Tag Archives: transportation

Past False Flag Attacks Haven’t Destroyed the Second Amendment, What’s Next?~Common Sense Show


by Dave HodgesThe Common Sense Show
January 27, 2013 – Featured, Main

false-flag-pic-300x191Americans, in ever-increasing numbers, are beginning to speak about another big false flag that is coming which will serve as a pretense to get America’s gun.  Before examining that possibility, let’s review the recent events.

In July of this past year, America witnessed the shooting of the Aurora Mall theaters at a Batman premiere. America was not moved in the direction of gun confiscation. The Newtown shootings pulled at the heartstrings of unaware Americans who mourned over the senseless loss of life of America’s most vulnerable victims. Yet, Americans responded with record gun purchases.  This past December, in Utah, a random shooting took place in a mall. The media began to sensationalize the event in the name of gun control, until it was discovered that a person with a gun stopped more needless tragedy and the story disappeared from the corporate controlled media because it did not fit the anti-gun agenda. The same exact scenario took place in a restaurant/theater in San Antonio.

False flag shootings have been part of the American landscape going back to the Virginia Tech shootings and even back to the shootings at Columbine. Every year, there are more tragedies and more calls from the globalist controlled media to take the guns away from people. Yet, those that would seek to disarm us are met with opinions ranging from indifference to defiance with regard to the calls to get our guns.

The heretofore efforts to get Americans to give up their guns have fallen on deaf ears, no matter how emotionally gut wrenching the murder scene. I concluded some time ago that an enormous false flag effort was needed to turn the tide from anti-gun control to progun control in America.

Unable to move the public on the importance of gun control, if the Obama administration wishes to get the attention of the American people, they need a false flag event of such major proportions, which is so horrific, so dramatic and so compelling, that even the NRA will have to run for cover.

Last May, I postulated that a false flag attack might occur in Chicago. I reiterated this claim last fall. Please consider the following interrelated events as I see nothing to deter me from my original prediction:


Former Mossad contract agent, Rahm Emanuel mysteriously and inexplicably left a key White House staff position to descend to the less lofty role of being the Mayor of Chicago.  Emanuel could very well have been put into play to remove the barriers which could lead to an easier false flag attack. As mayor, Emanuel would have control over law enforcement response to any emergency. His actions could exacerbate any attack. Certainly, in his role as the city’s chief executive, he would be in a position to thwart a meaningful investigation into a coming massive false flag attack as well. He has the power to turn off security cameras, control the placement of personnel and provide a context of plausible deniability for the Obama administration if such an attack were to occur. I only know that if I lived in Chicago and I knew that Emanuel was going to be out of the city for a few days, I would be very nervous.

The mysterious death of Chicago activist, Jeff Joe Black, who claimed that Emmanuel was put into place in Chicago to oversee a coming false flag event. Black, at the last-minute, cancelled an appearance on my show and subsequently went into hiding and was eventually murdered while in hiding. In my mind, Black’s murder strongly validates the aforementioned assertions. Black had toldjeff-joe-black me that we were going to witness Chicago becoming the site of a massive false flag operation which would be the catalyst for martial law. Black asserted that Chicago would experience a massive wave of house to house gun confiscations. It was Black’s contention that this was a lead up to the implementation of full-scale martial law and possible war.

obama-moving-day-1It is apparent that a similar warning has already been issued to key people from Chicago so that they can stay out of harm’s way. And along these lines, does anyone else find it interesting that President Obama is not planning to return to his former hometown of Chicago? In case you have not heard, Obama is in the middle of securing a residence in Hawaii while disposing of his Hyde Park properties in Chicago. Why?  What does he know that the rest of us do not? Subsequently, Chicago does appear to be a likely target for a false flag attack.

The Washington Post Drops a Bomb Shelltsa-goosing-granny-300x204

The Washington Times is reporting that TSA agents are being trained to save themselves in the event of a mass shooting at an airport security checkpoint. The obvious question remains, should O’Hare Airport be avoided at all costs? Should all airports be avoided in the context of the new TSA agent training? I do not think that question can be definitively answered, but again, the trend curve for a massive and dramatic false flag attack designed as an attack on the Second Amendment, is clearly in our immediate future.

