Tag Archives: Planet

Titan Is Coming To Life, Sea Waves Discovered On The Earth Like Moon | Neon Nettle


Titan Is Coming To Life, Sea Waves Discovered On The Earth Like Moon | Neon Nettle

Titan Is Coming To Life, Sea Waves Discovered On The Earth Like Moon | Neon Nettle.

Recently the Cassini spacecraft detected an ‘island’ now dubbed ‘Magic Island’ on the Saturn moon Titan, but it had vanished during the next flyby. The region in question is Ligeia Mare, one of the seas of methane found at the planets north pole. Scientists have stated that the phenomenon could be attributed to any number of natural causes including waves and icebergs.


Ligeia Mare is on the largest bodies of liquid on the moon. The moon also shares many similarities with earth, such as a substantial atmosphere and a seasonal cycle. The moon also shows signs of weather where wind and rainhas shaped the surface forming rivers, dunes and shorelines.

The key difference between earth and Titan is its geological makeup. Titan’s mountains and dune fields are made of ice, rather than rock or sand, and liquid hydrocarbons take many of the roles played by water on Earth.

Radar was used to discover the depth of the Ligeia Mare and it is 525 feet deep. Jonathan Lunine a scientist on the Cassini mission at Cornell University said in a statement; “Methane is not only in the atmosphere, but probably in the crust.

“It’s a hint there are organics not only in Titan’s air and on the surface, but even in the deep interior, where liquid water exists as well. Organics are the building blocks of life, and if they are in contact with liquid water, there could be a chance of finding some form of life.”

The moons seas are filled with methane and ethane rather than water. These are gases on earth but due to Titans low temperature of -180C they exist in a liquid state. Recently another case also claims to have observed waves on Titans seas . Read the rest of the article at Neon Nettle . . . .

The Importance of Understanding Your Personal Energy Field


The Importance of Understanding Your Personal Energy Field.


With thanks to Lisa Warner, I am sharing this incredibly clear and insightful blog. We are all truly weaving a new matrix of energies when we support and inspire each other to keep going and to keep trusting our grandest self. WANTING more for our SELF is a wondrous key to unlocking our creative desires, where passion is born and our new selves receive ALl that was put into play for ourselves. Remember to have fun with it all, allow the edges to soften with wonder. Soon delight will flow in and your life will begin to shift in the direction that you have long ago chosen. Do not despair when the trail becomes faint, so too do echoes and yet it is and always was your voice.

AND now without further to do, I am Brenda’s voice, happily sharing Lisa’s ~

The Importance of Understanding Your Personal Energy Field

Your personal energy field is the field of electromagnetic energy that surrounds your body. It is not readily seen by the eyes, although there are many who are able to see auras and energy. However, because it is not readily seen or detected, it currently goes completely unnoticed by the majority of human Beings. 

Why would it be important to become aware of your personal energy field?

The quality and integrity of your personal energy field (sometimes referred to as the aura) has a direct impact on the quality of your life and your health. 

Let’s explore some of the reasons why your energy field is of great significance.

Your auric field demarcates your personal space. Knowing the boundaries of your personal space allows you to differentiate between your space and other people’s spaces. 

Now, this might seem a little silly at first glance…because, well…I’m Me and You’reYou…isn’t that obvious? Well…believe it or not…NO…it’s NOT! 

What most people don’t realize is that We are non-physical Beings by nature, and that our bodies are simply the vehicles we are using to navigate within the physical realm. We are actually much larger than our bodies and our energy extends out into the non-physical areas beyond our bodies! Without a clear demarcation point of where Your energy ends and someone else’s energy begins, it becomes easy to take on other people’s energy (their ’stuff’) without knowing it. 

Learning how to distinguish between ‘your stuff’ and ‘other people’s stuff’ is hugely beneficial! 

You can think of it like this: if you lived in an apartment building, the outer walls of your apartment would separate your personal space from your neighbor’s personal space. Without the walls, you would have no privacy…you and your neighbors would be constantly interacting…whether you liked it or not. This is why knowing where the edge of your aura is, is extremely beneficial: because you then have a very clear way to distinguish what energies are YOURS vs. what belongs to other people.

