Tag Archives: personal astrologer

DL Zeta: Void States Carry Us into Life Tracks that are More Spiritually Alive~Reblogged

DL Zeta: Void States Carry Us into Life Tracks that are More Spiritually Alive~Reblogged

Void States Carry us into Life Tracks that are More Spiritually Alive, by DL Zea, March 15, 2014 at: http://www.celestialvision.org | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

In times of change we enter a void – the space between what has been and the future we’re creating. The void is a natural and necessary passage in which we release the past and open to new visions and new ideas. A void offers access to new portals of joy and fulfillment and brings us into connection with souls who have agreed to play a role in the movie of our upcoming timeline.

As we move deeper into these new realms, we connect with the version of ourselves that will lead us into the next phase of our lives. While void states may feel uncomfortable, they offer a rich and fertile ground for new seeds we are planting to take root and grow.

Void states are necessary because it’s difficult to perceive the future clearly from inside a reality you’re completing. You may have some glimmers but you can’t fully know a future timeline until you’re living inside it.

Most always, we enter a transitional timeline when we complete with an enduring timeline that has carried us through new levels of self-understanding and new phases of life lessons. It’s best to say we are completing with a timeline rather than leaving it. To say we are leaving a timeline implies we are moving away from, escaping from or eliminating the old timeline and this is not the case

Determining the Nature and Tone of a Transitional Life Track

We can never get rid of a timeline we have experienced nor would we want to. This would eliminate the valuable understandings we gained along that life track. We could not eliminate a life track if we wanted to but there are some very good reasons we would not want to. When we realize our focus along a given life track is complete, this is the moment we determine the nature and tone of our transitional life track. If we hold intentions of embracing change and accepting the flow of beginnings and completions in our lives, we will find ourselves in a space of discovery and appreciation of the newness of our experiences.

The void can be a place of peace, joy, anticipation, self-discovery and tremendous freedom. It can also be a nerve-wracking journey of fear, dread, overwhelm, stress and sadness. The choice is ours. Even if we initially enter the void from a place of fear or resistance, we’re able to shift into joy and acceptance by remembering everything that happens in our life is attempting to assist us and lift us up. We control our response to change.

When we enter a new and challenging time with an open mind and loving heart we create the causes of a joyful journey through the void. We can begin this journey by entering a meditative space and basking in the love and assistance that is there for us. Our higher self is always ready and available to surround us with the warm glow of love and peace. We can enter this space any time we feel the uncertainty that naturally accompanies the un-rootedness of the void. This is why times of change and transition are essential to our spiritual growth. When we are existing along a timeline of well-established, third-dimensional comfort zones, we may not feel the need to reach out to our higher self.

Losing Ourselves to Find Ourselves in a New and Deeper Way

Complacency along an existing timeline is a signal it’s time to renew ourselves and shift to a life track that is more spiritually alive. Our conscious mind may resist this change initially. The ego loves a sense of order and control.

When the ego establishes too much order and control, this sets up a wall of resistance. It’s about this time that the universe guides us into the chaos of the void where we lose ourselves in order to find ourselves in a new and deeper way. Our conscious mind may resist this change but soon enough the ego recognizes that the only reasonable way to navigate the unknown landscape of the void is to surrender to the soul’s higher knowing.

Embracing Beginner’s Mind with Grace and Humility

If we can embrace with grace and humility this place of beginner’s mind, we can expand into the moment-by-moment awareness inherent in a new situation. This sense of newness builds in us anticipation about the transition timeline. When we surrender to the void we’re able to fine-tune our vibrational frequency and bring it into resonance with a new timeline more strongly aligned with our spiritual purpose.

Beginner’s mind is a place where we live our life moment-by-moment in divine communion, listening within for the next step and allowing our soul’s feeling states to serve as the star we steer by. We may find beginner’s mind to be so fulfilling we choose to remain there as part of our spiritual practice. Just incorporating periods of beginner’s mind into each day will help us forge a strong connection with our inner guidance.

Resistance to Change Triggers a ‘Ghost Town’ Experience

If we go into resistance when we enter a time of change, we may shift to a transitional timeline that is rife with roadblocks, struggle and scarcity. Usually we encounter difficult transitional timelines when we cling to the past in some way. When we attempt to carry the past with us into a new timeline, we encounter a bleak landscape. This is very much a “ghost town” experience because we are in effect a ghost haunting a space we no longer inhabit. In other words, our present moment is no longer alive inside the previous timeline but our consciousness continues to travel back there – to haunt our own past, so to speak, stubbornly refusing to release what has been.