Not Everything Goes According To Plan

audibleIn my youth, I played quarterback. When an offensive team goes to the line of scrimmage, the coach has already signaled in the play to the quarterback. However, each quarterback will survey the defense and they can change the play, by calling an audible,  just before the snap of the ball, if the quarterback feels that the play will not work. Often, a quarterback will have three or four play options, and each option has different possibilities based upon the reads of the players.  Before the process of explaining an audible becomes too complicated for the non football person, allow me to say that the planners of false flag attacks have a primary plan. However, based upon the unfolding of intelligence and events just prior to the event, plans can get changed based upon the contingencies of the situation. The obvious football translation is that Chicago and O’Hare International Airport may be the primary false flag target, but circumstances could dictate the implementation of an attack elsewhere or in multiple airports at the same time. It is impossible to say for certain. However, it is safe to say that all the signs point to an imminent false flag attack.

ohareIs the attack going to be at an airport security checkpoint?  Is it going to take place in Chicago as I have been claiming for nearly a year? Nobody outside the planners of the event can say for sure. However, forewarned is forearmed and the key word is forearmed. Do not be tricked into giving up your guns by any false flag attack in Chicago or anywhere else. And if the feds ever get our guns, then the real adventure will begin because we will be totally defenseless.

Please keep the conversation going and give credit to David Hodges at The Common Sense Show.  Visit me at Birth charts HQ, and let’s talk about how the planets will affect You throughout 2013 and beyond.  LOVE and Light on Your Quest for the Truth…. JoJo


GE-Libor-Next Stop NYC-Reposted from Kerry’s Blog Project Camelot

Tuesday, 01 January 2013 12:11
Written by Kerry Cassidy

In following the trail from Aurora to the Sikh shootings to Sandy Hook it seems to be leading us in the direction of “Gotham”.  This is what worries me.

If you are among those who have seen the maps from the Batman MovieThe Dark Knight Rises” you already know that both Aurora and Sandy Hook were clearly marked on the map.


(See this link for the more on maps etc of Gotham):


Given that Aurora happened at the showing of the movie the connection cannot be more obvious.  But if one follows this scenario, where does the movie lead?  It centers around Gotham (NYC) and a free energy weapon hidden underground which is turned into a bomb that could destroy the city… The movie ends with it being flown off shore and detonated…

However, all indications are that the target for the various events along a specific trajectory appear to be leading in the direction of the financial system.  According to one of my past sources there would come a time when those in power positions would want to “disappear” evidence contained in digital financial records in order to cover their tracks.. they need an excuse to be unable to reveal those who have responsible at the highest levels, for looting the American people for years… as well as the rest of the world.  I am told, if they should target the servers where such records are kept, that chaos would be the result… That and possibly a financial standstill or RESET that would be unprecedented.  We know that the Libor scandal stretches worldwide.  It is web that involves large corporations around the world and a fixing of interest rates for years, by the 16 largest banks… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/27/matt-taibbi-libor-scandal-biggest-financial_n_2372194.html

Is this financial unraveling the beginning of a reset that results in the order out of chaos so prized by those intent on bringing about the NWO?

Ultimately, the trail leads also to companies like GE… and indications are, that GE has a great deal to hide.  The recent events at Sandy Hook resulted in the death of the son of a GE tax director (Peter Lanza) and involved the boy of 20, being turned into a Manchurian candidate/assassin.  You have to ask yourself why they would go to such lengths in this case as well as with the son of the financial software inventor, from FICO, Robert Holmes?  What are these two men involved with that would trigger such diabolical coercion and manipulation?  Frankly I don’t see where these men could stand to keep quiet at this point.

Is fear of their own death really a worse option for men who see their sons turned into sleeping assassins responsible for the cold-blooded murder of innocent victims including children?  What would you do if you KNEW they turned your innocent child into a cold-blooded killer? Do you seriously think these two men are naive as to what is being done to keep them on track and from telling what they know to the world at large?

This is what we are dealing with.  If, I am correct, and the trail leads to “Gotham” and a financial war being waged that will ultimately lead to mass destruction of financial records in order to hide the true trail of where the money all goes… which is undoubtably the BLACK PROJECTS.. and highly secret space program… that Gary McKinnon hacked into..  Then where else does it lead?  And more importantly, what can be done about it?