The clarity of your field determines the clarity of your thought and the vitality of your body. The field surrounding your body is electromagnetic, which means that it is comprised of a combination of electric and magnetic charges. Thoughts are electrical and emotions are magnetic. Your thoughts and emotions, therefore, have a direct correlation to the energy field that surrounds you. 

Your magnetic field is prone to ‘static buildup’…as evidenced by the occasional ’shock’ you experience when touching something after having walked across a rug in stocking feet. Because thougts are electrical in nature, any static buildup in your field has a direct impact on the quality of your thoughts. 

Do you know that 98% of your thoughts and are NOT actually YOURS?!?


You read that right!! The MAJORITY of the thoughts you think actually belong toother people! 

When your energy field mingles with the collective energy field (which is all the time!), and you are unaware that your energy has now become part of the ‘soup’ around you, there is no way for you to distinguish between Your thoughts and the thoughts that are running through the ‘soup’ of collective consciousness around you. As humans, we mistakenly assume that simply because we think a thought, that that thought is ours. However, this is an incorrect assumption. 

Learning to distinguish between your own thoughts and the thoughts of the collective consciousness is hugely beneficial! This is done through the cultivated awareness of your energy field.

Grounding your field directly impacts its clarity, strength and stability and clears your space of other people’s thoughts and emotions. Because your field is prone to static buildup, knowing how to ground your field helps to ‘draw off’ the electromagnetic  charges of other people’s thoughts and emotions, which greatly enhances your own mental clarity and emotional stability.

The act of consciously grounding your field is one of the simplest, yet most empowering things you can do for yourself.

What happens inside the electromagnetic field determines what gets drawn to you from your surroundings. Your electromagnetic field is your point of creation. We are each creating our own realities, yet the majority of humanity has yet to become fully conscious of this fact. 

This is relatively easy to see when you simply look: people who are naturally bright and happy attract lots of ‘good’ things into their lives, while people who are chronically angry or depressed continually attract lots of unpleasant situations into their lives. This is because the energy field is electromagnetic, which means that it acts like a magnet. You’ve heard the saying that like attracts like…well, this is what that means.

Learning how to consciously manage your energy field will allow you to consciously construct your field in such a way that you will draw to you the types of experiences you would like to have!

Distortions in your field, if not neutralized, eventually become distortions in your physical body. A ‘distortion’ is anything that is disharmonious or out of balance. Anger, depression, shame, blame, guilt and judgement are all examples ofdistortions.

Learning how to detect and subsequently clear your field of distortions is of tremendous value, because everything that is experienced as an imbalance in the physical body begins as an imbalance in the electromagnetic field surrounding the body. Once an imbalance is made manifest in the body, it must be neutralized in the energy field before it can be permanently neutralized from the body.

Learning how to consciously and deliberately manage your field allows you to consciously create your reality. The clarity and integrity of your electromagnetic field determines the quality of energies that it magnetically draws into itself. Therefore, if you are able to discern the quality of experiences you would like to have, and are able to consciously create those qualities within your electromagnetic field, then your field will automatically begin to draw to you those types of experiences.

Without conscious awareness of the function and operation of your electromagnetic field, life circumstances appear to show up ‘randomly,’ which gives the false impression that life ‘just happens’ and we must, therefore, react to it…which keeps us from realizing that we are the creators

Because humanity has been unaware of their personal energy fields, the fields have lost their integrity and become intermingled with the energies of mass consciousness. The effect of this is the ‘herd mentality’…whereby most humans simply go along with the program…believing that they are powerless to effect change, when, in fact…nothing could be further from the truth.

Change comes from within…literally from within the personal energy field. By becoming consciously aware of, and deliberately directing our energies within our personal energy fields, we can Consciously Create and attract to us the quality of experiences we desire.

What types of experiences do YOU desire?

©2014 Lisa Warner ConnectingYoutoYou.com

You may quote, share, translate or reprint this article, but please include reference to Lisa Warner at ConnectingYoutoYou.com. Thank you.

Stop Internet Regulations Today! Post Your Comments Show Distaste


Go to FCC.gov/comments and pst your pretest to government interference in the internet. Keep Comcast, ATT, Time Warner, from deciding how fast you get the internet. We still have time to stop this! Do you want monopolistic Cable companies to decide how fast and who should have the faster internet? We all love to comment on the mundane things people are doing; it is time to put those comments to good use.