What we are holding onto is not truly the past, for the past is a concept of the mind. What we are holding onto are the people, situations, moments and things that represent our experiences along a past timeline. There is an energetic connection to these experiences of the past that can be addictive in nature. It is this addiction that keeps one haunting past moments in search of that which the mind knows well.

Allow Yourself to Exist Peacefully in Times of Change and Transition

Attempting to hold onto a past timeline throws us out of alignment with the flow of our higher self and distorts the focus of our mission here. We cannot exist in the ghost town of a past timeline for long without dramatic consequences to our health and well-being. Anytime you find a transition difficult, enter a quiet, meditative space and reconnect with your higher self. Allow yourself to exist peacefully in the void. Soon the flow of guidance will be reestablished, transporting you to a new transitional timeline where you can fine tune your vibrational frequency by aligning with those things that bring you joy.

You will find many elements of your past inside a transition timeline, including people, forms of creative expression, places, situations and life lessons. These elements that are in resonance with the frequencies of your transition timeline are renewed energetically. Your connection will now be based on the new frequencies, the new vision and the new timeline you’re activating.

You will find things have changed, however; your relationship with a person may become more loving, your art or writing may take new forms, ideas and flow; you may find yourself redecorating your house and bringing the frequencies there into alignment with your new vision. You may change your diet or choose to incorporate new forms of movement that help align mind, body and soul, such as yoga or t’ai chi.

During a transition phase, people, situations and places that are not compatible with the new frequencies will fall out of resonance. It is natural and understandable that once you connect with a vision that will carry you into the future, this will impact every area of your life. Some people, situations and interests from your past will be energetically renewed into your new life while others will be de-magnetized and fall away. This process will be sudden and abrupt in some cases and gradual in others.

When you sense a person or situation leaving your life, surround them with love and thank them for the role they have played in your life. Keep in mind friends of the past never truly leave us. We’re always connected at the soul level.

When you release a connection with someone from a place of love and appreciation, this opens a space for someone new to enter your life. Learn to exist joyfully along a transition timeline in a state of heightened awareness and anticipation and soon you will find new people, new situations, new events, and new moments flowing into your life as you are transported to a new timeline.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved http://www.celestialvision.org These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

Thanks to The Aquarius Paradigm  for their insights, and LOVE and Light on Your Journey……


3rd Eye Mirror Meditation – What Faces Will You See?

"Gathering the Light" from the Taois...

“Gathering the Light” from the Taoist book The Secret of the Golden Flower, translated by C. G. Jung and Richard Wilhelm (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Let me begin by thanking my readers for their continued support.  You have inspired me on my Journey; as well as the MANY bloggers I repost article from.  You mean the world to me.  NOW down to business 🙂

Here is another helpful article from our friends at IN5D.  This meditation should be done after protecting yourself; there is an amazing article link at the end of IN5D’s article on exactly HOW to do this.  Share your experiences, either here or in writing, I always find this helps me expand my Spiritual connection.  As it does when sleeping with a Tarot card under One’s pillow, the journal helps open our Universal Connection.  Enjoy the read, and I look forward to hearing from you.

LOVE and Light on Your Journey . . . .


3rd Eye Mirror Meditation – What Faces Will You See? | in5d.com.


Visit Birth Charts HQ TODAY!  Let me guide you to Your planets throughout 2012 and beyond . . . .


Are You an Old Soul?

¡Spiritual, Spiritual!

Image via Wikipedia

How can you tell if you are an old soul?  Are there differences in traits or behaviors? What signs can I look for that can help me differentiate the difference?

Generally speaking, we are all old souls, but some of us have been here longer than others.

The word “old” is only relative to time.  Because time is linear and our souls are eternal, 10,000 years would be the blink of an eye.

Dolores Cannon believes that we need to incarnate many, many times as inanimate objects, plants and animals before we can become human.  Then, as humans, we still need to incarnate many, many times to learn all of the lessons we came here for.  For example, according to Cannon, we all had to be an air molecule and a drop of water to learn what it’s like to work together as ONE.

So, how can you tell if you have an old soul?

You understand many of life’s deeper lessons.

For some people, it is hard to fathom that the soul of a child may be much older than the soul of his or her parents. For these particular people, this is a sign that their soul might be younger than yours.  When you begin to understand why you keep incarnating to this 3rd dimensional reality, it becomes similar to the movie, Groundhog Day, where Phil wakes up each day to find out that it’s still February 2nd until he learns how to remove his ego and starts doing kind deeds for others.

Once you realize that time, space, energy and matter are 3rd dimensional products, the theory of time becomes irrelevant, thus the theory of how old your soul is also becomes irrelevant.

But for the sake of understanding how old your soul may be, we’ll continue!

You are in touch with your natural abilities or have an extreme interest in these abilities.