This article from a little known publication called World News Tomorrow in South Africa, is interesting. It was sent to me by a contact.  Seemingly unrelated however if you read down, you can’t help but see a couple of key statements regarding General Electric.  It seems the company is involved in a lot more than just “electricity”…

Super Conductor Diamonds [used] in directed energy beams. The new “Star Wars” is finally here it seems with technology such as the so-called ‘Death Ray” technology that is supposed to be a myth but yet confirmed by CIA operatives and installed on some US Navy ships such as the one in the photo above.”

“…yet a report released by De Beers in 1981 indicated that these synthetic diamonds were already in existence and these patents were owned by De Beers and General Electric USA. Strangely it turns out that General Electric was working on advanced super conductor technology for the US Military since the  late 70′s….” Editor, World News Tomorrow

It can be instructive to go from the personal to the world stage to figure out how companies such as GE get wrapped into the web of Black Project funding that stretches to 16 international banks and involves looting millions by rigging interest rates… and so much more.  We are talking about the orchestration of the fleecing of millions for a purpose.

GE is only one company albeit a very large player in this arena… What would the information hidden deep in the server farms that are stored underground in NYC and other places reveal if hacked into and displayed for all to see?  Certainly, a worldwide swindling operation that involves drug money, sex and human trafficking, names, dates, places and amounts by which you, the world, are being deceived by an elite up to their eyeballs in a web of lies.

What is it these groups at the top are warring over?  Is it simply more wealth?  Is this what you believe?  Because the massacre of children is happening on our watch and at our doorstep in the name of something more far-reaching than simple Greed.  It most certainly involves a war for control over energy and, as I am being told, the right to issue currency.  It involves a takedown of the U.S. and the fleecing of the world at large.  It is being fought in hidden halls and underground places, both on and off this world.

It all comes down to the individuals involved.  The Peter Lanza’s and Robert Holmes, who are working for corporations that have destroyed every last shred of humanity they have in order to secure their silence.  When will such people step forward and say enough? Not the mothers and fathers of innocent victims, but those with their hands dirty, with one foot in the black world and one foot in the everyday world where the rest of us live.

They are the ones who know what their masters are up to.. they are the ones creating the ways and means for the treachery to continue.  For the raping and plundering and obfuscations to go on.  They have sold their souls.  They are the potential whistleblowers that could one day step forward and say enough.  Because it is in the insiders coming forward that hold the hope for all of us… Revealing what has been going on, on their watch, in which they have participated.  Salvation anyone?  Do you really think the sacrifice of the innocent is worth what you are fighting to keep hidden?

Go here for my related article: http://projectcamelotportal.com/kerrys-blog/1483-dark-knight-rises-sandy-hook-aurora

Please rePost giving credit to Kerry and Project Camelot.  LOVE and Light  on Your Journey to keep the conversation going in hopes that more whistleblowers come forward. Contact me in private or by comment if you have something to add or infer to.

Visit Birth Charts HQ for Your custom cast astrological interpretation, TODAY!

SaLuSa 12-December-2012

UNIQUE PICTURE: Earth as seen from the outer S...

UNIQUE PICTURE: Earth as seen from the outer Solar System (Photo credit: Icarus Kuwait)

SaLuSa 12-December-2012.

SaLuSa 12-December-2012: The biggest day ever in your lifetime has arrived, and it is the finalization of a whole series of lives that very shortly will give you the opportunity to leave the cycle of duality. It will lead to the time you have been waiting for that will introduce the Golden Age, and lift you up into a higher dimension of happiness and joy. The problems and worries that are with you will be soon be set aside, and many will be quickly involved in the various projects connected with uplifting Mother Earth. The next few days you will be assessing other people’s experiences compared to your own, and find mixed reactions. Those of the Light will inevitably find that they received an energetic input, and it will have established a new level within.

No one can prevent the new energies having some affect upon them, but not all will register it. Your civilization will never be the same again as it was with duality, but that will be a blessing. You will now find that there are more purposeful meanings and intent to actions that are being taken. They will fulfill the desire to move on and re-create a society that is based upon love. It will happen because the power of creation is now much stronger with you than ever before. The momentum is now with those of the Light, and they will determine how you change and remove those who stand in the way of true progress. What has been held back must be released for the benefit of All and not just the few.