Keep Government and Monopolistic Media Franchises from controlling the Internet……

My comment and formal complaint to the FCC June 1, 2014:

I feel that it is not up to the government or monopolistic media corporations to decide how fast our internet is provided or what content I am allowed to view. We are not supposed to have monopolies and yet, it is tolerated in the US where media special interests are concerned;  especially when WE the PEOPLE don’t want any part of it. You are supposed to be our voice. So speak that which WE the People are speaking. “Its time for peace, harmony, and freedom of information…I do not want big media controlling my information. Corporations are not people they are ran BY people; humanity should come first.n Thanks for your time.

Please share and do your part to save the internet, and keep big media and government from taking our last freedoms. The freedom of information whatever your social status, should be the status quo….

Love and Light on Your Journey, JoJo

Collective Evolution Article 5-25-14… “After The March Against Monsanto, Momentum Favors The People”


monsanto_march_against_140525This march may well have been another one of those “lightning strikes“. It’s clear to me, that these GMO “giants” are hearing (and fearing) the will of the people.


After The March Against Monsanto, Momentum Favors The People

It is clear that we have just witnessed the largest single worldwide protest against a company and their products. What is also clear is the major public disgust for anything bearing the words ‘GMO.’ Monsanto’s only refuge lies in massively funded mouthpieces in the forms of news clips and certain public figures, combined with a legal stranglehold on scientific research and medical inquiries. Yet in the age of information, their propaganda is laughable. Meanwhile the townspeople gather, having replaced their torches and pitchforks with signs and banners. We see this time the battle being fought from a place of higher consciousness. Our weapons of choice are the devastating methods of non-compliance, civil disobedience and free enterprise. It appears while the smoke is still clearing from what may be the final March Against Monsanto, momentum favors the people.

Tipping points are historically difficult to pinpoint or predict. They often manifest in the form of some event or consciousness action that ignites the minds of the public in a “now I can see” moment. During that exact second, and no sooner, a mass movement locks into a single idea that once cemented in stone, will never die. We are at such a point. The once obscured battle lines in the sand have now been illuminated with neon signs, doused with gasoline and set ablaze in our collective DNA. Into the future we march knowing only one thing clearly, genetically modified food will not be a part of it.

Years of brave activism and mobilized populations of unhappy mothers, disenfranchised farmers and educated consumers have brought us to this point. Surging forward comes the real work with instant rewards. Led by the recent examples of Mike Adam’s Forensic Food Lab and the continuous work of the Food Babe’s army going mainstream, it is clear that companies fear our voice and will instantly comply to the people’s wishes. How do we keep the heat on Monsanto? The company’s actions have shown us that their plan will move forward at all costs. So it is up to us to take the reigns and destroy their market share by voting with our dollars.

The Battle Plan

You money is your megaphone, your soapbox and your most important vote. This is a fact cemented in the pages of history’s empty political promises and arrogant corporate attitudes. We have always been taught throughout life that change would require a struggle. Yet, regaining your right to be healthy, eat healthy and live absent from the constant assault of weaponizied food is perhaps the most energizing ‘struggle’ you could engage in. Plus it’s a real community builder!

Know Your Farmer

Most independent farmers these days struggle to make a living unless the are subsidized by Monsanto, Dow, et al. That is why supporting those farmers that choose to ‘go it alone’ and use organic methods and non-gm seed is now vital. Learn who those individuals/families are and support them. Now is the time. Evey dollar in their pocket is one taken directly from the ‘GMO machine.’

Grow Your Own

This is the best option and truly gives a win-win. By growing your own you will knowwhere your food is coming from, that it’s organic, non-gmo and free. All are luxuries that are slipping through the hands of everyone on this planet. For the non-gardeners, gather neighbors and utilize the monocropping technique. This is accomplished by having each participant grow one crop. You can see in a neighborhood of ten participants there would be greater variety and more yield than any one individual could do alone. In addition, you only have to specialize in learning to grow and harvest one type of plant.

Keep The Social Media Heat

We have won the hearts and minds of the people. While plowing through this tipping point, it’s important to keep circulating information via all social media platforms. When petitions become large enough, the right people listen. Since our wishes have continually fallen upon the deaf, unempathetic ears of Monsanto and the man who calls himself president, it’s time to start focusing on smaller targets. Individual companies and suppliers can be effected. SubwayWhole FoodsMcDonald’sJell-O etc have all recently witnessed this first hand. Pressure put on them via social media, petitions and emails to remove GMO in large numbers will serve to disrupt profit margins, take over board meetings and steer internal policy. In a beautiful twist of fate, those companies then join our sounding board pointed at Monsanto et al. Do you think Monsanto could ignore scores of large corporations terminating business with it because they find themselves no longer profitable from a simple social media campaign or collective movement to boycott GMO’s? Game over!

