Tag Archives: spirituality

Heraclitus Quotes ~ via ~ antryump


Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 535 – c. 475 BCE) was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, a native of the Greek city Ephesus, Ionia, on the coast of Asia Minor. He was of distinguished parentage. Little is known about his early life and education, but he regarded himself as self-taught and a pioneer of wisdom. From the lonely life he led, and still more from the paradoxical nature of his philosophy and his stress upon the needless unconsciousness of humankind, he was called “The Obscure” and the “Weeping Philosopher”.Heraclitus is famous for his insistence on ever-present change in the universe, as stated in the famous saying, “No man ever steps in the same river twice” (see panta rhei, below). He believed in the unity of opposites, stating that “the path up and down are one and the same”, all existing entities being characterized by pairs of contrary properties. His cryptic utterance that “all entities come to be in accordance with this Logos” (literally, “word”, “reason”, or “account”) has been the subject of numerous interpretations.“Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.”“Nothing endures but change.”“Time is a game played beautifully by children.”“The best people renounce all for one goal, the eternal fame of mortals; but most people stuff themselves like cattle.”“Those who love wisdom must investigate many things”“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”“Allow yourself to think only those thoughts that match your principles and can bear the bright light of day. Day by day, your choices, your thoughts, your actions fashion the person you become. Your integrity determines your destiny.”“To be even minded is the greatest virtue. Wisdom is to speak the truth and act in keeping with its nature.”“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.”“Thinking is a sacred disease and sight is deceptive.”“Much learning does not teach understanding.”“Man’s character is his fate.”“Abundance of knowledge does not teach men to be wise.”“Character is destiny”.“Opposition brings concord. Out of discord comes the fairest harmony”.

via Heraclitus Quotes.

Stop Internet Regulations Today! Post Your Comments Show Distaste


Go to FCC.gov/comments and pst your pretest to government interference in the internet. Keep Comcast, ATT, Time Warner, from deciding how fast you get the internet. We still have time to stop this! Do you want monopolistic Cable companies to decide how fast and who should have the faster internet? We all love to comment on the mundane things people are doing; it is time to put those comments to good use.

Keep Government and Monopolistic Media Franchises from controlling the Internet……

My comment and formal complaint to the FCC June 1, 2014:

I feel that it is not up to the government or monopolistic media corporations to decide how fast our internet is provided or what content I am allowed to view. We are not supposed to have monopolies and yet, it is tolerated in the US where media special interests are concerned;  especially when WE the PEOPLE don’t want any part of it. You are supposed to be our voice. So speak that which WE the People are speaking. “Its time for peace, harmony, and freedom of information…I do not want big media controlling my information. Corporations are not people they are ran BY people; humanity should come first.n Thanks for your time.

Please share and do your part to save the internet, and keep big media and government from taking our last freedoms. The freedom of information whatever your social status, should be the status quo….

Love and Light on Your Journey, JoJo

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Ascension | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database |

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Ascension | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database |

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Ascension | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database |.

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

The meteoric rise of children (and adults) who were diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) makes one ponder about the spiritual relevance of this anomaly.

Children and adults with ADD and ADHD commonly feel like they have a plethora of energy and need to find creative ways to expend this energy.

The key words is “energy”.


Every thought contains energy that is sent out to the universe and recreated within our societal mandlebrot as the “now”.  Many people diagnosed with ADD and ADHD, have a difficult time focusing on anything they find mundane, such as school, rules and authority figures (or anyone, in general) who cannot relate or understand them.  There are many more undiagnosed cases of ADD and ADHD where people feel this same anomaly.

People with ADD and ADHD learn coping skills to deal with this “disorder”.  In school, a child can sit in front of the class, away from any windows.  The teacher can tap the child on the shoulder if he or she notices the child drifting away from the subject being taught.  If allowed in school, the student can chew gum which also helps people with ADD or ADHD maintain focus.

As with any other medical issue, I would advise going with what your physician prescribes but in the case of ADD and ADHD, I believe it’s an over-prescribed and diagnosed “disorder” that has a definitive spiritual purpose and can be easily be controlled with coping skills.think outside the box

Ironically, those with ADD and ADHD tend to think outside the box as their minds are constantly wandering.  They’re usually creative in the art and music field and have no problem maintaining focus when their minds are occupied on something they love to do.  They will come up with ideas that are so outside-the-box that others will initially discredit their ideas because the ideas are too advanced and cannot be described articulately enough for others to understand the end results.  They are often innocently forgetful and have a difficult time remembering things, past or present.

They often have a difficult time fitting into cliques and can relate to almost every clique, but many not want to be part of any of them, distancing themselves from any possible karmic debt associated with these cliques.

Some are described as “scattered,” loners or wanderers who are trying to find others who are like them or people who can accept them for who they are without conforming to societal standards.