With the higher vibrations upon Earth, It is also made easier for your Galactic friends to appear amongst you, as they do not need to reduce their own vibrations as much as before when yours were so low. Understand that although you are used to existence in your own vibrations, they are extremely uncomfortable for Beings like us. However, that will soon be part of the past, as you take your place in the 5th. dimension. You will soon adapt to a new way of living, that will commence as you introduce the changes intended to leapfrog you into the future. You have much to make up for and we are ready to start at a minutes notice.

As we have mentioned more recently, let the past go as it will have little or no bearing on your future. You are starting anew and even your karma will have been cleared, so place your focus on what is coming. There is so much that will be of great benefit to you, taking away the need to spend much of your time on unproductive tasks. You will have more freedom than you could imagine, which will allow you to have ample time to follow your hearts desires. Not only will you able to carry on with your pastimes, but if you require expert help you can call up recognized masters from any past era. However, you may want to start new interests so come on board our ships with us, and you will not want for choice.

You have less than 2 weeks to your finale when you ascend with Mother Earth. During this time we expect some more people to awaken, and it may just carry them forward. Certainly those of you who find that you have been consciously lifted up by 12.12. will be in no doubt that you are ready to ascend. We feel that it has still not entirely sunk in that the 21st. December is a very special event, because it is unique and has never taken place before. Although individuals have always been able to ascend, it will be the first time that mass ascension on this scale has been attempted. It will of course be successful, as it is in the hands of powerful Beings that do the Will of God.

Although it would appear that time has been lost because of delays and obstruction to our plans, we have nevertheless been very active. We can quickly change them as we have done on many occasions, and we now expect to run a very tight schedule to carry out our tasks. In the meantime we have kept a constant watch over you, and prevented areas of unrest from getting out of hand. An end will soon be put to all hostilities, and it will be allowed to be enforced. Eventually you will have full control of all earthly affairs, but we will never be far away. Our Galactic Fleets are so large that we can leave some ships within your Solar System, to be on call if they are needed. We already have bases on Earth and these shall remain for your protection.

Remember that the Ascension process has been taking place for eons of time and will continue for a long, long time to come. So enjoy this point in your journey and make sure that you are ready come12.21., and take the golden opportunity to ascend with Mother Earth. As the solar cycle ends so a cosmic cycle commences, and off you go again on yet another exciting journey. This time it will not be fraught with interference or negative experiences, and it will bring you joy and satisfaction. From a spiritual angle progress will be slow, but you will never stop learning or moving upwards. It will be your choice as to what speed you advance your spiritual growth, and it will always be in your mind and determine what you do.

There are various interpretations for the period from 12.12. to 12.21. so follow your intuition as to what you feel is your best approach during it. You will certainly need to maintain a peaceful and calm response to everything, to ensure that you keep a balance within yourself. This way you will receive the maximum amount of Light your body can absorb for your greater good. You may go through odd feelings of uncertainty and feel unsettled, but simply let it run its course and it will quickly cease. Of course not all people will have the same experience, but in every case their symptoms will be short lived. Keep to healthy foods, and the more that are fresh and “live” the better it will be, and most importantly drink plenty of water.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel so pleased for you all, that at last you have reached the magical dates that you have waited to arrive for so long. We know you will not be disappointed, and what will follow will at last allow us to meet you. After we have dealt with the great many priorities that exist across your world, we can start looking at opportunities to welcome you aboard our ships. You can be sure that all things will come in good time.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Visit Birth Charts HQ for your personal astrological forecast TODAY!






Transformation is in the stars but not before an impending collapse of our global system of government, money, education and religion.

There are several upcoming and current astrological alignments which will bring a new age of consciousness to humanity, but not before collapsing what is already in place.

If you are one of those people who completely disregard astrology, then please keep in mind that astrology shows us how the cycles of time always repeat themselves while specific alignments always bring about specific changes.  For example, Pluto is in Capricorn until 2023.  The last time this rare alignment occurred was in 1776, the year of the American Revolution.  Look around. What’s going on?  REVOLUTION in many countries.

Read what everyone is talking about on this subject and leave a comment on YouTube

Also see: Expect HUGE Changes With Upcoming Rare Astrological Alignment!

In 2012, there was a rare alignment that hadn’t occurred since the 1960’s during the Summer of Love.  I knew about this alignment in 2008 and told my daughter to expect to see a lot of people wearing tie dye in the next few years and right on schedule, people were wearing tie dye without knowing WHY.

