Tag Archives: Sun

The Time is Speeding Up Phenomenon is Preparing You for 5D

Illustration of vibrations of a drum.

Illustration of vibrations of a drum. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Time is Speeding Up Phenomenon is Preparing You for 5D | in5d.com.

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.


Are you one of the people who feel like time is speeding up?  If so, you may be one of the people who are about to move into the next density.

Many people across the world are experiencing a feeling as if time is speeding up.  While a day is still constituted in 24 hour increments, time seems to be moving faster than ever for many people.

There are several explanations for this phenomenon.  The most popular explanation is that time isn’t speeding up, but our consciousness is, which makes it seem like time is speeding up.

Ian Lungold believed that time was speeding up because creation was speeding up. In other words, more was happening in less time. “When more is possible to happen in every moment,” stated Lungold, “there is more possible outcomes which opens the door to things called miracles.”

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What many people aren’t taking into account is vibration.  Everything in existence revolves around vibration as atoms vibrate to create our 3rd dimensional reality.  As the atoms vibrate faster, the illusion of time speeding up is created because, physiologically, our bodies are sensing the speeding up of “something” but we cannot attribute it to anything familiar other than time.

The reason we cannot physically see higher dimensions is because they are vibrating at a higher rate.  As our bodies start to vibrate at a higher rate, we begin to feel as though time is also speeding up.

Look no further than the drastic changes within our solar system.  For many years in the past, our sun was a bright yellow in color but has since turned into a bright whitish yellow as it reflects the changes in vibration within our solar system.

In alchemy, the statement of “as above, so below” applies.  As our solar system is going through dramatic climate changes, so is our planet.  As our planet goes through dramatic climate changes, the inhabitants of this plant will experience drastic changes.  One of these changes is in the vibratory level of the spin in the atoms of our bodies.

Days, weeks and years seem to fly by quicker than ever. This isn’t just a physiological symptom of those who are progressing in age as every age genre from teens through the elderly is experiencing this phenomenon.

The easiest way to raise your body’s vibratory rate is through meditation. Other ways include showing kindness to all forms of life, radiating unconditional love and doing kind deeds for others.

A simple way to raise your vibration while helping to raise the vibrations of others is to mentally express love and appreciation to random people through positive thoughts and intentions.  For example, if you were to take a walk on the beach or even a stroll through the mall, try envisioning that everyone is part of your family.  As people walk by you, mentally tell them, “I love you.  You’re beautiful and perfect just the way you are.”

The bottom line is that your 3rd dimensional body may be preparing you for the 5th dimension as your atoms continue to vibrate at a higher level.

Also see: Have Your Sleep Patterns Changed Lately? and There is something in the air…

Read what everyone is talking about on this subject and leave a comment on YouTube

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form. Feel free to do whatever you want with it, including using parts of it, rewording anything within the article or claiming ownership to it. I don’t care, just share the word! 🙂

LOVE and Light on Your Journey . . . visit me at Birth Charts HQ to get Your comprehensive Natal Interpretation.  See what the planets have in store for YOU!

Solar flare may be signal of more active sun storms | MNN – Mother Nature Network

Massive X6.9 class solar flare, August 9, 2011...

For your personal astrological interpretation visit Birth Charts HQ

The Esoteric Meaning of Christmas and the Winter Solstice

English: Uploaded from : http://upload.wikimed...

Image via Wikipedia

The Esoteric Meaning of Christmas and the Winter Solstice | in5d.com.

Before Humanity continually gets caught up into the debate on what to CALL Christmas, here is some interesting reading into the origins of the Holiday, and HOW it has changed over the years!  LOVE and Light in ALL you do and Merry Holidays whatever you choose to celebrate.  It has been proven that Jesus was NOT born on December 25th, he was truly born in August.

Northern Lights Over Michigan October 24, 2011 Video Timelapse


If you enjoyed the Northern Lights photo I posted yesterday; you will truly enjoy this time lapse video taken even more . . . I AM sure that with the Northern Pole changes happening so rapidly, this phenomena will soon enough become commonplace.  One of the MANY earth changes to look forward to in our future.  Some of them will be devastating, especially for those around major bodies of water; however, we can pull through anything together, as ONE.  My LOVE and Light go out to ALL my fellow humans and Light Bearers.  Please enjoy the show!

For your personal FULL astrological interpretation, visit me at Birth Charts HQ and let’s open the planets to you!

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Issa~The Sky–and Heaven

Rosa Celeste: Dante and Beatrice gaze upon the...

Image via Wikipedia

Where does God live, where can one find Him? The overwhelming majority of people involved in primitive forms of religion answer this question by pointing up to the sky, just as they raise eyes and hands when praying. 

Where does the belief that God is above originate from? Maybe the reason is that on the Earth’s surface one sees suffering and temptations while in the sky — tranquil clouds, endless expanse, caress of the Sun, mystery of the Moon and distant stars? 

But Jesus laughed at such speculations: “If your leaders say to you: ‘Look, the (Father’s) Kingdom is in the sky!’ then the birds of the sky will precede you. 

“… Rather the Kingdom is within you and outside you” (The Gospel of Thomas, 3). 

“(And) those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed…, they will marvel, and (having settled in the Kingdom) will reign over everything.” (The Gospel of Thomas, 2) 

So, what does it mean — “within you and outside you”? And why the one who has found the Kingdom “will be disturbed” and “will marvel”? 