Some people are born with innate gifts, such as special healing abilities or psychic abilities.  The truth is that we all possess these abilities, but an older soul is more in tune with how to access and implement these abilities in the name of humanity. If you don’t have any particular ability, but have a strong interest in them, this is simply your soul trying to recall these abilities that you may have had in a previous lifetime.

You become spiritually aware.

Everyone is pure consciousness, but many people have a difficult time understand what this means.  Your soul is pure consciousness and love.  It has a unique understanding of how the matrix is being played on this planet and understands that everything we do as a collective will help to facilitate the awakening of others.

You understand the importance forgiveness.

Some people are old souls who still have much to learn because they are trapped inside the box with their ideologies, are stubborn or have not learned the importance of forgiveness. By forgiving yourself and others, we can release any karma between these people.

You’re able to transcend ego.

It’s nearly impossible for anyone to completely transcend ego 100% of the time but simply being aware of our ego and how it plays against unity consciousness is a definite sign on an old soul. On the other side, there is no ego.  During your life review, you will re-live your ego and will see how it affected others, as well as yourself.  At this point in “time”, you will probably make a soul contract with the hopes of overcoming ego and atoning for whatever ego issues you had in your previous incarnation.

You’re able to transcend materialism.

Money and materialism are products of this 3rd dimensional reality and it’s easy to succumb to materialism, especially when it’s in your face through advertising, programming and peer pressure. An older soul realizes that money is non-existent on the other side and it generally takes away from who we truly are as spiritual beings.  Those who are older souls will generally use money as a tool to either help facilitate their spiritual progression through spiritual retreats or by possibly creating a lavish feng shui home decorated with spiritual meaning versus the most luxurious furnishings.  They may also use their money to help others who are less fortunate.

You are able to understand the concept that your body is a shell for your soul.

Before you were born, you not only chose your parents, you also chose your life situations and challenges that would help to facilitate your spiritual growth while atoning for any previous karma. The body that you are currently in is simply a vessel for your soul.  Your name is what your soul currently refers itself as, but in previous lifetimes, you had many different names and you have lived many previous lives as either a male or a female.  Your name and title are both associated with ego because ultimately, you are infinite consciousness and we are all on the same team.

You seem to have a special connection to eras long before you were born.

Did you ever watch an old movie or see some artwork from a specific era in time and have a connection to that era?  Chances are, you lived a previous life during that time period and this is your cellular memory letting you know!

You have an understanding of what you need to do to complete your spiritual progression.

Just by making it this far, you are more awakened than most people on this planet.  You have an understanding of Universal laws and what is left to do on your soul contract.  Even if you are not specifically sure of either, your higher self and spirit guides will continue lead you in the right direction.

You have a strong feeling that home isn’t Earth.

Did you ever look at a random area of the sky and star at an unknown star for no particular reason?  Do you have a special connection with specific star systems such as the Pleiades or Orion’s Belt?   Do wars and corruption make you feel uneasy, as if they didn’t exist where you originally came from?  Are you one of the souls who volunteered to come here at this specific point in time to help with the Earth’s ascension?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, then chances are, Earth is not your home planet.

You tend to be a loner.

The stigma on the word loner is often condescending, but those who are old souls are merely looking for other fragments of themselves and will often distance themselves from younger souls who need more incarnations into a 3rd dimensional planet. Older souls will seek out other like-minded people because there’s a comfort and familiarity with these types of people who will help to facilitate each others spiritual progression.

You have a rebellious nature.

Whether you rebel from religion, laws or anything else, this is a sign that your soul knows the only true laws… the Laws of the Universe.  While you respect the reasoning and intention behind laws and religion, you might not be compelled to use these as absolute laws when you know there are a set of higher laws that are intended to facilitate our spiritual progressions.

You have a burning desire to attain truth and inner wisdom.

Many older souls can easily see through the lies we’ve been taught through religion, politics and through our educational facilities.  While they realize they are all one with the universe, they also want the truth exposed to help other people’s awakening process.  They also continue to seek knowledge in the spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric fields and will absorb this information much easier than anything they were taught in school.

You are not controlling of others.

Older souls are more accepting, not just of other people, but of circumstances as well.  For example, while you don’t approve of the corruption within politics, you understand how the corruption will help to awaken other people to the truth.  You respect the free will of others and are more likely to use tact than verbal demands of others.  You tend to be more of a team player than anything else.

You sense a separation between yourself and the “real world”.

As you transcend ego and materialism, you find yourself living a different lifestyle.  While this lifestyle is unique to your current incarnation, there also seems to be a familiarity of the direction you’re heading.

You are curious whether you’re an old soul or not.

