Tag Archives: California

Evacuation Update via Al Jazeera Recent California Wildfires

Evacuation Update via Al Jazeera Recent California Wildfires

Evacuation continues as California wildfire spreads | Al Jazeera America

Just thought I would keep you updated! LOVE and Light to the people of California. Keep the conversation going, climate change is real! ❤

Carbon Dioxide

8/26/2012 — MASSIVE Earthquake Swarm in South California = BE PREPARED – Dutchsinse | Spiritual Transition


8/26/2012 — MASSIVE Earthquake Swarm in South California = BE PREPARED – Dutchsinse | Spiritual Transition.

90 miles ENE of Tijuana Mexico — near the border of California and Mexico — a series of mid-range earthquakes (5.0M and 4.0M) struck.. followed by multiple DOZENS of subsequent earthquakes in the same location … a swarm … not really aftershocks.. since the largest of the tremors was a 5.4M.

Which, to me, means we need to watch for a LARGE earthquake at the end of this chain reaction.. the 5.4M wouldn’t be large enough to cause such movement that we’re actually having.

If you live in the southern California area — or along the west coast extending near the fresh lava fields off the coast of Oregon… also along the edge of the north American Craton… New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri.. and the east coast states extending northeast to New Brunswick Canada.

Be prepared for followup movement in adjacent areas to the south California swarm zone.

Use the links here to monitor earthquakes nationally and internationally:


For custom cast Astrological interpretations, visit me at Birth Charts HQ, and I’ll show you what the planets have in store for you throughout 2012 and BEYOND!

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The Tides Will Turn For LOVE!


Everyday I begin to notice how quickly things are changing around me.  ALL the pieces to an unanswered puzzle are coming into place and playing out on the field of existence.  There is a difference with each new wave of Truth entering into the Light, opposing the waves of OLD.  We are re-energizing our HUMANity surpassing ANY in the days before St. Issa.  The information Age is among us and try as they may they cannot suppress their terrible deeds ANY longer!  The veil is slowly being lifted and NOW is the time to choose where YOU end when this reality culminates in its intensity.  LOVE or Fear.  It is THAT simple.

Ask questions, don’t take everything you hear or read for fact.  DO the research.  There is as much FOR a subject, as there is against that same subject . . . research ALL sides, look around you, then LOOK inward.  Don’t excuse or dismiss questions that have come from within, know that if you still have questions, the research is NOT yet complete.  You do not need others to tell you when something is wrong.  With energy changing so quickly each and every moment, we need to learn to trust our instincts and decide to stand against FEAR, hatred, and injustice.

The lines were drawn upon the sands, so very long ago . . . I for ONE am going to stand in the Light of Truth, with the Strength of LOVE, and the Will of the One.  We will emerge better for having gone through whatever may come.  LOVE and Light to ALL my Ohana!  May your health and LOVE shine for ALL eternity . . . . We are truly Spiritual Beings sharing a human experience, NOT Humans trying to become Spiritual beings.

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Gardasil Against OUR Children?

Gardasil vaccine and box

Image via Wikipedia

I don’t usually do this; however, I feel this is a subject that deserves some Light.  In California, they just passed a law in California, where it is OK for children–boys and girls over age of twelve–to agree to the Gardasil Vaccination without the consent of their parents.  They won’t even take them to the zoo without a permission slip, but to shoot them up with unnecessary medication, perfectly FINE!  Well, I AM here to say that it ISN’T!  There are 22,000 reported case of problems with this vaccine, from Autism to seizures, cancers, and convulsions.  1 in 4 reported cases, and the Government officials say differently.

Doctors are NOT known to stand out against the medical field, it is known to get them ostracized and labeled a quack.  For SO many Doctors to speak out, I know after dealing with them a majority of my life, and the mistakes allowed to cover their asses, their MUST be a validity to what is being stated.  DO the research, DON’T believe EVERYthing you hear or read; BUT don’t take One doctor’s word for it either.  Children are NOT informed enough to make decisions, and it is stepping on the role of the family to imply as such!