Via Kauilapele’s Blog thanks for all your invaluable information.  LOVE and Light on Your Journey……JoJo

Evacuation Update via Al Jazeera Recent California Wildfires

Evacuation Update via Al Jazeera Recent California Wildfires

Evacuation continues as California wildfire spreads | Al Jazeera America

Just thought I would keep you updated! LOVE and Light to the people of California. Keep the conversation going, climate change is real! ❤

Carbon Dioxide

Hilarion 2014 | RePosted from The Rainbow Scribe



May 18-25, 2014

Beloved Ones,

The changes taking place throughout the world are doing so at an accelerated pace. The weather extremes are affecting many people throughout the world and it is becoming clear that humanity must work together to bring assistance and resources to these affected areas and to look for solutions to these problems. The signs are clear that cooperation and good will are much needed in order for humanity to overcome these major challenges. Many people are being tested in the challenges they are being compelled to go through in their personal lives. This is a time to go within to the deepest and most spiritual connection that each individual can align with. This is the focus and the higher purpose of the tests and challenges currently being experienced. It is incumbent upon all people to employ the greatest force in the universe, the force and power of love.

It is during turbulent times that the power of faith and compassion comes into play within people’s hearts and this is what is needed during these times. The light within must be kept radiant and constant. Those who have been walking the spiritual path of maintaining and increasing the light quotient upon the planet are now being called into active service. By this we mean that each of you is asked to maintain your vision of the new Earth reality and a better way for humankind. Do not be distracted by the seeming appearances of chaos in all parts of the world, for it is during these times that the higher vision must remain constant in people’s focus and prayers. Your light is much needed and required. As you maintain and increase your own light, we of the higher dimensions magnify this light to help maintain stability and balance. We work together during these times of world transformation and transmutation.

There is a saying upon your world, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” which means when the situation becomes difficult, the strong will work harder to meet the challenge, they do not give up, they maintain the higher vision and actively work towards it. Those of you who have already been tested are now in a position of giving hope and upliftment to a planet in the throes of extreme and accelerated change. You have many tools at your disposal and you must now employ all of them to keep your light shining bright. Maintain equilibrium and a detached perspective in the daily reports coming through your communication networks. Look for and affirm the highest outcomes in all situations that come before your awareness and work the plan, the Divine plan that you have come to bring into manifestation upon this world.

Be steadfast in your devotion to the highest outcomes for all so that your brothers and sisters can feel empowered as they meet the challenges that beset them. Use all of your God qualities as you serve the higher purpose. There is always a higher solution to every problem that comes before humanity and these higher qualities of a self realized human can bring the hope that is sorely needed by those who feel lost and alone in their struggles. Let them know that all is not lost, that at their core they are intact and as long as they remain centered in the truth of their alignment to the divine, all is well in the outer happenings that are occurring with increasing regularity. Be a shining example as a loving goodwill ambassador. If you are able, give practical and capable assistance to those in your sphere of influence.

Riding the waves of change can be exhilarating and exciting when an individual rests in the knowledge that at their core they are indestructible and inviolate. Know that you, the lightworkers of the world, are an indomitable force for good and stay true to this oneness of purpose. It requires dedication and persistence from each of you now. BE the greater light upon your planet during each and every moment. You have what it takes, each one of you.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included. 



Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


May 11-18, 2014

Beloved Ones,

For many of you these are difficult times. Your physical bodies keep going through recalibrations and transformations and the symptoms experienced are oftentimes not pleasant. There are many feelings of deep sadness that come out of nowhere and it can put you into a depressed state. It is important should this occur, to put a determined effort into changing that perspective. Do something that makes you feel good, something that makes you laugh. Get outdoors and dig in your garden, feel a connection with the Earth. When people feel out of sorts, being out in nature is very soothing, grounding and healing to their human operating systems. It is also important to examine your inner thought processes and change those that hold you in an unhappy space. It requires diligent observation to see and to understand that you might hold thought patterns that do not serve the person you have become and the person you are expanding into each and every day. The greatest challenge here is to recognize these ingrained thoughts and accept responsibility for changing them.