We have already discussed the multidimensional nature of the Creation. All spatial dimensions exist right here — in the multidimensional depth beneath any material object, be it a stone or a tree or our planet or a human body. This is true also for any volume of space where there are no dense objects but only air. This is what is meant by “within and outside us”. 

Thus, in order to find the Abode of the Creator, one has to direct the search not upward but depthward. First, inside one’s own body — by transforming the emotional sphere: renouncing coarse emotional states (first of all — various forms of enmity: not only anger but also condemnation, envy, jealousy, etc.) and cultivating subtle ones (first of all — all kinds of emotional love: tenderness, caress, ability to admire the beautiful and to attune to it, etc.). Usually, success in this work can be achieved with the help of cleansing and development of the chakras and meridians. 

The further refinement of the consciousness is performed in the spiritual heart. The initial container of the spiritual heart — the anahata chakra — is a volume existing on the subtle planes within the chest of the body. The spiritual heart is a bioenergetic organ that produces the emotions of love. The ability to move the concentration of the consciousness into the spiritual heart enables one, in particular, to live in the world of light and love. 

Jesus said about this: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” (Matt 5:8). “Enter into your temple, into 

your heart. Illumine it with good thoughts and the patience and immovable confidence which you should have in your Father” (The Life of Saint Issa 9:12). 

After the cleansing of the chakra anahata with the help of special methods, one can easily cleanse the whole organism: the organism has to be made so pure that it looks transparent to the spiritual eyesight. 

Having purified themselves in this way, spiritual adepts gain the ability to see the Divine Consciousness, to see not with the physical eyes but with the eyes of the consciousness. This can be realized inside the expanded spiritual heart. 

Now let us get back to the subject outlined in the title of this chapter: sky and Heaven

It is not by chance that the word Heaven is different from the word sky. Assigning the same meaning to both of them is a misunderstanding caused by religious ignorance. 

Heavens are the subtlest eons. 

Though these eons are present everywhere — above us as well — there is no sense in trying to find them by looking up or even by flying up. God in the aspect of the Creator and of the Holy Spirit is present in the subtlest spatial dimensions, which cannot be perceived with the physical eyes. One can see Him only having refined oneself (as a consciousness) to His level of subtlety; one can see Him not with the eyes of the body but with the eyesight of the consciousness. 

* * * 

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father Who is in Heaven!” (Matt 7:21) 

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that lead to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that lead to the (True) Life, and only a few find it!” (Matt 7:13‐14) 

“… One who seeks will find, and for one who knocks it will be opened!” (The Gospel of Thomas, 94) 

For personal astrological interpretation please visit Birth Charts HQ and we will be happy to assist you!

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Naassene Song

Infant Jesus and John the Baptist, Museo del Prado

Image via Wikipedia

Dual Flames

LOVE and LIGHT!  Those in search of the TRUTH, should keep an open mind and  heart, the Light will find you.

The law of cosmic genesis was the firstborn mind,

and after the firstborn came confused chaos.

The third place in this law fell to the soul

who was clad only in the shape of a red deer in a watery form, 

and she is worn away in the slavery of death.

Sometimes she gains mastery and glimpses light,

or she plunges into evil misery and weeps.

Sometimes she is mourned and is happy,

or she weeps and is condemned.

Then she is judged and finally dies.

Sometimes she is misled down a labyrinth of evils,

trapped in a corner and with no way out.

Jesus said, Look, father, she is wandering the earth

and evil is trying to catch her.

She is wandering far from your breath.

She is trying to flee bitter chaos and knows no escape.

0 father, send me to her.

1 will descend, carrying the seals.

I will wander through all the aeons and uncover all mysteries.

I will disclose the forms of the gods.

And I will teach the secrets of the holy way,

whose name is gnosis.

For your personalized chart interpretation please visit Birth Charts HQ, I will be happy to help you . . . LOVE and Light!

The Day of The Gutsy Confrontation

The Planet Mercury as a god according to a Tib...

Image via Wikipedia

The determined and intense people born on June 14 are very sharp in their observations and assessments of what goes on around them.  They are usually strongly opinionated, loyal, and demonstrate great courage when fighting the good fight, the honorable battle.  They are forceful and convincing when presenting their ideas and opinions, and because they understand human nature all too well, capable of mercilessly exposing hypocrisy and pretense . . . .

Those born on the 14th of ANY month are ruled by the number 5 (1+4=5), and by the planet Mercury.  The number 5, as well as the planet Mercury and the sign of Gemini all stand for change, implying a disdain for plodding behavior and a propensity for impulsive action.  June 14 people must learn to master impulsive urges, yet at the same time remain open to gradual (rather than sudden) change when it furthers their cause and that of those dependent upon them.  Fortunately, the number 5 bestows a resilient character which recovers quickly from the hard knocks of life.

The 14th card of the Major Arcana is Temperance.  The figure shown is a guardian angel who protects us and keeps us on an even keel.  This is a wonderful message for June 14 people, and they should heed it.  Those born on June 14th should especially avoid all forms of egotistical excess, and cultivate their innate ability to heal themselves.  Positively seen, Temperance modifies passions in order to allow for new truths to be learned and incorporated into one’s life.  However, it may also indicate negative traits of moodiness, trendiness, and malleability.

Daily Meditation:  Happiness is what we fear the most, peace somehow a luxury which we feel we cannot afford . . . .

For more see The Secret Language of Birthdays (reissue) for more detailed reading.

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