Many young souls wouldn’t ask this question or much less be concerned about it.  While many older souls aren’t concerned either, for different reasons, they simply “know” they’re old souls, but it’s nice to have affirmations that coincide with your spiritual progression.

There are many lessons we have learned throughout our lifetimes, all of which has culminated into this particular incarnation.  All of your previous life incarnations are embedded into your cellular memory and can be recalled through past life regression.  Most of the people on this planet are old souls, yet many remain unawakened and still have a lot more to learn and will need several more incarnations to a 3rd dimensional planet.

Many of those who are awakened will probably move on to their next level of spiritual progression.  It’s important to remember that this is not a race because in the end, we all win.  Enjoy every millisecond in this incarnation because this may be the last time you’ll ever experience a 3rd dimensional reality!

Namaste and many Thanks to Gregg Prescott, M.S. for his Enlightening insights and for his permission to reuse his insights, in part or in whole.  The original article can be found at the link below . . . LOVE and Light!
To find out how the planetary energies will affect you in 2012, try our  Transit Chart program at Birth Charts HQ.  With NEW affordable pricing in Spirit of Light and Truth in 2012!

Are You an Old Soul? | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database.

History of Alchemy

Thoth, ancient Egyptian god often depicted as ...

Image via Wikipedia

Alchemy is the ancient art of transformation, the science of making something better, whether it is changing lead into gold, perfecting our personality, or creating a spiritual presence within. The big difference between alchemists and modern scientists is that the alchemists believed true change could not take place unless it occurred on all three levels of reality: the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. The alchemists believed consciousness was a force in nature, and if you could purify and perfect your own consciousness, you could project that power into the world around you. In that way, they developed a spiritual technology, a science with soul. However, to hide the true nature of their work from dogmatic churchmen and other authorities, the alchemists spoke in terms of retorts, beakers, and chemicals–but what they were really talking about were changes taking place in their own bodies, minds, and souls.

The Roots of Alchemy

Alchemy dates back to a time when our two cultures of science and religion were part of one true philosophy, and the roots of alchemical theory can be traced back to a single document known throughout history as the Emerald Tablet. According to legend, the tablet was brought by mysterious visitors to Egypt over 12,000 years ago, a time the ancient texts refer to as Zep Tepi, when godlike beings roamed the earth. The author of the Emerald Tablet was a member of what the ancient Egyptians called the Group of Nine. His name was Thoth, and he was responsible for teaching humans how to interpret nature and write down their thoughts. He is credited with being the inventor of writing, mathematics, music, astronomy, architecture, and medicine. He recorded the visitors’ teachings in hundreds of books and succinctly summarized it in the Emerald Tablet.

According to the Ebers Papyrus, a 68-foot-long scroll on alchemy that is the oldest book in the world: “Man’s guide is Thoth, who bestows on him the gifts of his speech, who makes the books, and illumines those who are learned therein, and the physicians who follow him, that they may work cures.” Called the “Revealer of the Hidden” and “Lord of Rebirth,” Thoth is the guide to higher states of consciousness and initiator of human enlightenment. One of Thoth’s scrolls, The Book of Breathings, supposedly taught humans how to become gods through breath control and focusing of consciousness. Thoth, as inventor of both mathematics and music, embodied the rational powers of the masculine mind, as well as the intuitive, sensory characteristics of the feminine mind. Usually depicted as a man with the head of an ibis (a wading bird with a long curved beak symbolic of the heart and lunar energies), Thoth was a personification of the united powers of the One Mind of the whole universe. He presided over the “Weighing of the Heart” ceremony, which determines who is admitted into the afterlife. Thoth was the final judge in this process, who weighed an individual’s “true words,” the heartfelt and innermost intent in all of our thoughts and actions.

Just before the Great Flood, Thoth preserved the ancient wisdom by inscribing two great pillars and sealing sacred objects and scrolls inside them. Egyptian holy books refer to these sacred pillars, one discovered in Heliopolis and the other in Thebes, as the “Pillars of the Gods of the Dawning Light.” They were moved to a third temple where they later became known as the two “Pillars of Hermes.” These splendorous columns are mentioned by numerous credible sources down through history. The Greek legislator, Solon, saw them and noted that they memorialized the destruction of Atlantis. The pillars were what the historian Herodotus described in the temple of an unidentified Egyptian god he visited around 450 BC. “One pillar was of pure gold,” he wrote, “and the other was as of emerald, which glowed at night with great brilliancy.” In Iamblichus: On the Mysteries, Thomas Taylor quotes an ancient author who says the Pillars of Hermes dated to before the Great Flood. The mysterious pillars are also described by Achilles Tatius, Dio Chrysostom, Laertius, and other Roman and Greek historians. When Thoth’s pillars were opened, they were found to contain many manuscripts, as well as the green crystalline tablet. This was the fabled Emerald Tablet, whose philosophy and secret formula of transformation we will investigate in a later section of this module.