As I mentioned into the Transitioning Into 5D Earth article, we are going to need to take a step backwards before we take a HUGE step forwards. What we are going to be seeing is a literal implosion of government, education, money and religion in the next 3 years and it’s already begun!

Saturn is in Scorpio until September of 2015.  Right now, we are witnessing a total New Moon eclipse of the sun in Scorpio which brings about “the Great Awakening”. In astrology, Scorpio owns the house of death and rebirth.  This particular alignment presents the opportunity for people to eliminate their ego as well as for a transformation of consciousness. This will bring about the greatest amount of polarity between positive and negative.  In other words, as bad as things might get, they will be unimaginably amazing afterwards. The seed was planted when Pluto entered Capricorn and now the tree is starting to bear its fruit.

Let’s imagine that you own an orange tree. If you try to eat an orange while it’s green, then it’s going to be bitter but if you wait until the orange has ripened, then the fruit will be incredibly sweet. This is what’s happening right now.  While Saturn is in Scorpio for the next 2.5 years, it gives us an approximate timetable for when the fruit will be ripe.  Right now, we know that the bitterness of the fruit is already upon us.  We also know that, in time, the fruit WILL ripen. It will not ripen overnight but just like transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, this is a gradual change. In the great scope of “time” a few years is a fraction of a second, so look forward to this to come to fruition within the next few years.  We are going to see the immediate collapse of many of these institutions in the next few months, so be prepared because the ball is already in motion and nothing can stop it.

Let’s also keep in mind that Mercury goes retrograde on November 6th through November 26th, 2012. When there is a Mercury retrograde, one should avoid activities such as:

placing ads
making important decisions
purchasing communications equipment
signing contracts
initiating business deals
sending important correspondence or any type of message
starting school or any important project
beginning any new enterprise (as plans may be reversed later)

It’s no coincidence that this retrograde will occur during the general elections in the United States, which might cause delays or irregularities in the election results.

Astrologer Carl Boudreau believes that November will be “a good news/bad news month. But it’s also a test of our determination, our perceptions and our reactions. Depending on what you choose to focus on, it could seem all bad or all good. All of life is like that to some extent, but November is a special case. How we respond to November 2012 will have a major effect on the whole rest of our lives.

However it affects you, though, November will be a very, very eventful month, full of final decisions and major turning points. An interesting runup to the 2012 chart.”

Boudreau added, “On November 23rd, Mars in Capricorn squares Uranus retrograde in Aries on the cusp of the 11th house.  This square will release uncontrolled, angry, violent expressions of resistence and independence on an individual and a collective level.  There is a strong possibility of riots, civil unrest and outbreaks of warlike violence somewhere in the world.  It’s likely to provoke people who are already on edge, so on 11/23, things heat up.”

“On November 28th, there is a partial eclipse of the Moon in Gemini in the 12th house.  We’re expecting sudden unexpected events or crises that bring about the rejection of outdated or self-limiting attitudes and the release of deep, self-defeating fear and anxiety. What it means is that we’re expecting issues and events that shock people out of their complacency, their smugness or rigid or counterproductive habits of mind.

Astrologer Kelley Rosano believes that the Taurus New Moon will mark the beginning of the 4th and 5th dimensions as we move out of 3rd dimension polarity consciousness into triality consciousness.

Do not be afraid to let go of “life as you know it” because in order for the New Earth to begin in this 3rd dimensional reality, there NEEDS to be a collapse of what is presently unsustainable. This does not mean it will be replaced with a New World Order.  On the contrary, it will be rebuilt in the best interests of humanity as all suppressed technologies are released.  The way of life, as you know it, will seem like the Stone Age in the next few years so be willing to release whatever we have gotten accustomed to in this current paradigm.

You will ALL be the creators of the New Earth and history will record you as the fathers and mothers of innovation in the next stage of our spiritual evolution and transformation.  Those who are currently asleep will be turning to you for advice on how to cope with these changes, so be prepared to lead by example while helping those who do not understand what is happening. The LIGHT ALWAYS WINS in the end!

The Hopi say that “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”. While it’s possible that the world will transform into 5d Earth through a vibrational change, we are still in this 3rd dimensional reality where the current system is in desperate need of reformation. The next few years will provide the opportunity for a complete transformation of not only consciousness, but also political, educational and monetary change. Perhaps this is what the Maya envisioned?

