Tag Archives: Christianity

Welcome to a New and Unimaginable World


Welcome to a New and Unimaginable World.

I really enjoyed reading this Blog at The 2012 Scenario.  I feel my readers will enjoy the message as much as I have.  Remember, if you have anything you would like to share, I AM always open to guest bloggers.  LOVE and Light on Your Journey’s and enjoy the read!

Visit Birth Charts HQ TODAY, for your personal guide to the planets . . . .

Mara ~earth light~

Mara ~earth light~ (Photo credit: Mara ~earth light~)

Occupy Demands Answers. Do you?


Golden light on the duckpond

There is much happening ALL over the globe.  If you cannot take part in the protests, then I would suggest you Occupy your mind with information and LIVE the best and most peaceful life you can.  We are responsible for our own fates, and we cannot sit by and let others stand and “fix” things for us, we NEED to change the way we think.  there is much that is going to happen, and the karmic tides are moving quicker everyday.  LOVE in Light in ALL you do . . . .

Occupy Demands Answers. Do you?.

A Thought On This LIfe~ReBlogged

Cesare Beccaria (1738 - 1794) was one of the g...

Image via Wikipedia

There is so much debate on God v. Terrestrial Beings.  This is the way in which I have chosen to view this subject . . . I would much rather believe that there are those taken over by Reptilian EXTRA-dimensional beings; those which care NOTHING for Humanity and ALL their wonder.  Beings that feel they are superior to WE the People, and feel they are above our Humanity.  I CHOOSE to believe HUMANITY is a light born being, incapable of such treacheries on ONE another; without interference of a soulless being.  This applies to politicians, musicians, or anyone else buying into the NEW World Order.  It is time that WE the People of the HUMAN race join forces against the FEAR that has been instilled into us from our earliest years; and move in LOVING Harmony toward the common, and LONG overdue goal of personal Enlightenment and the Peace that comes from within ONE’s Self.

It has taken me many years of personal Transmutation of OLD ideologies to come to this conclusion; and as ALL is continuously changing moment to moment, these IDEAS will grow to meet the changing demands of this continuously changing reality.  This being said, I feel it is possible to reGAIN our Humanity; even after past transgressions on the Collective Unconsciousness; ONLY through complete and UNSELFISH LOVE of ONE another!

Some might argue, that we NEED someone telling us HOW to behave.  I feel this is UNtrue to the Core of our Being.  We know right from wrong, we know HOW to LOVE, and we continue to make excuses for Our BAD behavior as a collective.  We label everyONE and Everything; without much attention to our own shortcomings.  We hide behind our BLIND Faith in those in charge and we are killing ONE another with this BLIND Obedience; whether to our religious “leaders” or the politicians WE elect.

The Pope is NO Voice of God in this material realm; as the GOD most religions boast about, ONE I would choose to follow . . . would be that in which St. Issa spoke of in the missing years.  The SOUL searching years the Bible has omitted.  Yes, the Bible has its stories to tell us; YET MOST of us are unaware that the Bible we read today was AGREED upon by those who think we cannot handle the complete unadulterated TRUTH of the omitted text.  We should ask questions, OPEN our eyes, and find LOVE for those we fear the most, as I AM sure those we FEAR the Most are just as FEARful in their realities.  An OPEN Mind and heart is the way to begin.  Change IS on the horizon . . . and I for ONE have seen the Light, it is my HOPE that many more follow, as it is the ONLY way we will ever TRUly be FREE to live in Harmony in the ALL we call Life.

LOVE and Light to ALL my HUMAN brethren . . . Don NOT let the Fear and Darkness enter into your Hearts and LOVE will lift us to the ONE and the Light.

For your personal cast chart visit Birth Charts HQ!  For Tarot consultations please eMail with your question and contact information.

LOVE and Light!


Today has already been amazing; from the call from our new landlord at 8AM, letting us know that the other tenants fell through.  We got the house!  Not a 400 square foot mess we have tried to make a home for years; but, a house to LOVE into the next decade or two.  Our children have their own space, we have an amazing kitchen, and well, ROOM!

The contemplation of the move has shifted our spirits into the Highest of Realms.  It has been LONG overdue.  The reason I AM blogging, is to thank ALL the many that have said a prayer, sent their LOVE, or cast a spell.  Whatever the reason, it has illuminated my Soul and Heart; as it took everyone to get here.  I AM stepping up the random acts of kindness. It is contagious.

LOVE and Light in ALL you do . . . .

Visit me at Birth Charts HQ and let me work with your planets and YOU!

St. Issa~The Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit Stained Glass

Image by hickory hardscrabble via Flickr

The Holy Spirit is the Creator manifesting Himself in the Creation through spiritual Adepts Who achieved full Self‐realization (=God‐realization) and merged into Him, and through Those Who have not entered into the Abode of the Creator yet but have achieved Mergence with the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit supervises the activity of other spirits of earlier stages of evolutionary development. He also guides all successfully developing seekers, for example by giving them prophetic information. Jesus said the following about this: “But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears (from the Father and Jesus)…” (John 16:13). 