Thoth, god of thought and messenger of the gods, was such powerful force in human history that he became associated with a number of different personages down through the ages. So pervasive is his presence that it has even been suggested that he reincarnated or reappeared in his original form in various cultures. Around 3400 BC, he surfaced in Sumeria in the form of Athothis, a deified being of great learning and healing abilities. In 2650 BC, he was Imhotep, the designer and builder of the first pyramid and scribe at Heliopolis, who was known as “Great of Magic” and a highly regarded philosopher, astronomer, and healer. According to the secret dogma of Freemasonry, the sacred name “Hiram Ibif” refers to the first Hermes (“Hermes Ibis,” or the ibisheaded Thoth), who, according to the Masonic tradition, arrived “in the year of the world 2670.” Thoth is also associated with the Persian philosopher Zoraster around 650 BC and even with Quatzequatyl, the mercurial bird-god of the Incans and Mayans.

Thoth also has profound connections with all three Abrahamic religions. According to legend, he was a son of Adam who wrote the Emerald Tablet to show mankind how to redeem itself from his father’s sins in the Garden of Eden. Jewish mystics identify Thoth with Seth, who was the second son of Adam. They credit him with writing the tablet, which was taken aboard the ark by Noah. After the Flood, Noah supposedly hid the tablet in a cave near Hebron, where Sarah, wife of Abraham, later discovered it. Another version describes Hermes/Thoth giving the tablet to Miriam, daughter of Moses, for safekeeping. She allegedly put it in the Ark of the Covenant, along with the most sacred relics of Judaism. Some have even suggested that Moses was really Thutmoses III (Thothmoses?) and represented yet another incarnation of Thoth. Of the two tablets Moses presented to the Hebrews, only one is said to have contained the Ten Commandments (the exoteric teachings for the general public to promote social order). The other was the Emerald Tablet, which set forth the esoteric teachings designated for initiates in private.

In the Islamic tradition, Thoth is said to be Idris, the wise man described in the Koran whom God took bodily into heaven. Idris also lived before the Great Flood and wrote books that revealed the divine laws to mankind. Furthermore, some Muslims identify Idris with Enoch, who is also portrayed in Genesis as a man who was bodily assimilated into heaven. The apocryphal Book of Enoch describes his travels to different worlds and conversations with angelic beings. In the Jewish Cabala, Enoch is the Metraton, ruler of the transmutation of metals and intermediary between heaven and earth.

Thoth became known as “Hermes” to the Greeks and “Mercury” to the Romans, and some of the characteristics attributed to these versions are of special interest in alchemy. Occasionally he is pictured as a newborn babe, and was sometimes regarded as the god of fertility and rebirth. Just as Thoth was associated with the sacred number eight, the sacred number four was assigned to Hermes, suggesting he was perhaps a more physical incarnation. Nonetheless, as the messenger of the gods, Hermes is endowed with extreme mobility. He wears winged boots and carries a caduceus, which is a winged wand entwined by two serpents. The drawing at the left shows Hermes carrying the caduceus. It is from a wall painting in an Egyptian temple built in 250 BC. More ancient drawings, on the temples of Seti I (dating around 1300 BC), for instance, show the caduceus in the hands of Thoth. The caduceus became a familiar emblem in alchemical transformation and is today the symbol we associate with the healing arts and medicine. The caduceus contains considerable esoteric significance, which we will explore in a later module in this series.

Other legends connect Thoth/Hermes to Eastern religions. One describes Hermes as a philosopher traveling in Ceylon in the fifth century BC. He carried with him an Emerald Tablet that taught people how to “travel in both heaven and earth.” This Hermes spent the rest of his life wandering throughout Asia and the Middle East teaching and healing. Even more amazing, the Hindu sacred book Mahanirvanatantra states that Hermes was the same person as Buddha, and each is referred to as the “Son of the Moon” in other Hindu religious texts. In most of these incarnations, he was known as Hermes Trismegistus or Hermes “the Thrice-Greatest.”

Obviously, Thoth has become a powerful, mythic archetype in human civilization. As the supreme alchemist, Thoth really represents the ultimate archetype of the Word of God (the One Mind) creating the universe. In the ancient papyri, Thoth is called the “Source of the Word,” the one god without parents who precedes all others. He is the “Soul of Becoming” whose creative willpower fashions reality. “What emanates from the opening of his mouth,” says an ancient Egyptian text, “that comes to pass; he speaks and it is his command.” As the “Reckoner of the Universe,” Thoth is the source of all natural law; as the original “Shepherd of Men,” he is the higher mind in man that provides inspiration and inner knowledge.