Many feel confused as to why they have ADD or ADHD and cannot understand why other people have such an easy time remembering past or recent thoughts.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Ascension | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database |Many may feel like they “don’t belong here” and have a sense of where “home” is but it’s not necessarily “here”.

Is it a coincidence that the prevalence of ADD and ADHD has come at a time when people have incarnated to this planet with very little time to garnish and/or remember any negative karma?

Is it a possibility that ADD and ADHD are protective insurance measures that people took out when they agreed to come to this planet to help with the ascension process without having the liability of negative karmic debt?

In a world where people who have a medical diagnosis are looked at as being “different” from the norm, is this difference a blessing instead of a curse?

Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of “outside the box” professionals like myself who are willing to redress this issue in metaphysical terms. The problem is that the APA and Big Pharma are in bed with one another, as evidenced by one of their latest disorders, orthorexia nervosa, which is basically a healthy eating disorder. You can’t make this stuff up!!

attention deficit disorder add adhd Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderMy specialty is working with at-risk youth. I developed a program to help at-risk youths, children going through the reunification process (e.g. going from a foster home to their new parents) and parents in need of parenting classes. While my program has an amazing success rate (no re-offenders back into the system as of this date), it also helps the families learn how to work with one another in addressing these issues. Many of my clients are labeled ADD/ADHD and I’ve taught them the basic coping skills that I mentioned in this article. Many of the children stated they don’t like how they feel when they’re on their medications. Is it possible that their higher selves are giving them these messages? In my opinion, yes. The medications are taking them away from their true selves when non-medicinal options are available. Of course, Big Pharma and the APA don’t want to hear this… all they want is a diagnosis and a script.

The problem with Big Pharma is that they DON’T CURE ANYTHING! They merely put a bandaid over the problem and rely on repeating, life-long business generated by the client’s psychiatrist or medical practitioner. There are other options available!!

I highly encourage other therapists and counselors to take a holistic approach to this “disorder”. Once you rule out any other possible mental illness and/or issue (such as dyslexia), dietary issues or possible life stressors, you can address this issue without the need for medication.

One last note for parents with children who are dx’d with ADD/ADHD: Look at what your child is eating because this may also be the cause of the problem. Try changing his or her diet to something more healthy, with less sugars and/or processed foods.

If you have ADD or ADHD, look inside yourself to the reasons why you have it and how you can use it to better yourself and others.  You were given this “gift” for a reason… it’s time to find out what that reason is.

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form. Feel free to do whatever you want with it, including using parts of it, rewording anything within the article or claiming ownership to it. I don’t care, just share the word! 🙂

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DL Zeta: Void States Carry Us into Life Tracks that are More Spiritually Alive~Reblogged

DL Zeta: Void States Carry Us into Life Tracks that are More Spiritually Alive~Reblogged

Void States Carry us into Life Tracks that are More Spiritually Alive, by DL Zea, March 15, 2014 at: http://www.celestialvision.org | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

In times of change we enter a void – the space between what has been and the future we’re creating. The void is a natural and necessary passage in which we release the past and open to new visions and new ideas. A void offers access to new portals of joy and fulfillment and brings us into connection with souls who have agreed to play a role in the movie of our upcoming timeline.

As we move deeper into these new realms, we connect with the version of ourselves that will lead us into the next phase of our lives. While void states may feel uncomfortable, they offer a rich and fertile ground for new seeds we are planting to take root and grow.

Void states are necessary because it’s difficult to perceive the future clearly from inside a reality you’re completing. You may have some glimmers but you can’t fully know a future timeline until you’re living inside it.

Most always, we enter a transitional timeline when we complete with an enduring timeline that has carried us through new levels of self-understanding and new phases of life lessons. It’s best to say we are completing with a timeline rather than leaving it. To say we are leaving a timeline implies we are moving away from, escaping from or eliminating the old timeline and this is not the case

Determining the Nature and Tone of a Transitional Life Track

We can never get rid of a timeline we have experienced nor would we want to. This would eliminate the valuable understandings we gained along that life track. We could not eliminate a life track if we wanted to but there are some very good reasons we would not want to. When we realize our focus along a given life track is complete, this is the moment we determine the nature and tone of our transitional life track. If we hold intentions of embracing change and accepting the flow of beginnings and completions in our lives, we will find ourselves in a space of discovery and appreciation of the newness of our experiences.

The void can be a place of peace, joy, anticipation, self-discovery and tremendous freedom. It can also be a nerve-wracking journey of fear, dread, overwhelm, stress and sadness. The choice is ours. Even if we initially enter the void from a place of fear or resistance, we’re able to shift into joy and acceptance by remembering everything that happens in our life is attempting to assist us and lift us up. We control our response to change.