They say that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  What have we learned and how can we make things better?  I provide some answers in the Transitioning Into 5D Earth article, but in the meanwhile, please be prepared to take that step backwards by having plenty of fresh water and enough food to last 2-3 months.  This, by no means, is fear mongering as change is needed in order to move forward.

Transformation always follows these alignments so there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is YOU!

Read what everyone is talking about on this subject and leave a comment on YouTube

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form.

For Your personal astrological interpretation, visit me at Birth Charts HQ TODAY!  Let me guide You through 2012 and beyond . . . . LOVE and Light on Your Journey through this amazing time.  JoJo


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In 1947 Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal sent a naval task force to Antarctic including Admiral Nimitz, Admiral Krusen and Admiral Byrd, called “Operation Highjump“. It was touted to be an expedition to find “coal deposits” and other valuable resources, but in actuality they were trying to find the Nazi underground bases.

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From left to right: Fleet Admiral Ernest J. Ki...

From left to right: Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, and Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz pose together at the Navy Department, Washington, D.C., on November 21, 1945, as it was announced that FAdm. Nimitz would succeed FAdm. King as Chief of Naval Operations. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Visit Birth Charts HQ and let me guide you through 2012 and beyond, with Your personal Astrological Story! ❤ LOVE and Light on Your Journey . . . . ❤

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Suspends New Licenses, Renewals | Common Dreams



Published on Wednesday, August 8, 2012 by Common Dreams

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Suspends New Licenses, Renewals

– Common Dreams staff:

Acknowledging the problem of nuclear waste disposal, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ordered a hold on issuing new nuclear plant licenses or license renewals on Tuesday, a decision cheered by environmental groups.

Anti-nuclear protest in Japan on July 13, 2012. 

(photo: TomoyukiTsuchiya via Flickr)

Tuesday’s announcement comes in response to a June 8 decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit that found “the NRC violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in issuing its 2010 update to the Waste Confidence Decision and accompanying Temporary Storage Rule,” Reuters reports. More specifically, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy explains that “the Court threw out the NRC rule that permitted licensing and re-licensing of nuclear reactors based on the supposition that (a) the NRC will find a way to dispose of spent reactor fuel to be generated by reactors at some time in the future when it becomes ‘necessary’ and (b) in the mean time, spent fuel can be stored safely at reactor sites.”

The NRC writes in its order (pdf): “Waste confidence undergirds certain agency licensing decisions, in particular new reactor licensing and reactor license renewal. Because of the recent court ruling striking down our current waste confidence provisions, we are now considering all available options for resolving the waste confidence issue, which could include generic or site-specific NRC actions, or some combination of both. We have not yet determined a course of action. But, in recognition of our duties under the law, we will not issue licenses dependent upon the Waste Confidence Decision or the Temporary Storage Rule until the court’s remand is appropriately addressed.”

On June 18, two dozen groups including Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Friends of the Earth, Nuclear Information and Resource Service and Public Citizen urged the NRC to suspend new and renewed licenses.

Diane Curran, an attorney representing some of the groups in the Court of Appeals case, welcomed the decision but admonished the NRC for dragging its feet on doing an environmental impact study of waste storage. “This Commission decision halts all final licensing decisions — but not the licensing proceedings themselves — until NRC completes a thorough study of the environmental impacts of storing and disposing of spent nuclear fuel. That study should have been done years ago, but NRC just kept kicking the can down the road,” said Curran.

Stephen Smith, executive director of Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, petitioner to the Court, said: “We’re pleased with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s ruling; it is long overdue. Nuclear power is not a clean generating source when it creates long-lived radioactive and toxic waste that has no long-term safe disposal technology in place. We believe it is appropriate to halt nuclear licensing decisions and stop creating an inter-generational debt of nuclear waste that will burden our children and grandchildren for centuries to come.”

Despite the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster and widespread global resistance to nuclear energy, the NRC will still move forward with licensing reviews and proceedings.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Suspends New Licenses, Renewals | Common Dreams.

via Nuclear Regulatory Commission Suspends New Licenses, Renewals | Common Dreams.

ONE for the Light!  Much more LOVE and Light on Your Journey . . . JoJo

To see what the planets have in store for YOU, visit ME at Birth Charts HQ, and let me guide You along the way!