Visit BCHQ for your personalized chart and interpretation by a professional astrologer.   LOVE and Light!

Visit The Alchemy Guild for more information and formal alchemical training.

The Teachings of Thoth

Retouched versions of this picture from the ge...

Image via Wikipedia

Thoth’s teachings and sometimes exact phrases from the Emerald Tablet, including references to the One Mind, the One Thing, and the correspondences between the Above and the Below, are contained in many Egyptian papyri, such as the Berlin Papyrus (2000 BC), the Papyrus of Ani (1500 BC), the Book of the Dead (1450 BC), and other scrolls dating between 1000 and 300 BC. The wisdom of Thoth, however, was not shared with the common people until the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep IV rediscovered the Emerald Tablet at the beginning of his reign in 1364 BC. It is stated on several Egyptian stele, dating from around 1500 BC, that without the writings of Thoth, the larger pyramids could not be built, so a great search throughout Egypt was conducted until his writings were found, and it is believed that it was Amenhotep who found them. Shortly afterwards the discovery, the pharaoh suddenly changed his name from Amenhotep (meaning “Amen is Satisfied”) to Akhenaten (meaning “He Who Serves the Aten”). His name change signaled his break with the powerful priests of Amen, a patriarchal god of war and wealth. Akhenaten set up a new monotheistic religion based on the rediscovered writings of Thoth. The new faith recognized the sun as the One Thing, the source of all creative energy. The new Egyptian supreme god, called the Aten or simply “the Disk,” was thought of as an abstract, intelligent energy. Pictures of the Aten show a shining disk with rays coming down from it and terminating on earth in hundreds of tiny hands.

“The Aten is Radiant Energy personified,” wrote Sati Devi in summarizing the views of other modern Egyptologists, “that is to say, an all-pervading reality of an immanent character. Akhenaten deliberately brushed aside the distinction between the god, maker of the solar Disk, and the solar Disk itself, the distinction between creative energy and created matter. The Disk was, like all matter that falls under our senses, but a visible manifestation of something subtler, intangible, everlasting  its essence. And the heat and light, the energy of the sun, was the manifestation of that One Thing of which the visible flaming Disk was yet another manifestation.”

Akhenaten tried to apply the principles in the Emerald Tablet throughout his reign. Known as the heretic pharaoh, he espoused the revolutionary concept of “living in truth” and acting in natural accord with cosmic principles that the tablet called the “Operation of the Sun.” He referred to this universal ideal as Maat, which meant the “real thing” or absolute truth, the original will of the One Mind. The agent of Maat was the One Thing, of which the physical sun, or the solar Disk, was the physical expression. The principle of “living in truth” permeated every level of Egyptian society under Akhenaten. Most noticeable was the sudden change in the stiff and lifeless style that dominated Egyptian art. For the first time, Egyptian reliefs and paintings portrayed natural subjects such as plants and animals in exacting detail. In another striking break with tradition, Akhenaten ordered the abandonment of the old capitol of Thebes and built a new capitol city, Akhetaten (“Horizon of the Aten”). Scandalously, villas in the 60,000-population city were constructed without separate quarters for men and women, and women in particular were treated with more respect there.

After just seventeen years of rule, however, Akhenaten and his beautiful wife Nefertiti disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and it seems likely that the former priests of Amen did away with them. The heretic pharaoh was eventually replaced by his ten-year-old nephew. The boy’s given name, Tutankaten (“Servant of the Aten”), was changed to Tutankamen (“Servant of Amen”) after Akhenaten’s murder. The child pharaoh was tightly controlled by fundamentalist priests, who restored the capitol to Thebes, destroyed the city of Akhetaten, and erased all traces of Akhenaten’s monotheistic philosophy from Egypt. Moses, a prince in Akhenaten’s court exiled with the pharaoh, carried the new monotheistic idea with him to form the basis of Judaism.

Unlike the magnificent golden mummy of King Tut, the bodies of Akhenaten and Nefertiti were never found. Archeologist Sir Alan Gardner surmised that Akhenaten’s body had been “torn to pieces and thrown to the dogs.” The only written references to the Aten after the Akhenaten’s death were enigmatic allusions that associated the Disk with the great Sphinx on the Giza Plain.