When we enter a new and challenging time with an open mind and loving heart we create the causes of a joyful journey through the void. We can begin this journey by entering a meditative space and basking in the love and assistance that is there for us. Our higher self is always ready and available to surround us with the warm glow of love and peace. We can enter this space any time we feel the uncertainty that naturally accompanies the un-rootedness of the void. This is why times of change and transition are essential to our spiritual growth. When we are existing along a timeline of well-established, third-dimensional comfort zones, we may not feel the need to reach out to our higher self.

Losing Ourselves to Find Ourselves in a New and Deeper Way

Complacency along an existing timeline is a signal it’s time to renew ourselves and shift to a life track that is more spiritually alive. Our conscious mind may resist this change initially. The ego loves a sense of order and control.

When the ego establishes too much order and control, this sets up a wall of resistance. It’s about this time that the universe guides us into the chaos of the void where we lose ourselves in order to find ourselves in a new and deeper way. Our conscious mind may resist this change but soon enough the ego recognizes that the only reasonable way to navigate the unknown landscape of the void is to surrender to the soul’s higher knowing.

Embracing Beginner’s Mind with Grace and Humility

If we can embrace with grace and humility this place of beginner’s mind, we can expand into the moment-by-moment awareness inherent in a new situation. This sense of newness builds in us anticipation about the transition timeline. When we surrender to the void we’re able to fine-tune our vibrational frequency and bring it into resonance with a new timeline more strongly aligned with our spiritual purpose.

Beginner’s mind is a place where we live our life moment-by-moment in divine communion, listening within for the next step and allowing our soul’s feeling states to serve as the star we steer by. We may find beginner’s mind to be so fulfilling we choose to remain there as part of our spiritual practice. Just incorporating periods of beginner’s mind into each day will help us forge a strong connection with our inner guidance.

Resistance to Change Triggers a ‘Ghost Town’ Experience

If we go into resistance when we enter a time of change, we may shift to a transitional timeline that is rife with roadblocks, struggle and scarcity. Usually we encounter difficult transitional timelines when we cling to the past in some way. When we attempt to carry the past with us into a new timeline, we encounter a bleak landscape. This is very much a “ghost town” experience because we are in effect a ghost haunting a space we no longer inhabit. In other words, our present moment is no longer alive inside the previous timeline but our consciousness continues to travel back there – to haunt our own past, so to speak, stubbornly refusing to release what has been.

What we are holding onto is not truly the past, for the past is a concept of the mind. What we are holding onto are the people, situations, moments and things that represent our experiences along a past timeline. There is an energetic connection to these experiences of the past that can be addictive in nature. It is this addiction that keeps one haunting past moments in search of that which the mind knows well.

Allow Yourself to Exist Peacefully in Times of Change and Transition

Attempting to hold onto a past timeline throws us out of alignment with the flow of our higher self and distorts the focus of our mission here. We cannot exist in the ghost town of a past timeline for long without dramatic consequences to our health and well-being. Anytime you find a transition difficult, enter a quiet, meditative space and reconnect with your higher self. Allow yourself to exist peacefully in the void. Soon the flow of guidance will be reestablished, transporting you to a new transitional timeline where you can fine tune your vibrational frequency by aligning with those things that bring you joy.

You will find many elements of your past inside a transition timeline, including people, forms of creative expression, places, situations and life lessons. These elements that are in resonance with the frequencies of your transition timeline are renewed energetically. Your connection will now be based on the new frequencies, the new vision and the new timeline you’re activating.

You will find things have changed, however; your relationship with a person may become more loving, your art or writing may take new forms, ideas and flow; you may find yourself redecorating your house and bringing the frequencies there into alignment with your new vision. You may change your diet or choose to incorporate new forms of movement that help align mind, body and soul, such as yoga or t’ai chi.

During a transition phase, people, situations and places that are not compatible with the new frequencies will fall out of resonance. It is natural and understandable that once you connect with a vision that will carry you into the future, this will impact every area of your life. Some people, situations and interests from your past will be energetically renewed into your new life while others will be de-magnetized and fall away. This process will be sudden and abrupt in some cases and gradual in others.

When you sense a person or situation leaving your life, surround them with love and thank them for the role they have played in your life. Keep in mind friends of the past never truly leave us. We’re always connected at the soul level.