Long before Jesus said these words, the Holy Spirit participated in the preparation of Jesus’ coming (Matt 1:20) by giving people miraculous signs about His special mission (Luke 2:25‐35; 3:21; Matt 3:16); later the Holy Spirit took part in organizing Jesus’ work on the Earth (Luke 4:1). 

For more information; see The Life of St. Issa, which is available ALL over the internet and in past blog posts.  LOVE and Light!

Look for more on the Sky and Heaven . . . .

Visit Birth Charts HQ for a personalized chart, and see how the planets affect you daily!

St. Issa~Evolution and Us

Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Rubens)

Image via Wikipedia

This information can be accessed at St. Issa website, as well as MANY others; and I would encourage the reader to keep an open mind and heart as I present sections in several sections in my blog.  If this can open an exchange of communication and ideas amongst my fellow human beings, then my hopes for my children will see the Light.

We, inhabitants of the Earth, are used to measure time by days (the period of Earth’s rotation around its axis), subdivided in hours, minutes, and seconds, also by years, (the period of Earth’s rotation around the Sun) subdivided in months and weeks. 

He — universal — has a different type of chronology. It is measured by Manvantaras, which cover billions of years. 

What part of the universe does a Manvantara embrace? — who knows it, except Him? And for us it is of no significance. 

A Manvantara is a cycle of development that consists of two phases — manifest and non‐manifest. The first phase begins with a creation of the world and ends with an end of the world. During the second phase, there is no Creation; there is only He and the “building material” for new Creations.

At the beginning of each cycle, He gradually creates (materializes) dense substrate — the matter of planets. Then miniscule particles of energy are “sowed” on some of them. They begin to evolve on the crystalline lattices of minerals, then continue developing by incarnating into material bodies of plants, animals, humans. In the end, they must achieve such a level of perfection that they become worthy to merge into the Creator and thus to enrich Him with themselves. He guides the process of their growth, grants them a certain degree of free will — i.e. the possibility to make a choice in educational situations created by Him, the possibility to choose their path. We even have the possibility to choose whether we walk the Path of Evolution or the path of involution. 

He loves us like His children. And He constantly offers us new possibilities for making right choices; we either accept or reject them. 

In particular, He gave us Holy books containing instructions on how we should live. If we follow them, we become more and more perfect and closer to Him. If we do not comply with them, it may result even in becoming more distant from the Creator. Pain and suffering are the means that He uses to point out our errors. And the intensifying feeling of happiness, as we approach Him, serves as an indicator of our success. 

We have to try to become “perfect as (our) Heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48) and merge into Him as soon as possible: He calls us into His Embrace, to the supreme bliss of being in Him, in Mergence with Him. 

“Blessed are you who have known temptations and flee from them! Blessed are you who are reviled and not esteemed on account of the love your Lord has for you! Blessed are you who weep and are oppressed by those without hope (for salvation), for you will be released from every bondage! Watch and pray that you do not come to be in the flesh (again), but rather that you come forth from the bondage of bitterness of this (earthly) life. … (And) when you come forth from the sufferings and passions of the body, you will receive rest…, and you will reign with the King, you joined with Him and He with you, from now on, for ever and ever! Amen.” (The Book of Thomas the Contender, 145) 

To progress faster in our self‐development in the direction to God, we can try to fall in love with Him. “… Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all the soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength…” (Mark 12:30) For it is the emotion of love that attracts and unites a human consciousness with a human consciousness, and a human consciousness — with the Consciousness of God. 

* * * 

In the year 553, the leaders of the Christians communities established by that time, gathered for a “council” and decided “by a majority” to exclude from the Teachings of Jesus that part where the meaning of existence of humans and other living beings on the Earth was explained from the evolutionary standpoint. Thus the Teachings were deprived of their integrity and completeness. After that, people unable to find answers to many naturally arising questions began to fantasize. For example, they decided that the cause of our suffering on the Earth is the sins inherited from Adam and Eve, and therefore we are absolutely hopeless sinners; no efforts on self‐perfection can help or are necessary, for it can only seduce us into the sin of pride… All we can do is to keep praying to “patron saints” and to Virgin Mary, begging them to beg Jesus Christ to have mercy on us, so that He sends us to paradise instead of hell… 

But such beliefs cannot save anyone from hell, since they are directly opposite to the Teachings of Jesus Christ. He taught that people have to make efforts on perfecting themselves. In particular, He said: “… The Kingdom of God is being preached (by Me), and everyone is making efforts to enter into it” (Luke 16:16). He also never called us back to paganism. 

We will continue discussing this subject in the following chapters, and now let us look at a few examples of what Jesus said regarding soul’s development in the course of its consecutive incarnations. 

Watching a performance of talented singers, He told His disciples: “Where do their talent and skills come from? They could not possibly acquire such a perfection of voice and knowledge of the laws of harmony in the course of just one short life. Is this a miracle? No. Everything arises from natural laws. Many thousands of years ago, these people mastered their harmony and (these) qualities. And they came again to learn more…” (Tibetan Gospel). 

