Tag Archives: The One

Wake Up and Love Yourselves as Well as Others


It’s time we all wake up from a millennia of slumber. We must once again step out of the cave and into the light of truth. No one owns another human and is in the right. No one tells a woman she can’t access care and be in the right.

Order your own home. We are not a nation of religion but of religious freedoms. Separation of church and state in the first amendment. It is not liberals or progressives who are taking us back to a time long outgrown… it is the conservative National hypochristians that need tempering.

We are ONE… the entire planet and all of her life is interconnected. We need to live that ideology.

Unconditional Love

Choice Point – Align Your Purpose


English: Zentao symbol as evolution of the Tao...

English: Zentao symbol as evolution of the Tao (Yin Yang) and the Five Elements of Feng Shui. Italiano: Zentao è un simbolo come evoluzione del Tao (Yin e Yang) e dei cinque elementi del Feng Shui. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Our thoughts are manifesting quicker than ever, which has brought us into a 4th dimensional way of living. If anyone is caught into the negativity of life, then this is what will manifest. Conversely, your ‘Choice Point’ can change as your thoughts, beliefs and intentions change. It won’t happen overnight, but it WILL happen as long as you remain true to your beliefs.

It’s mentioned in this video that “At the moment of commitment, the Universe conspires to help you.” in5d would not exist if this was not true. I work 12-15+ hours every day, 365 days a year and haven’t had a day off since 2008… and I LOVE it!!!


“Be The Change You Want To See In The World”

Choice Point is a feature-length documentary film which probes the issues of transformational change and how when one person transforms his or her own life, that person can contribute in a positive way to the shaping of the world.

“How does one make lasting positive changes?”

The film answers this most important of questions by weaving together inspirational personal stories by public figures, from sports stars to statesmen to businesspeople, with discussions by a range of experts, from scientists to philosophers, about the dynamics of change.

You can also watch this video at the Choice Point website HERE

Now that you’ve watched this video, you can go to the official website and submit ideas on how to change the world. You can find my idea HERE. (FENG SHUI ECODOME COMMUNITY BUILT IN SACRED GEOMETRY PATTERNS). If you sign up for an account, please add your opinion on how we can make this idea better and how we can make it happen NOW!!!

Choice Point – Align Your Purpose | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database.

Visit me at Birth Charts HQ for your personal forecast through the planets for 2012 and beyond! LOVE and Light on Your Journey, JoJo

The Great Divine Director – A Period of Transition – 28 October 2012, by Tazjima



A Period of Transition

I AM the Great Divine Director. Today I come with greetings from the Ascended Masters for those ascending ones and our brothers and sisters who are just now in the process of waking up.

In the Northern Hemisphere of your dear planet, great storms are brewing, sweeping clean vast regions of the collective miasma of the ages. In the Southern Hemisphere, strange weather systems are bringing snow to places where it has never come before. Everywhere there is a cleansing undergoing. Mud and rain have come to tropical and mountainous regions of South America. Huge typhoons and tropical storms are battering the coasts and mountains of China and the Philippines bringing disaster to coastal cities, small villages and outlying areas. All of these occurrences have brought with them loss of property and in some instances, loss of life. Yet we tell you now the disasters would have been much greater were it not for the efforts of the lightworkers and wayshowers. Your progress in reconnecting to your inner power, along with the cooperative efforts of your galactic relations, has averted the greatest disasters from happening.

Cleansing will continue; it must. Your planet is undergoing the process of releasing the darkness and misaligned energies that she has lovingly taken into her body through the ages. Now as she undergoes her own process of ascension, these energies must be released from her body, like your own experiences. On a scale more vast than your own, she is undergoing a Kundalini fever, shaking and night sweats, releasing the pollution that has encumbered her. Even after ascension, much will still have to be done to clean up the surface of the planet, its oceans, water, air and soil; that is where the cooperative efforts of your galactic relatives and your own efforts will come into play. The greatest efforts must, however, wait until such time when it is safe for the galactic ships to land on your shores. Until the darkness in men’s hearts is rolled back or removed, your planet will have to conduct most of her cleansing on her own, with the help of her elementals.