When you release a connection with someone from a place of love and appreciation, this opens a space for someone new to enter your life. Learn to exist joyfully along a transition timeline in a state of heightened awareness and anticipation and soon you will find new people, new situations, new events, and new moments flowing into your life as you are transported to a new timeline.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved http://www.celestialvision.org These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

Thanks to The Aquarius Paradigm  for their insights, and LOVE and Light on Your Journey……


Hilarion – December 23 – 30, 2012


HilarionAnd so we now come into the new Golden age. We welcome you with great jubilation! The energies are still very intense and will continue in their activating activities. Every living being on Earth is being activated and attuned to the higher dimensional frequencies and this work will continue until each being is fully awakened in the new Light. It is your task individually and collectively, those who are already awake, to continue to shine your Light and help those around you as the need arises and is seen. You of the Light now hold an even more important position than before. You now begin to wield your Light into manifesting your vision for a better World in more powerful ways, because you yourselves are more powerful.You have come into this World to be OF this World. It is the embodiment in the human form that you have personally transformed into your greater form,  that was and still is required of each of you. As we move into the new year, each of you will be moving into the next steps of your personal destiny and will continue to come together in groups during various times to effect greater positive change in this World. The power of the many acting as One can produce many miracles and this will become more noticeable upon the planet.You will begin to gradually feel the heaviness of the lower dimensional energies lift from within your Beings and will find yourselves feeling happy and joyful in the most mundane tasks. As you practice mindful focus with all the senses of your higher self, you will begin to discover the previously unseen world that has always been around you. Some of you are already noticing clearer and brighter colors as you move about your area of the world. The sunshine seems whiter and brighter. Become observant of the world around you as you go about your daily routine, awaken your new senses through practice.Your combined efforts of Light work in the past year especially has enabled all upon this planet to safely move forward into the new galactic cycle now dawning on the new horizon for your planet and all her inhabitants. You have been and still are, very needed, to be grounded into the Earth acting as conduits for these more refined energies now flowing into your atmosphere. This will now become a much easier and more natural way of life because there will be a lessening of the energies of polarity and life on Earth in general will feel more filled with ease and grace.As the old paradigm continues to disintegrate and the old ways of doing business on this planet are no longer being supported by the new energy, a new tone of harmony, peace and cooperation will be seen in all people upon the Earth and this in turn will effect great and beneficent changes in all areas of life upon this planet. For now, we counsel, rest and relax with your loved ones and enjoy the rising energies. Laugh often and enjoy the closeness with those whom you love as you celebrate life!  We are with you always.Until next week…I AM Hilarion©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of GracePermission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.   http://www.therainbowscribe.comThank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

via Hilarion – December 23 – 30, 2012.

Visit Birth Charts HQ for Your custom astrological interpretation!

Choice Point – Align Your Purpose

English: Zentao symbol as evolution of the Tao...

English: Zentao symbol as evolution of the Tao (Yin Yang) and the Five Elements of Feng Shui. Italiano: Zentao è un simbolo come evoluzione del Tao (Yin e Yang) e dei cinque elementi del Feng Shui. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Our thoughts are manifesting quicker than ever, which has brought us into a 4th dimensional way of living. If anyone is caught into the negativity of life, then this is what will manifest. Conversely, your ‘Choice Point’ can change as your thoughts, beliefs and intentions change. It won’t happen overnight, but it WILL happen as long as you remain true to your beliefs.

It’s mentioned in this video that “At the moment of commitment, the Universe conspires to help you.” in5d would not exist if this was not true. I work 12-15+ hours every day, 365 days a year and haven’t had a day off since 2008… and I LOVE it!!!


“Be The Change You Want To See In The World”

Choice Point is a feature-length documentary film which probes the issues of transformational change and how when one person transforms his or her own life, that person can contribute in a positive way to the shaping of the world.

“How does one make lasting positive changes?”

The film answers this most important of questions by weaving together inspirational personal stories by public figures, from sports stars to statesmen to businesspeople, with discussions by a range of experts, from scientists to philosophers, about the dynamics of change.

You can also watch this video at the Choice Point website HERE

Now that you’ve watched this video, you can go to the official website and submit ideas on how to change the world. You can find my idea HERE. (FENG SHUI ECODOME COMMUNITY BUILT IN SACRED GEOMETRY PATTERNS). If you sign up for an account, please add your opinion on how we can make this idea better and how we can make it happen NOW!!!

Choice Point – Align Your Purpose | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database.

Visit me at Birth Charts HQ for your personal forecast through the planets for 2012 and beyond! LOVE and Light on Your Journey, JoJo

A Word to Humanity with LOVE and Light

Fear....It's just a state of mind on Vimeo

Fear….It’s just a state of mind on Vimeo (Photo credit: Ralph Buckley)

Humanity needs to search inward when judging any other human. Just because we don’t agree, doesn’t mean either You or I are wrong/right.  We CAN differ on politics, religion, and 2012! This is the Beauty of being HUMAN!  The outright hatred, threats, and labeling is doing nothing for the Collective Unconscious, or Your OWN Enlightenment.