Following are two videos, watch and OPEN your eyes, before its too late!  Become informed and DON’T believe EVERYthing until you do your own research, it is worth the time to save the LIVES of our children!  LOVE and Light in ALL you do . . . and EVEN more LOVE to the people who have already suffered at the hands of the New World Order . . . .



Global Coherence Initiative


Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s September 12, 2011 full moon synchronized Care Focus. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., noon and 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time ( GMT/UTC minus 7 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.* (The following website – http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A.CaliforniaSan Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.) Thank you for being with us.

For those of you who are new to the Care Focus, if you are logged into the Global Care Room, you can see your green marker and the gold light points of others around the world in the Care Room at the same time. Realize that one gold light can represent a family, a group or an entire audience viewing the Care Room and doing the Care Focus together.

Let’s start by connecting with our own heart’s love, while breathing love and care in and out through our heart area to increase our heart coherence… Now let’s radiate our love and genuine connection to everyone participating in this Care Focus. Imagine our interconnectedness as a network of light, and see our love and care being amplified and uplifted by each other’s light.

For this full moon synchronized Care Focus, let’s include in our network of light all the individuals and groups who are sending love and care to the planet and see our interconnectedness being strengthened by our collective heart energy and by universal source energy… Let’s envision the network of light surrounding our planet in love and care, helping to create a heart-based field environment throughout humanity.

There are many challenges and opportunities that we can each direct the collective heart energy toward during this full moon time period, synchronizing our energetic contributions as we send our love and care to where our heart’s intuition calls us to whether it’s adding love and care to those honoring the memory of 9/11 as an opportunity to shift from fear to love, or sending love and compassion to people suffering from job loss, economic fears, hunger, war, fires or floods, or to all the aid workers on the ground helping those in need.

We’ll do this September full moon synchronized Care Focus together for fifteen minutes. It’s fine to stop sooner or continue longer if you choose. There will be music playing, or you can mute the music if you prefer.

It’s obvious we can’t list all the challenges and opportunities, whose numbers seem to be accelerating in this time of global change. There may be a major issue going on in your country or in regions where your heart intuition directs you to send heart. By following your heart’s guidance and focusing the collective energy, you can also help to neutralize fears as new challenges arise. Just know that wherever you direct the collective heart energy, it will be effective while facilitating the whole at the same time.

Care Focus

Imagine our interconnectedness as a network of light, and see our love and care being amplified and uplifted by each other’s light.… Now let’s merge into the greater network of light and join all individuals and groups who are holding the planet in love and compassion through these times of transformation towards a heart-based global community.… 

Now assign the collective love and energetic support to where your heart’s intuition directs you, perhaps based on your personal connection or relationship to the event. Then follow your heart’s guidance and know that wherever you direct the collective heart energy, it will be effective, seen or unseen. The intelligence of love knows the highest needs and quietly assists.… 

Next, let’s take 5 minutes to breathe focused love into the clouds of fear that accumulate with new challenges. Imagine the focused love helping to dissipate the fear, the way sunshine dissipates early morning fog. Also envision the softening and prevention of some of the challenges and hardships that are accompanying the planetary changes, yet surrender to the highest best outcome while remembering that we don’t always know what that is. 


It would be effective for the planet if we individually continue to do this Care Focus often in the Global Care Room. Use your own heart discernment on how long and when you participate. Remember to connect in the heart with all groups and individuals supporting the possibility and the opportunity for meeting personal and global changes with love, care and compassion.

Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus.
The GCI Staff





~I feel it is important that we ALL think in the same loving manner as the ancient Spiritual Leaders before us.  

~LOVE not hatred is the only way we will survive and vanquish those extra-dimensional beings that keep us blinded by fear and ignorance.  

~We NEED to Unite in Love and inner peace.  Color IS an illusion!  LOVE and Light