This is work that no one else can do for you. It requires your full and ongoing participation and persistence. It requires diligence, strength of mind and purpose. It requires a commitment to your self because you are worth the effort. Do not ever give up on yourself! You will soon find yourself back in equilibrium and moving forward once again. That is the beauty of life in physical expression, it never remains the same, it is always in a state of flux and that state can be used to your greater advantage. Ask yourself, “If my life was a book, how would I want my story to go?” Then set down on paper what you desire your life to be, every detail, every dream you have ever had that still has not come to fruition. After you have written down everything you can think of, look through what you have written and see if perhaps you already have had the experience and didn’t realize it and note those as successes in your book of your life. Then think about how you want the rest of your story to go and what you can do to bring that into manifestation. Keep this and keep adding to it, rewriting and changing as you go through each day. You are refining and polishing your characters and your story!

This is your template, the one you look at as your master plan, and you must work it regularly, read your words each day with deep feeling and sincerity to create the experience. Make yourself the magnificent, wise, intelligent, loving and loveable, and healthy individual that you know yourself to be at the core of your being. Identify completely with this you that you know you can be and continue to make the story come alive in rich detail. Each and every one of you has the ability to create the reality you choose and with concentrated focus and effort, you can actually live it. It is your story, dare to dream big and cast your character as larger than life, with magical powers and a magnetic, amazing personality. Give yourself supernatural powers that can assist and help others to see themselves in a greater light than before, so that they too, can be the author of their own life story. Become so identified with this character of you that any other option does not exist. This template is the new and wonderful you that you yourself created.

Keep refining and honing your character to be the best that you can be. This is not a story of winning a competition against another, this is a story of your own personal and individual life journey. It is a journey that can take many twists and turns, as the ‘you’ character experiences the reality that you are creating. Write about every facet of your experience, the highs and the lows, the surprises, the disappointments, the heartbreaks, the richness of experience and the insights that you were gifted with in each one. All of life must be experienced to be made a part of your story; it is the only way that is authentic and true. Write yourself as the master of your life, filled with love, wisdom and leadership abilities. See yourself speaking in front of many people with grace, ease and poise, telling them about your incredible life as you walked your path here on Earth.

Each of you has a great story to tell. Each of you has and will continue to experience, the wonders of life in a human form. The universe waits to hear your story about your wondrous adventures before, during and after the greatest shift of the ages. You will have a captive audience, wherever your story is told, of that you can be certain.

Until next week …

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included. 




Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Metropolitan Hilarion: Unholy conflict – Talk to Al Jazeera – Al Jazeera English



Metropolitan Hilarion: Unholy conflict – Talk to Al Jazeera – Al Jazeera English.

“This is what is most important for us: The church is not to divide people but to unite people.”

– Metropolitan Hilarion, head of relations for the Russian Orthodox church


Former Fox, Warner Bros and NBC TV Boss; Ex-Disney Head; Broadway/Universal Studios Producer named in Hollywood ‘Pedophile Ring’


Former Fox, Warner Bros and NBC TV Boss; Ex-Disney Head; Broadway/Universal Studios Producer named in Hollywood ‘Pedophile Ring’.

garth-Ancier-200x300Note from Stephen Cook: Here we go…more names, as predicted. Yet I reckon this is just the beginning of the end for the Hollywood’s’hidden’ sexual abuse of children. Watch for this to tip over into the music industry, too.

By Michael Idato, SMH.com – April 22, 2014 – http://tinyurl.com/lrbs39v | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Garth Ancier is a media executive best known for being one of only two people to have programmed three of the five US broadcast television networks.

The 31-year-old man who last week sensationally named Hollywood heavyweight producer Bryan Singer in a child sex lawsuit has filed three more civil lawsuits against powerful Hollywood figures.

The three named today are former 20th Century Fox television boss Garth Ancier, former Disney television boss David Neuman and Broadway producer and Universal and Six Flags theme park designer Gary Goddard.

“Somebody has to stand up to these people,” Egan told a packed press conference in Los Angeles.