Did you know that each human who is in a body vehicle shares that vehicle with a body elemental? It is so. These intelligent adaptive beings run the so-called autonomic systems of the body, without conscious input from their passenger. Without the cooperation of the body elemental, it would not be possible for the soul to reside in a body vehicle. And without the connection of the flame of life to the greater soul, the soul fragment within the body would quickly return to the heaven world. Your existence in this environment is dependent on cooperation between all parties. Yet most humans are not at all aware that they are not just a body; their awareness of something beyond their daily life has been dulled by social conditioning and poisons in their food, air, water and environment.

Did you not know that your body is a temple? It is a temporary vehicle that allows you to experience life in the physical realms. Granted that currently life is difficult for many, it was not always that way. Still, some of humanity has made great strides in approaching the boundaries of the realms of light. The journey is still yet to begin for others.

There is much to overcome. During the past thirteen millennia, the power of your planet has resided in the hands of a few beings not of this world. They have wrought much destruction and have sowed seeds of hatred, fear and division between the various peoples of this planet. Now their time is ending; the cycles of change are upon them and they have gone against the degree of their former masters and have defied the forces of light. They do not wish to give up their place of power, their material wealth. They want to keep the planet under their control and to continue with their plans of destruction of much of the populace, while keeping a much smaller population as slaves to do their bidding. You see, these ones have so denied the light that exists within that they no longer can create anything but destruction. They live such lives of insecurity and insatiable need that cannot be satisfied by anything they gather or wrestle from others. They are like the damned pirates who live a half-life, half in this world and half in hell. Nothing can satisfy their lusts short of the death of those they envy – you, the lightworkers. And now they are frightened. They lash out murderously at those who dare in the mass media to inform the people of their ongoing crimes against humanity and their own communities. They attempt to provoke war and disagreement between groups of people. They work from both sides to inflame prejudice, fear and division between races, cultures, countries and religions. Why? They fear the power of humanity; they fear the connection that even those who are not aware of their mighty gifts have, the connection to the soul that cannot be broken except through the agency of a complete denial and turning away.

So strong is the flame in some individuals that we can see your brilliance from high above the planet’s surface. The beacons of light on your planet have been growing in strength on a daily basis for the past ten years. It is this occurrence that the dark forces fear the most, for in the awakening of humanity will come their own downfall. There is nothing they can do now to avert this crisis in their eyes; the cycles of time move against them. The increasing bombardment of your planet by cosmic rays from the center of the Universe has made the awakening of some of humanity a certainty. You are ascending and your planet is ascending. Once the bridge between dimensions is crossed, the planet will no longer be a viable environment for these darkened lost individuals. And so they fight with every scrap of their beings and continue to spill out their envy, spite and hatred of humanity, seeking to turn brother against brother, black against white, banker against citizen, rich against poor. They seek to deny the humanity of others because they cannot experience it themselves. They have become, through their own efforts, incapable of feeling anything but hatred and fear.

How can this dark force be opposed? What can people do in this transitional period between the shift and adjustment beyond? As has been said before, seek the kingdom of heaven within. It is important, it is imperative that all lightworkers cease their efforts to attack the dark forces and seek to discover the realm of love that exists within each and every human. Every human being on this benighted planet, even those of the darkest hearts, has the capacity to reconnect with their inner Being, but it takes individual focus and effort. It is not a journey for the faint of heart, the unprepared, but neither is it a journey that impossible. Many individuals through the ages have followed the promptings of their soul and have made their way, one by one, into the higher realms, leaving their body vehicle behind. Most of these individuals have received training and initiations through lifetimes in order to reach the purity of body and soul required to complete the transfiguration. Sprinkled through the pages of history, such as it currently exists on your planet, are the stories of those courageous ones who have made this journey of the heart. Now has come the time that many can make the same journey, a happening unprecedented in the history of your planet, the galaxy and even the Universe. With unprecedented support by the forces of Light, it is now possible for a large number of individuals to undergo collective ascension into the higher, light-filled realms of the fifth dimension.

We understand that not all people want to undergo this transition. We honor their decision. When it is their time, they will respond to the inner call of their soul and will begin their own journey, but now it is not their time. That is where the work of the Lightbearers, starseeds and wayshowers comes in; you are setting an energetic pathway for all those who follow in your footsteps. And now there are many who are beginning to awaken to the call of the soul. They will respond; it is an insistent call that cannot be resisted, if it is the right moment for the individual to wake up. So it is important to not judge the progress of others against your own. Look to yourself, release your fears, seek out the words of others if you need consoling, but always remember that your journey into ascension is your own unique path, forged by your soul. As a unique part of the Creator, your journey involves the collection of information for your Creator, as God learns about God; in that joyous act of reconnection when the flame of life expands to encompass the entirety of the physical body and all dross is burned away. Purified by the fires of resurrection, your soul fragment returns to the Wholeness of Creation, to All That Is. And with your ascension you enrich the treasure chest of all Humanity, for you are One.