The ancient wisdom remained hidden from the people until Alexander the Great was made pharaoh of Egypt in 332 BC. After learning the location of Hermes’ tomb, where the Thothian writings were stored, Alexander immediately headed across the Libyan Desert to an ancient temple at Siwa near where the tomb was located. According to Albertus Magnus and others, that is where Alexander found the Emerald Tablet. Alexander took the tablet and scrolls to Heliopolis, where he placed the scrolls in the sacred archives there. He then personally laid out the boundaries of the city of Alexandria, where a library would be built to house and study the Hermetic texts. Then, he assembled a diverse panel of priests, alchemists, and other scholars to prepare Greek translations. Copies of the tablet became primary documents at Alexandria, and revised Greek translations were issued in 290 BC, 270 BC, and 50 BC.

Alexander actually put the Emerald Tablet on public display in 330 BC, and the mysterious artifact caused quite a stir. One traveler, who had seen it at Heliopolis, wrote: “It is a precious stone, like an emerald, whereon these characters are represented in bas-relief, not engraved. It is esteemed above 2,000 years old. The matter of this emerald had once been in a fluid state like melted glass, and had been cast in a mold, and to this flux the artist had given the hardness of the natural and genuine emerald, by his art.”

After Alexander died from a fever on his return from India, his body was interred in a tomb somewhere in the Egyptian desert, although to this day, no one knows where. The exact whereabouts of the original Emerald Tablet was also unknown after Alexander’s death, although there is some evidence that it was hidden, along with other treasures from Hermes’ tomb, in an underground cavern near Tyana in Cappadocia. Three hundred years later, it was discovered by a Syrian youth named Balinas, who absorbed the tablet’s teachings and once again brought them to light in the Western world. The youth became known as Apollonius of Tyana (after Apollo, Greek god of enlightenment and brother of Hermes). Respected for his great wisdom and magical powers, Apollonius traveled throughout the world and eventually settled in Alexandria to write scores of books on the meaning of the ancient teachings.

Unfortunately, Apollonius was a contemporary of Christ, and early Christians felt he was much too like their own Son of God. By 400 AD, every one of the books Apollonius wrote in Alexandria and nearly 700,000 other scrolls were destroyed in successive burnings of the Alexandrian libraries by the Romans, Christians, and Muslims. Fortunately, the original Emerald Tablet is said to have been moved to somewhere on the Giza plateau for safekeeping, although its exact location is a secret that is lost to the ages.

The earliest surviving translation of the Emerald Tablet is in an Arabic book known as the Book of Balinas the Wise on Causes, written around 650 AD and based on Apollonius’ Alexandrian writings. It also appears in the eighth century Kitab Sirr al Asar, an Arabian book of advice to kings. Another Arabic text, written by alchemist Jabir Hayyan around 800 AD, contains a copy of the Emerald Tablet and also gives Apollonius as the source. It is through these Arabic translations that knowledge of the Emerald Tablet made it to Europe with the Moorish invasion of Spain in 711 AD.

To further your formal studies please visit The Alchemy Guild; or read future blogs to better your understanding.  LOVE and Light!

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St. Issa~The Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit Stained Glass

Image by hickory hardscrabble via Flickr

The Holy Spirit is the Creator manifesting Himself in the Creation through spiritual Adepts Who achieved full Self‐realization (=God‐realization) and merged into Him, and through Those Who have not entered into the Abode of the Creator yet but have achieved Mergence with the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit supervises the activity of other spirits of earlier stages of evolutionary development. He also guides all successfully developing seekers, for example by giving them prophetic information. Jesus said the following about this: “But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears (from the Father and Jesus)…” (John 16:13). 

Long before Jesus said these words, the Holy Spirit participated in the preparation of Jesus’ coming (Matt 1:20) by giving people miraculous signs about His special mission (Luke 2:25‐35; 3:21; Matt 3:16); later the Holy Spirit took part in organizing Jesus’ work on the Earth (Luke 4:1). 

For more information; see The Life of St. Issa, which is available ALL over the internet and in past blog posts.  LOVE and Light!

Look for more on the Sky and Heaven . . . .

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The Day of Pleasant Seduction

The terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth...

Image via Wikipedia

June 15 people depend on their charm to get them where they want to go.  Thus, their principal talents are outwardly directed and involve other.  June 15th people must be appreciated for their seductive charms to work.  That is, their particular brand of seduction is overt rather than covert.  Those born on this day have a way of winning others over to their point of view and then bringing the best out of them.  Most June 15 people just want to feel appreciated; only the least evolved are more calculating and have a hidden agenda. Money may be very important to this type of June 15th person.

Those born on the 15th of ANY month are ruled by the number 6 (5+1=6) and 15, and by the planet Venus.  Those ruled by the number 6 are magnetic and sometimes can even inspire awe.  This, as mentioned above, is characteristic of June 15 people.  Since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, June 15 people tend to be both Venusian (sensuous) and Mercurial (clever).

