakening her from her nightmare and whisking her off to his Magic Kingdom.  I became enthralled with Disney movies, and proceeded to live out this archetype in my real life.  It didn’t help matters at all that I actually could remember and see my larger-than-life Twin Flame, and that he was a daily presence in my world. 

This ideal became one of my primary survival tools, and the standards by which I measured every human relationship I ever became involved in.  It wasn’t until my son was born that I realized why I even came here in the first place, and that I’m a powerful force in my own right.  I didn’t need to be rescued.  I would rescue myself.  And I did!  This is not to say that I still don’t adore anything and everything “Princessy”, and will always be a complete romantic at heart.  I am a total girly-girl, and that’s okay.  I like the person that I am.  However, I’ve chosen to rewrite the happy ending to all of my favorite stories.  In my versions, the Princess recognizes her own strength and becomes independent and self-sufficient.  She takes control of her life, and when her Prince does catch up with her, he finds a confident and self-assured woman.  I’ve applied this same principle to my own personal Ascension process and also to my views relating to Disclosure.  I’m not waiting around to be rescued.  I don’t actually believe the ships are going to swoop down and whisk us all away.  We have to rescue ourselves via the raising of our personal and collective vibrations, and through responsible living and respect for Gaia.  We must be open to hearing The Truth, and be willing to spread that Truth to all who will listen.   By doing these things we will be ready to assume whatever role we have chosen to play on the New Earth.  This way, also, when we do reunite with our Star Families, we will meet them as equals and not as children in need of saving.  So, here’s Moreanna’s take on things. She has embraced the role of a sort of “dispeller of myths”, a system-buster from the Legendary Realms-although, I have recently learned that she is actually from Sirius!   I warn you, this message is very, very long and I think it would have gone on indefinitely if I hadn’t had to cut her off and go pick up my son from soccer!

And now, I bring you Moreanna…


Redefine your mindset whilst the days grow short and the waves of change draw closer to your shores.  Close the book on those tired old stories which repeat themselves inside your head.  They no longer serve you.  In truth, and in retrospect, they never did.  Too many of you tarry, and Gaia shall not wait.  Alas, it seems she has been waiting an eternity.  Grasp hold of what is clearly not of truth and shake it loose from the grip it has had upon your life.  Examine everything.  Ask yourself, “upon whose authority is this true?” Say, ” It is I who shall determine what is to be taught to my young.”  Do you dare to question those who presume to rule?  Do they serve you up pearls of wisdom or simply rubbish?  Dare I say, you’ve ingested falsehoods for so long that many of you can scarce tell the difference.  Dearest Sisters and Brothers, I love you and I do not come to you this night to chastise or make light of your dilemma.  Mine is but the purest of intention and I seek merely to enlighten yours and the other young hearts that walk behind you.  For these are newly wakened and take their first steps along the Golden Path.  They do not know reality from fantasy.  And it would serve you well if you might let me refresh your own remembrances, as you go along your way. 

After The Great Fall, much changed.  The survivors moved on and new settlements sprung up.  Many of those remembered the follies of the past and what brought them to these new places in which they found themselves. They vowed that they were never to be repeated.  Treasure troves of knowledge and power were hidden well away from the prying eyes of those who would misuse it.   A good deal of this greatness is resurfacing now,  as tiny thoughtforms being released into the collective consciousness of the people and into the atmosphere of the planet.   It is these thought forms which will take hold within the minds of their original creators.  By way of the reincarnational cycle, these fine souls have come once again to make manifest such ideas, in turn creating a better life for humanity.  You shall come to know them in due time, as they present themselves in the way of costless energy,  advanced forms of transport, plentiful food and overall abundance.  These concepts are as crystalline and mutable as the oceans beneath which they so long rested.  Watch for them.

The ones who sought to seize control went to vast lengths to see that you did not remember who you you are.  In  the subtlest of manner, they took over your mind.  They sought to crush your spirit, and to sever the cords that connect you to the All That Is.  What better way to do this, they realized, than through the manipulation of the children.  You see, control by fear shall only go so far before the masses rise up in protest.  Eventually there shall be those who are wise enough to see the forest for the trees.  They then reject such teachings, rebel and cause insurrection.  They are savvy, these would-be controllers, and it became clear that the most effective means of manipulation is best disguised as something pleasant.  At this time you are experiencing this through the foods on your shelves and by way of tempting alcoholic beverages and pharmaceuticals.  Consumerism, and what we here consider somewhat ghastly forms of entertainment, keep you in states of fear and want.  All these things are addictive in nature.  Your schooling is designed not enlighten the mind but to brainwash and subdue the student.

In older times, the Patriarchy had none such means available to them, as they do now.  Instead, they spun tales.  These lovely myths, legends and “fairy” stories captivated the human hearts, both young and old alike.  It was in their design to implant ideas and to suppress your natural awareness of your true sovereignity and power.  The female was made to be weak and shown to be unable to survive by her own devices, thus eradicating the Divine Feminine Power which is still such a threat to them to this day.  They sought, and for a time succeeded, in crushing her power-but they could never kill it at it’s roots.  Still, they created tales of damsels-in -distress, whose only hopes lie in being rescued by the superior male.  She was portrayed as helpless, defenseless and nothing in her own right.  Only through deference might she and her loved ones survive.  These archetypal charactarizations were, and still are used to reinforce illusions of limitation and lack.  It pains us, your Brethren of The Water Realms, to see how we ourselves have been portrayed to you.  We have been shown, also, to be weak and prisoners of our own form.  Then, alternately, as cunning, with the females of us seeking to entrance the human male to his death with song.  Such are the legends of The Mer.  In truth, we do not die outside the sea.  We do not barter for legs-if we should wish to ever have them.  We do not suffer in exchange for transmutation.  It is our right.  As it is yours.

You have been conditioned to accept the idea of disease that you cannot control.  You think you cannot heal yourself.  You are out of touch with your innate skills to manifest what you need.  You think that you must rely on others to solve these problems for you.  This conditioning, too, began within the pages of the storybooks.  Without the help of a magic lamp, a flying carpet or a fairy’s wand, you were told that you dreams never could come true.  Woe to the old Patriarchy should you ever come to remember that you are all Master Alchemists-each and every one! 

Within us all exists the natural ability to shapeshift.  It is in our design to have the freedom to transform themselves at will.  Or to choose not to take a form at all.  Consider the suppression of these abilities as proof positive of the incredible power of belief.  The belief that you cannot do these things has been ingrained in you for thousands of your years.  These erroneous teachings embedded themselves deep within your cellular memory and have atrophied portions of your DNA.  Now, this day, you are being called by way of your ascension preparation to undo this damage, unlearn what you were taught, and to begin from scratch.  Remember that is through the power of belief that the damage was done, and it through belief that you shall rectify it. 

You must truly accept the truth that your planet is shifting.  Know with a certainty that you are participating in this shift, affecting it with your strength and determination to see it done.  It is not just happening to you, but with you and by your own hand.  The Old Ones are a dying breed, and they had the foresight to know that this day was coming.  The saw to it that you who dwell on the planet’s surface were programmed very well, indeed.  Should you need further proof of this, please notice how their foolish tales never penetrated to the Inner Earth societies.  You are Earth dwellers all, yet in their chosen isolation they have retained their high vibration and brilliant health, and have remained entirely unscathed. 

So, envision for yourselves a life without poverty and sadness, pain and loneliness.  Discard what in your heart you know to be untrue.  Storm the castle walls and dare to take back what is yours.  And never, ever forget that we are here to offer counsel and bolster you when you feel you cannot go on.  We are your families of The Water Realms.

I am Moreanna.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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