I CHOOSE to believe we are ONE, homosexuality is perfectly OK (and should be treated as such, even through marriage), religion-like art-is subjective (know WHOM You are praying, too and do YOUR research!), You can be both pro-life AND pro-choice (killing Doctors. bombing clinics, or bashing of mother’s in crisis, etc IS STILL taking life), and every circumstance may NOT be black and white; keep an Open Mind!

Above ALL, we should LOVE Unconditionally.  EveryONE, everything, and ALL that IS deserves nothing less than feeling Pure LOVE, as WE ourselves would like to be LOVED.

I wish You LOVE and Light on Your Journey, and Peace like no other! JoJo . . . .  Sending Special prayers  and LOVE for those victims of Hurricane Sandy and Winter Storm Athena.

Visit me at Birth Charts HQ to learn how You can better deal with the energies and planets affecting YOU through 21012 and beyond!


The Great Divine Director – A Period of Transition – 28 October 2012, by Tazjima



A Period of Transition

I AM the Great Divine Director. Today I come with greetings from the Ascended Masters for those ascending ones and our brothers and sisters who are just now in the process of waking up.

In the Northern Hemisphere of your dear planet, great storms are brewing, sweeping clean vast regions of the collective miasma of the ages. In the Southern Hemisphere, strange weather systems are bringing snow to places where it has never come before. Everywhere there is a cleansing undergoing. Mud and rain have come to tropical and mountainous regions of South America. Huge typhoons and tropical storms are battering the coasts and mountains of China and the Philippines bringing disaster to coastal cities, small villages and outlying areas. All of these occurrences have brought with them loss of property and in some instances, loss of life. Yet we tell you now the disasters would have been much greater were it not for the efforts of the lightworkers and wayshowers. Your progress in reconnecting to your inner power, along with the cooperative efforts of your galactic relations, has averted the greatest disasters from happening.

Cleansing will continue; it must. Your planet is undergoing the process of releasing the darkness and misaligned energies that she has lovingly taken into her body through the ages. Now as she undergoes her own process of ascension, these energies must be released from her body, like your own experiences. On a scale more vast than your own, she is undergoing a Kundalini fever, shaking and night sweats, releasing the pollution that has encumbered her. Even after ascension, much will still have to be done to clean up the surface of the planet, its oceans, water, air and soil; that is where the cooperative efforts of your galactic relatives and your own efforts will come into play. The greatest efforts must, however, wait until such time when it is safe for the galactic ships to land on your shores. Until the darkness in men’s hearts is rolled back or removed, your planet will have to conduct most of her cleansing on her own, with the help of her elementals.

Did you know that each human who is in a body vehicle shares that vehicle with a body elemental? It is so. These intelligent adaptive beings run the so-called autonomic systems of the body, without conscious input from their passenger. Without the cooperation of the body elemental, it would not be possible for the soul to reside in a body vehicle. And without the connection of the flame of life to the greater soul, the soul fragment within the body would quickly return to the heaven world. Your existence in this environment is dependent on cooperation between all parties. Yet most humans are not at all aware that they are not just a body; their awareness of something beyond their daily life has been dulled by social conditioning and poisons in their food, air, water and environment.

Did you not know that your body is a temple? It is a temporary vehicle that allows you to experience life in the physical realms. Granted that currently life is difficult for many, it was not always that way. Still, some of humanity has made great strides in approaching the boundaries of the realms of light. The journey is still yet to begin for others.

There is much to overcome. During the past thirteen millennia, the power of your planet has resided in the hands of a few beings not of this world. They have wrought much destruction and have sowed seeds of hatred, fear and division between the various peoples of this planet. Now their time is ending; the cycles of change are upon them and they have gone against the degree of their former masters and have defied the forces of light. They do not wish to give up their place of power, their material wealth. They want to keep the planet under their control and to continue with their plans of destruction of much of the populace, while keeping a much smaller population as slaves to do their bidding. You see, these ones have so denied the light that exists within that they no longer can create anything but destruction. They live such lives of insecurity and insatiable need that cannot be satisfied by anything they gather or wrestle from others. They are like the damned pirates who live a half-life, half in this world and half in hell. Nothing can satisfy their lusts short of the death of those they envy – you, the lightworkers. And now they are frightened. They lash out murderously at those who dare in the mass media to inform the people of their ongoing crimes against humanity and their own communities. They attempt to provoke war and disagreement between groups of people. They work from both sides to inflame prejudice, fear and division between races, cultures, countries and religions. Why? They fear the power of humanity; they fear the connection that even those who are not aware of their mighty gifts have, the connection to the soul that cannot be broken except through the agency of a complete denial and turning away.