The 15th card of the Major Arcana, The Devil, indicates a fear/desire dynamic working where sexual attraction, irrationality, and passion are concerned.  The Devil holds us slave through our need for security and money; he represents our base nature grasping for security; he controls us through the irreconcilable differences which exist in our male/female nature.  With their mind as the aggressive part and their body as the more passive, pleasure-loving, realm, June 15 people attempt a synthesis which can be both accepted and expressed in an easy manner without fear of irrationality–The Devil card.  The positive side of the Devil card is sexual attraction and the expression of passionate desires.  But, the card reminds us that although we are bound to our bodies, our Spirits are free to soar.

Daily Meditation:  Most living things demand constant satisfaction . . . .

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For more on June 15, please purchase The Secret Language of Birthdays (reissue) from Amazon.

Related articles

The Day of The Gutsy Confrontation

The Planet Mercury as a god according to a Tib...

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The determined and intense people born on June 14 are very sharp in their observations and assessments of what goes on around them.  They are usually strongly opinionated, loyal, and demonstrate great courage when fighting the good fight, the honorable battle.  They are forceful and convincing when presenting their ideas and opinions, and because they understand human nature all too well, capable of mercilessly exposing hypocrisy and pretense . . . .

Those born on the 14th of ANY month are ruled by the number 5 (1+4=5), and by the planet Mercury.  The number 5, as well as the planet Mercury and the sign of Gemini all stand for change, implying a disdain for plodding behavior and a propensity for impulsive action.  June 14 people must learn to master impulsive urges, yet at the same time remain open to gradual (rather than sudden) change when it furthers their cause and that of those dependent upon them.  Fortunately, the number 5 bestows a resilient character which recovers quickly from the hard knocks of life.

The 14th card of the Major Arcana is Temperance.  The figure shown is a guardian angel who protects us and keeps us on an even keel.  This is a wonderful message for June 14 people, and they should heed it.  Those born on June 14th should especially avoid all forms of egotistical excess, and cultivate their innate ability to heal themselves.  Positively seen, Temperance modifies passions in order to allow for new truths to be learned and incorporated into one’s life.  However, it may also indicate negative traits of moodiness, trendiness, and malleability.

Daily Meditation:  Happiness is what we fear the most, peace somehow a luxury which we feel we cannot afford . . . .

For more see The Secret Language of Birthdays (reissue) for more detailed reading.

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The Law of ONE


Image via Wikipedia

For more on Alchemy please feel free to eMail me at ANY time.  Thanks for ALL the LOVE and Light  you’ve shown.

As Hermes never tires of telling us, over and over, over and over:  the One Thing and the One Mind are One.  He means that mind and body, Soul and Spirit, male and female, positive and negative, Above and Below, are all One.  All sexes, all races, all species, all life is One.  All life, all death; all heroes, all villains; all angels, all demons; all gods, all devils are ONE.  Unless you find this One within you ¾ what the alchemists called the Stone ¾ you cannot escape the continual dance of becoming that is duality, even for an instant.

That is the message of the Ouroboros. That “All Is One” is the basis of the alchemical principle of changing one thing into another, and alchemical transformation would not be possible unless everything were really One.~Alchemy Guild

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The Day of Limit Pushers


Those born on June 11 have the courage to push beyond boundaries imposed by either society or Nature. Their will to overcome, to go one step further, to break out of limitation is marked. Therefore, those born on this day may be called expansive and somewhat aggressive personalities.
In order to overcome limitations, however, one must recognize them for what they are. To this end, successful June 11 people are students, even scientists, well-versed in their field or specialties.

Those born on the 11th of ANY month are ruled by the number 2 (1+1=2), and by the Moon. Those ruled by the number 2 often make good co-workers, partners, or team players; and the explorative Nature of June 11 people may well be tied in with the concerns of their family, work, or Social Networks. June 11 imaginative powers are enhanced by the influence of the Moon, which also conveys strongly reflective and passive tendencies. The number 11 lend sensitivity for the physical plane of reality; which complements well the mental concentration of the sign Gemini (ruled by Mercury)

The 11th card of the Major Arcana is Justice, a serene seated woman bolding the scales in one hand and a sword in the other. She reminds us of the order of the Universe and that balance and harmony will be maintained in our lives as long as we continue on our path. The positive aspects of this card are integrity, fairness, honesty, and discipline. The more negative traits are low initiative, impersonality, fear of innovation, and grievances.

Daily Meditation:
In his arrogance, man thinks he is capable of destroying Nature . . . .

See The Secret Language of Birthdays (reissue) for more details. LOVE and Light!

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