“You can’t change the stigma that exists in this world against childhood sexual abuse unless someone talks about it.” Gary Goddard, Garth Ancier, David Neuman

Egan spoke out earlier this month, accusing Singer, a prominent Hollywood producer, of a series of sexual assaults which occurred when Egan was aged 15 through to 17.

Egan’s lawyer Jeff Herman said the assaults took place at a private LA estate which played host to parties attended by high-profile Hollywood figures and “underaged boys, including Mike [Egan]“.

At those parties the young men were “given drugs, they were given alcohol, sometimes they were threatened, sometimes they were given gifts and promised roles in movies; what we call being groomed,” Herman said today.

Herman said the subjects of the four lawsuits are part of a “ring” of powerful Hollywood figures who were “participants” in the parties, and had sexually assaulted Egan.

Herman said there were allegations which touched on a number of other figures, but the four names so far were the only four connected to parties in Hawaii as well as Los Angeles. The connection to Hawaii is significant, as it is the jurisdiction in which the lawsuits have been filed.

No criminal charges have been laid against any of the four named.

Sex abuse accuser Michael Egan III, 31, and his mother Bonnie Mound on Monday, April 21, 2014. Photo: AP

Sex abuse accuser Michael Egan III, 31, and his mother Bonnie Mound on Monday, April 21, 2014. Photo: AP

Egan’s mother, Bonnie Mound, attended the press conference to support her son and delivered an explosive and emotional criticism of the difficulties she faced for the past 14 years in trying to make people, including law enforcement agencies, act on her son’s claim.

She told the press conference that she had first discovered her son was a victim of sexual abuse when he was 17 years old, but that her subsequent pleas for help — to the LAPD, FBI and various media outlets including 60 Minutes and the Oprah Winfrey Show — were ignored.

Despite interviews with the police and federal agencies, nothing was done, she said. A single journalist attempted to write a story for a magazine, she said, but the story was abandoned after pressure from the Hollywood establishment.

“There is talk that Mike is here for his 15 minutes of fame; do you call this fame?” Mound said, breaking down in tears. “This isn’t fame. What part of this is fame?

“Sitting here … do you think we like it? It’s not about money, it’s about disarming these paedophiles who use their wealth and power to escape justice,” she said.

Herman said the lawsuit was simply about “grown men sexually abusing children”.

Asked by a reporter why she had not noticed her son was being sexually abused over a period of two years, Egan’s mother responded with a mixture of rage and raw emotion.

“Do you have any teenagers? Do they tell you everything?” she pressed the reporter.

“Do they tell you when these paedophiles have knives at their throats, stick guns in their mouths, have a bodyguard stand above their head and say they’re going to snap heir neck, put them underwater till they about drown, lock them in a [gun] safe till they can’t breathe?

“Then tell me, would your teenager tell you or would they be petrified? Would they be scared out of their mind when they have threatened death to them and our family? Then you think about it. I hope you never have to go through what we’ve gone through. I hope not.”

Bryan Singer

Singer’s lawyer, Martin Singer — no relation — responded to his clients lawsuit last week with a statement in which he said the claims were “completely fabricated”.

Photo: Brian Singer

He also said he would bring a claim of malicious prosecution against Egan and Herman.

Today, Herman accused Singer’s camp of intimidation.

“I am not going to be bullied. I am not intimidated by those kinds of statements,” Herman told the press conference. “And I will continue to file cases on behalf of victims of sex abuse.

“To all the victims who hear these threats and feel its not safe for them [to come forward], I want them to know it’s safe for them, it’s safe to come forward,” Herman said.

Herman said the four lawsuits were filed after more than six months of investigation.

Herman is one of the most respected advocates for survivors of rape, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation in the US, notably representing hundreds of victims of clergy sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic church.

The case has triggered a mixed reaction in Hollywood, generating coverage from many media outlets but cautious coverage from others, particular media outlets which have either have connections to or depend on the Hollywood studio infrastructure to operate.

Herman said the case was “a watershed moment for Hollywood”.

“We’re going to look back on these cases and see this opened up a number of victims feeling safe about coming forward,” he said.

Herman said he had been contacted by dozens of victims who have alleged abuse by different perpetrators, including studio executives, managers, directors and producers.

“This is something I anticipate will expand. I will continue, as appropriate, to file cases and expose the predators.”