So strong is the flame in some individuals that we can see your brilliance from high above the planet’s surface. The beacons of light on your planet have been growing in strength on a daily basis for the past ten years. It is this occurrence that the dark forces fear the most, for in the awakening of humanity will come their own downfall. There is nothing they can do now to avert this crisis in their eyes; the cycles of time move against them. The increasing bombardment of your planet by cosmic rays from the center of the Universe has made the awakening of some of humanity a certainty. You are ascending and your planet is ascending. Once the bridge between dimensions is crossed, the planet will no longer be a viable environment for these darkened lost individuals. And so they fight with every scrap of their beings and continue to spill out their envy, spite and hatred of humanity, seeking to turn brother against brother, black against white, banker against citizen, rich against poor. They seek to deny the humanity of others because they cannot experience it themselves. They have become, through their own efforts, incapable of feeling anything but hatred and fear.

How can this dark force be opposed? What can people do in this transitional period between the shift and adjustment beyond? As has been said before, seek the kingdom of heaven within. It is important, it is imperative that all lightworkers cease their efforts to attack the dark forces and seek to discover the realm of love that exists within each and every human. Every human being on this benighted planet, even those of the darkest hearts, has the capacity to reconnect with their inner Being, but it takes individual focus and effort. It is not a journey for the faint of heart, the unprepared, but neither is it a journey that impossible. Many individuals through the ages have followed the promptings of their soul and have made their way, one by one, into the higher realms, leaving their body vehicle behind. Most of these individuals have received training and initiations through lifetimes in order to reach the purity of body and soul required to complete the transfiguration. Sprinkled through the pages of history, such as it currently exists on your planet, are the stories of those courageous ones who have made this journey of the heart. Now has come the time that many can make the same journey, a happening unprecedented in the history of your planet, the galaxy and even the Universe. With unprecedented support by the forces of Light, it is now possible for a large number of individuals to undergo collective ascension into the higher, light-filled realms of the fifth dimension.

We understand that not all people want to undergo this transition. We honor their decision. When it is their time, they will respond to the inner call of their soul and will begin their own journey, but now it is not their time. That is where the work of the Lightbearers, starseeds and wayshowers comes in; you are setting an energetic pathway for all those who follow in your footsteps. And now there are many who are beginning to awaken to the call of the soul. They will respond; it is an insistent call that cannot be resisted, if it is the right moment for the individual to wake up. So it is important to not judge the progress of others against your own. Look to yourself, release your fears, seek out the words of others if you need consoling, but always remember that your journey into ascension is your own unique path, forged by your soul. As a unique part of the Creator, your journey involves the collection of information for your Creator, as God learns about God; in that joyous act of reconnection when the flame of life expands to encompass the entirety of the physical body and all dross is burned away. Purified by the fires of resurrection, your soul fragment returns to the Wholeness of Creation, to All That Is. And with your ascension you enrich the treasure chest of all Humanity, for you are One.

(The message was interrupted by the day’s various activities, including house-cleaning, LOL!)

We continue on with our message now. We encourage all lightworkers to strive to connect with their inner being, to remain calm and centered during this time of transition. There exists much chaos upon your world at the moment, but all is not as it seems. The matrix or illusion so carefully built up by your collective consciousness and cemented together by fear is in the process of disintegrating. There is desperation in the ones remaining of the illuminati leaders and minions; they know now that time is not on their side. Keep clear of these ones, turn away from keeping your attention on their activities. Be aware, but as a compassionate onlooker, not as a participant. Let the last throes of the dark matrix not catch you up in its dramatics.

We have noticed that many of the weary wayshowers are letting go of the last vestiges of those things that are not of the light; all remaining memories, emotional connections, traumas and disappointments. These do not have to accompany you into the Light; let them go, leave them to be transmuted by the Violet Flame. They are a part of the illusion that you are now leaving behind; they are not you.

Open to reunion with your Higher Self, your one true guide back to Source. It is the inner Christ Self that dwells within that will greet you, in your dreams and meditations. Your guides and mentors will accompany you, but always remember to retain your personal sovereignty. Constantly test the spirits. If something or someone does not resonate with you, bless them and release them. Now is not the time to attempt to change someone, only to change yourself by becoming more of your Self. This process calls for releasing everything, your expectations, your desires, everything. In the stillness of your heart you will discover a world that exceeds everything you could ever hope for. And you will be guided, step by step, on a need to know basis as to the direction of your journey. By learning to listen to your intuition and quiet inner voice, you will discover what you need to know. Learn to trust the guidance that you receive from within; it is your higher Self communicating through its silent language. With time and practice you will begin to channel your own messages and instruction. We encourage all seekers to spend time with their journals, creating a blog, drawing, writing poetry or music, or finding some other means to express your inner creativity. You will find that you begin to feel more joyful, calm and disinterested in the dramas of others.