And when the disciples asked Him about John the Baptist, Jesus replied: “And if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who was to come. He who has ears, let him hear.” (Matt 11:14‐15). On another occasion, He said: “… Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him… Then the disciples understood that He was talking to them about John the Baptist.” (Matt 17:11‐13). 

In between incarnations, said Jesus, righteous human souls resurrect in the non‐material world and “… neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in Heaven.” (Matt 22:30). 

In a series of many incarnations, a human being develops in three main directions: intellectual, ethic, and psychoenergetic ones. The first line of development is the most difficult one, taking the longest period of time. 

Differences between people in the level of intellectual development are well known not only in psychiatry, which classifies people into a number of categories: idiots, imbeciles, morons, physiologically feebleminded people, people with serious mental defects (partial dementia, schizophrenia, paranoia, etc.) — and the rest. The intellectual differences can also be clearly seen in the religious field. 

For example, some people are only capable of performing “prayerful” bodily movements and panhandling “for God’s sake”. In Russian Orthodoxy the following verbal construction is widely used: “to pray at something”. This means to make standard bodily movements when facing an object of ritual value. 

People of a higher intellectual level are capable of studying the Will of God for us and doing the necessary work on perfecting themselves, primarily from the ethic standpoint. 

But there are people who are able to encompass the entire profundity of the knowledge about God; through self‐sacrificial work such adepts achieve Godlikeness and merge with God, finishing thus the personal evolution. 

The reason for these differences between people lies not only in peculiarities of the intrauterine development and childhood diseases, and not even in the upbringing or education, but primarily in the evolutionary age of the soul and the efforts on self‐perfection which this soul has already made. 

Tomorrows blog will be on the multidimensionality of Space as Jesus or St. Issa explained them.  Yours in LOVE and Light, JoJo!

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Related articles

St. Issa and The Process of Creation

Spire of the abbdy on Mont Saint-Michel in Nor...

Image via Wikipedia

During the non‐manifest phase of a Manvantara, there are only the Primordial Consciousness of the Creator and “building material” for creation of matter and souls — protoprakriti and protopurusha (see [1,3‐4] for more details). The process of creation begins with local densifications of protoprakriti, which forms dense substrate for organic life to exist on. “… She came forth, … she… appeared before Him in the shine of His light…, she became the womb of everything…” (The Apocryphon of John 4:25‐5:5) 

The duration of the process of a world creation is not measured in days, but in epochs; six “days” of the world creation is an example of an incorrect translation of the Bible. (If we admit that these were days in the usual sense, then it follows that the creation of the world took place about 6000 years ago. But archeological data indicate that people have existed on the Earth for about a million of years). 

In the Gospel of Phillip, spatial dimensions are called in Greek — eons

To explain fully with words, for example, the nature of the multidimensional structure of the Earth is impossible. One can only say that in the depth beneath each material object there are layers of increasingly subtle, pure, tender, clear light. These layers can be cognized only with the help of special methods of development of the consciousness. This is a Path of gradual refinement of the consciousness, strengthening and crystallization of the consciousness at each of the levels achieved. This is the Path to cognition of the Creator. 

The end of the world is an inverse process of disintegration of the Creation. 

* * * 

“He willed it and the world (of the Creation) appeared. In a Divine thought, He gathered together the waters, separating from them the dry portion of the globe. He is the principle of the mysterious existence of man (i.e. human corporeal form), into whom He has breathed a part of His Being.” (The Life of Saint Issa, 5:18) 

“… He is life‐giving Life…” (The Apocryphon of John, 4:1) 

“… (He) has existed since all time and will still be after the end of all things” (The Life of Saint Issa, 8:6). 

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Levi Comes To Mary’s Defense

Zosimas of Palestine

Image via Wikipedia

From the Gospel according to Mary of Magdalene:

Then Mary wept and said to Peter, “My brother, Peter, what do you think?  Do you think I concocted this in my heart or I am lying about the savior?”  Levi answered, saying to Peter, “Peter, you are always angry.

Now I see you contending against this woman as if against an adversary.

If the savior made her worthy, who are you to reject her?  Surely the savior knows her very well.  That is why he loved her more than us. We should be ashamed and put on the perfect person and be with him as he commanded us, and we should preach the gospel, without making any rule or law other than what the savior said.”  When Levi said these things, they began to go out to proclaim and to preach.

You can read more on the life of Mary in Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine: Jesus’ Lost Teachings on Woman, and about the missing years in The Lost Years of Jesus: Documentary Evidence of Jesus’ 17-Year Journey to the East.

Another example of the Wisdom from Mary, omitted from many “accepted” versions of the bible today.  Women are just as important as are men; and it wasn’t until later when changes were made and the Bible shortened with ALL its omissions.  Thus, happening as well when leaving out 17 IMPORTANT years of the life of Issa.   I feel anyone seeking Truth can be found in the Gospels of Mary and the Gospels of Thomas.  LOVE and Light!

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