Many thanks to Wes Annac at The Aquarius Paradigm for all their wonderful insights and visions. LOVE and Light on Your Journey, and keep loving one another unconditionally,

JoJo April 22, 2014 1:19PM

Hilarion – December 23 – 30, 2012


HilarionAnd so we now come into the new Golden age. We welcome you with great jubilation! The energies are still very intense and will continue in their activating activities. Every living being on Earth is being activated and attuned to the higher dimensional frequencies and this work will continue until each being is fully awakened in the new Light. It is your task individually and collectively, those who are already awake, to continue to shine your Light and help those around you as the need arises and is seen. You of the Light now hold an even more important position than before. You now begin to wield your Light into manifesting your vision for a better World in more powerful ways, because you yourselves are more powerful.You have come into this World to be OF this World. It is the embodiment in the human form that you have personally transformed into your greater form,  that was and still is required of each of you. As we move into the new year, each of you will be moving into the next steps of your personal destiny and will continue to come together in groups during various times to effect greater positive change in this World. The power of the many acting as One can produce many miracles and this will become more noticeable upon the planet.You will begin to gradually feel the heaviness of the lower dimensional energies lift from within your Beings and will find yourselves feeling happy and joyful in the most mundane tasks. As you practice mindful focus with all the senses of your higher self, you will begin to discover the previously unseen world that has always been around you. Some of you are already noticing clearer and brighter colors as you move about your area of the world. The sunshine seems whiter and brighter. Become observant of the world around you as you go about your daily routine, awaken your new senses through practice.Your combined efforts of Light work in the past year especially has enabled all upon this planet to safely move forward into the new galactic cycle now dawning on the new horizon for your planet and all her inhabitants. You have been and still are, very needed, to be grounded into the Earth acting as conduits for these more refined energies now flowing into your atmosphere. This will now become a much easier and more natural way of life because there will be a lessening of the energies of polarity and life on Earth in general will feel more filled with ease and grace.As the old paradigm continues to disintegrate and the old ways of doing business on this planet are no longer being supported by the new energy, a new tone of harmony, peace and cooperation will be seen in all people upon the Earth and this in turn will effect great and beneficent changes in all areas of life upon this planet. For now, we counsel, rest and relax with your loved ones and enjoy the rising energies. Laugh often and enjoy the closeness with those whom you love as you celebrate life!  We are with you always.Until next week…I AM Hilarion©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of GracePermission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.   http://www.therainbowscribe.comThank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

via Hilarion – December 23 – 30, 2012.

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Do you hear perpetual high pitched frequencies? | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database


Do you hear perpetual high pitched frequencies? | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database.

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Many people are hearing high pitched frequencies which are not related to a Vitamin D deficiency or tinnitus.  From my research, I’ve found out that these frequencies are associated with your spiritual awakening process, more specifically, in remembering and RE-REMEMBERING of who you are.


History has repeatedly shown us that we have experienced spontaneous DNA upgrades though out our lineage, without any gradual changes in between lineages. These high pitched sounds and frequencies may be associated with a DNA upgrade.



masaru emoto and dna upgradeOur bodies are mainly compromised of water.  Recent studies have indicated that sounds and frequencies have an affect on water molecules, as evidenced by Masaru Emoto’s work with sound and the restructuring of water molecules.  Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s work with the holy harmony solfeggios has also indicated there are certain frequencies that affect our genetic structure and ability to heal from within.  On a cellular level, these frequencies and sounds are being converted to their most concentrated form of energy, vibration.


Our entire solar system is currently experiencing a dramatic climate change, including the outer planets in our galaxy.  This has baffled scientists because we are currently in a solar minimum.  As we travel further into the photon belt, the energies will continue to increase.  If these photon energies are associated with any type of minimal radiation, it will affect the genetic structure of our DNA.


Past life regression hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon believes these high pitched noises are associated with your body rising in frequency as the Earth shifts in to a new dimension.


Many consider these high pitched sounds to be part of our genetic reprogramming as the entire universe is being upgraded on a galactic level.  Rest assured that these sounds are beneficial to your genetic and spiritual development.


In the meanwhile, enjoy the ride!

 Also see:

Have Your Sleep Patterns Changed Lately?
Do You Hear Birds Chirping at Night?

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form. Feel free to do whatever you want with it, including using parts of it, rewording anything within the article or claiming ownership to it. I don’t care, just share the word! 🙂