If you are guided to assist others, do so, but always with the understanding that each individual must make their own way to ascension; no one can do it for you. As your guides and inner mentors, we will be by your side to give you little nudges in one direction or another, but it up to you to respond. We lovingly watch over you and admire humanity for making the recent strides towards freedom. You have come far in just a few short years, just seconds in the eternal Now. We anticipate great things to happen in the coming days, weeks and months as more and more people begin to wake up and seek assistance in understanding what is going on, within and around them.

For the wayshowers and those who have taken on the new job of gatekeepers, your place is to hold the way open for those who follow. You can guide but mostly you will be acting as examples. Be the calm center in the storm of transition; be the light upon the hill that points the way home.

We send you our blessings and encouragement during this time of transition. It is an important step that is being taken by all souls upon this planet; much is dependent on what happens next. We wait breathlessly to see what the show will bring to all. Although we can see many futures, they are subject to change. Your free will makes it so, so surprise us, too, humanity and set yourself free from illusion, hatred and fear. And we will celebrate together at the reunion the family of Light.

We are your loving brothers and sisters of the Light, the Ascended Masters.


Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://bluedragonjournal.com/

Visit me at Birth Charts HQ to get your personal interpretations for 2012 and beyond!

Edgar Cayce: The Earth is catching up with Time



Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) was a psychic of the 2...

Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) was a psychic of the 20th century and made many highly publicized predictions.Citation needed (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Edgar Cayce, known as the ‘Sleeping Prophet’ once stated, ‘The Earth is catching up with time’ but what does this mean?  Terence McKenna’s 2012 Timewave Zero theory is based on the premise that time is spiraling towards the singularity.  Ian Xel Lungold believed that creation is speeding up because there’s less time.  Are these three theories related?

Cayce was born on a farm near Hopkinsville, Kentucky on March 18, 1877 where as a youth, he was learned the ability to absorb information by sleeping on his school books.  At the age of 21, he developed an unknown type of throat paralysis to which doctors could not find a cure. Using the same hypnotic technique from his youth, Cayce diagnosed his own medical issue and restored his voice.  He also discovered that he could do the same for others through a self-induced hypnotic state of consciousness.

Read the FULL article at the link below.

Edgar Cayce: The Earth is catching up with Time | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database.

LOVE and Light on Your Journey, JoJo ❤

What Triggers the Awakening Process?


What Triggers the Awakening Process? | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database.

What Triggers the Awakening Process?

What Triggers the Awakening Process? | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databaseby Gregg Prescott, M.S.

For many people, we have awakened at specific points in our lives in order to help facilitate the awakening process with others, but what events helped to trigger this awakening?

Your Path Has Always Led You Here

Every second, we are making choices that help to determine what future paths we’ll be taking.  Regardless of which choice we make, we will always find another fork in the road ahead of us with more decisions to make.  Each time you choose a new path, more options become available, but all options will inevitably lead you back to the original soul contract that you agreed to before you incarnated to this planet.

Through your higher self and spirit guides, you rely on your intuition and discernment to help you make these decisions.  While at times it seems like we made a few bad decisions in life, none of these choices were a mistake, including any bad relationships we had with others or any other negative event in our lives.  Each one of these events has led you to who you are today and will continue to guide you on your life path.  The key is to not only learn from these relationships and events, but to forgive yourself and others for any negative feelings that may still remain.  This is how your spirit grows.

Some People Just “Get It” Without Being Spiritual

We all know someone who may not be spiritual but just “gets it”.  These people tend to have a great compassion for all forms of life and are generally very optimistic people.  For example, they may be completely living “The Secret” without having any clue about what the Law of Attraction is. Or, they might not ever seem to take love for granted as they are the first to tell their friends and families, “I love you”.  While love is the greatest force on the planet, those who “get it” without knowing it are the unknown soldiers of the awakening process and are influencing more people than they could ever imagine, just by being themselves.

What Triggers the Awakening Process?

For many people, a specific event, video, book or movie led to their awakening process.  In many cases, the awakening process began with truth seeking.

Initially as a truth seeker, you may feel upset with how those in power are seemingly working against the best interests of humanity all in the name of greed, power, control and money.  You have a strong desire for justice and fairness for everyone, yet you may have an inner desire to see harm come to those who have inflicted injury and death upon others.

For example, while many people know and accept who the “real terrorists” are that caused 9/11, they should all be held accountable but not killed, even though they are responsible for the deaths of thousands of people along with loss of civil liberties for hundreds of millions of people.  There is NEVER a good reason to kill anyone and that includes mass murderers, rapists and child abusers.  Ultimately, the lesson to be learned is compassion and love for everyone.  This doesn’t mean that those who are guilty of crimes against humanity should be let free.  They could be used as labor in the rehabilitation of Mother Earth in helping to restore the things that they have deliberately tried to destroy.  While the extermination of these people may seem gratifying to some, the act of killing someone would make us no better than them. How would be evolving spiritually if this were the case?

In time, you are still truth-seeking but you are also starting to understand how tyranny and oppression are leading to a greater awakening of people.  You still may feel irritated by those in power who continue to work against the best interests of humanity but you are starting to gain a greater feeling of an overall awakening of society.

As we move deeper into the awakening process, we gain a compassion for all lives, as shown with the example of those who are guilty of crimes against humanity.  At this point in our spiritual journeys, we are able to read virtually any news headline and are able to see the greater good in how anything negative will lead to the exposing of those who are guilty of crimes against humanity.  Please keep in mind that we are entering the Age of Aquarius, where those who are negative will inevitably be exposed for their crimes.  We are also in an astrological period where Pluto is in Capricorn until 2023.  The last time this astrological event occurred was during the 1776 American Revolution.  Pluto always brings about change and the change will be for the greater good!

This will also involve the exposing of those who are corrupt, including politicians, world leaders,  banksters, government agencies and religion.  When this occurs (and it’s already occurring), please remember to be compassionate.  We are currently in the midst of a peaceful global revolution and not one bullet needs to be fired.

Some People Are Born Awakened

Some people innately know why they are here and what their purpose is. Others were born awakened but needed to follow a specific path until the veil was completely lifted, which may have been many years down the road.  For these people, introspect can provide this assurance.

For example, I innately knew there was something “not right” about religion when I was attending Sunday school.  This isn’t a knock against anyone who is religious, but for my own spiritual path, I was being led to a greater truth. Many religious zealots aren’t ready for this truth and I respect that, but this was my initial awakening event, even though I had no clue as to why I felt this way at such a young age.

Around the age of 11, I ordered a book on black magic because I was interested in astral projection.  While I was still doing all of the pre-teen stuff boys do such as skateboarding, baseball, football, etc…, my higher self was already communicating with me and I was listening.  While I never learned how to astral project with that particular book, it opened my eyes to a metaphysical world that is much greater than what we can perceive with our 5 senses.  As an artist and musician, I was already using my right hemisphere of the brain which helped to reinforce this new perspective.

Paranormal Experiences

Those who had near death experiences (NDE’s) can attest to the afterlife and our all-loving creator.  Many come back with a similar message:  Love everyone and don’t take life so seriously.
Many of them were just “regular people” before their NDE’s but now have a new perspective on life.  When multiple NDE’s share very similar experiences, it gives credence to what we can expect in the afterlife and proves that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Other people may have seen UFO’s or ghosts which can also change their perspective on life and may lead to their awakening.

One of the questions I like to ask people is this:  If a UFO landed in your backyard, do you think the extraterrestrial would have a bible and money?

“How do I know if I’m awakened?”

I’ve often been asked, “How do I know if I’m awakened?” If you are already seeking the truth or have been led into the metaphysical field, then your awakening has begun.  In a poll that I ran on in5d Connection, the majority of people stated they awakened more than 10 years ago.  In 2nd place was the year 2009, which in numerology equals 11 by no coincidence.

Volunteer Souls

The majority of those who have awakened most likely fall into one of Dolores Cannon’s Waves of Volunteer Souls.  Cannon was told by the ET’s during her client’s past life regression about the waves of volunteer souls who incarnated to this planet because they “heard the call that Earth was in trouble” and volunteered to come here to help raise the Earth’s vibrations.

Many of these volunteer souls lead quiet lives, don’t have any children and never got married because they did not want to accrue any possible karmic debt.

The First Wave of volunteer souls were born in the 1950s and 1960s.  These are the wayshowers who paved the way for the next two waves.  The Second Wave was born in the 1970s and 1980s and the Third Wave was born from the 1990s through the present and are commonly known as Indigo Children.

For some of these volunteer souls, all they really need to do is exist because their energy is enough to change the world, although they may still feel the need to do something more in this awakening process.  Some may not appear to be spiritually awakened but as mentioned above, all they need to do is just be themselves because their light and energy is contributing in a massive way in the awakening process.

What are some of the events in your life that have led to your awakening? Comment below!

also see:
Expect HUGE Changes With Upcoming Rare Astrological Alignment!
There is something in the air…

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form. Feel free to do whatever you want with it, including using parts of it, rewording anything within the article or claiming ownership to it. I don’t care, just share the word! 🙂

Thanks so much to Mike at IN5D for his insightful presentation, once again.  I Hope everyOne enjoys the read as much as I did.  LOVE and Light on Your Journey . . . JoJo

Visit me at Birth Charts HQ for your personal planets forecast!  Let me guide You through 2012 and Beyond!

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