(The message was interrupted by the day’s various activities, including house-cleaning, LOL!)

We continue on with our message now. We encourage all lightworkers to strive to connect with their inner being, to remain calm and centered during this time of transition. There exists much chaos upon your world at the moment, but all is not as it seems. The matrix or illusion so carefully built up by your collective consciousness and cemented together by fear is in the process of disintegrating. There is desperation in the ones remaining of the illuminati leaders and minions; they know now that time is not on their side. Keep clear of these ones, turn away from keeping your attention on their activities. Be aware, but as a compassionate onlooker, not as a participant. Let the last throes of the dark matrix not catch you up in its dramatics.

We have noticed that many of the weary wayshowers are letting go of the last vestiges of those things that are not of the light; all remaining memories, emotional connections, traumas and disappointments. These do not have to accompany you into the Light; let them go, leave them to be transmuted by the Violet Flame. They are a part of the illusion that you are now leaving behind; they are not you.

Open to reunion with your Higher Self, your one true guide back to Source. It is the inner Christ Self that dwells within that will greet you, in your dreams and meditations. Your guides and mentors will accompany you, but always remember to retain your personal sovereignty. Constantly test the spirits. If something or someone does not resonate with you, bless them and release them. Now is not the time to attempt to change someone, only to change yourself by becoming more of your Self. This process calls for releasing everything, your expectations, your desires, everything. In the stillness of your heart you will discover a world that exceeds everything you could ever hope for. And you will be guided, step by step, on a need to know basis as to the direction of your journey. By learning to listen to your intuition and quiet inner voice, you will discover what you need to know. Learn to trust the guidance that you receive from within; it is your higher Self communicating through its silent language. With time and practice you will begin to channel your own messages and instruction. We encourage all seekers to spend time with their journals, creating a blog, drawing, writing poetry or music, or finding some other means to express your inner creativity. You will find that you begin to feel more joyful, calm and disinterested in the dramas of others.

If you are guided to assist others, do so, but always with the understanding that each individual must make their own way to ascension; no one can do it for you. As your guides and inner mentors, we will be by your side to give you little nudges in one direction or another, but it up to you to respond. We lovingly watch over you and admire humanity for making the recent strides towards freedom. You have come far in just a few short years, just seconds in the eternal Now. We anticipate great things to happen in the coming days, weeks and months as more and more people begin to wake up and seek assistance in understanding what is going on, within and around them.

For the wayshowers and those who have taken on the new job of gatekeepers, your place is to hold the way open for those who follow. You can guide but mostly you will be acting as examples. Be the calm center in the storm of transition; be the light upon the hill that points the way home.

We send you our blessings and encouragement during this time of transition. It is an important step that is being taken by all souls upon this planet; much is dependent on what happens next. We wait breathlessly to see what the show will bring to all. Although we can see many futures, they are subject to change. Your free will makes it so, so surprise us, too, humanity and set yourself free from illusion, hatred and fear. And we will celebrate together at the reunion the family of Light.

We are your loving brothers and sisters of the Light, the Ascended Masters.


Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://bluedragonjournal.com/

Visit me at Birth Charts HQ to get your personal interpretations for 2012 and beyond!

BREAKING NEWS: Italian Financial Police Searches the Vatican It ‘s the first time in history, almost touched the diplomatic incident | The Galactic Free Press


galactic latte

galactic latte (Photo credit: *nacnud*)

The Vatican, has been a big part of the Global unrest by a majority of New Ager’s.  I mean, they did decide on the Acronym L.U.C.I.F.E.R. what is up with that?  Of ALL the letters they COULD have chosen, they settle on the acronym LUCIFER.  NO ONE human on this planet should be held above the Law.  NO ONE Human is above the Truth and Universal Law . . . NO ONE.  Our deeds DO come back to us, especially today, quickly and concisely.  So, please enjoy the information, I hope it adds a little bit more light into the conversation.  LOVE and Light on YOUR Journey . . . . JoJo

BREAKING NEWS: Italian Financial Police Searches the Vatican It ‘s the first time in history, almost touched the diplomatic incident | The Galactic Free Press.

Visit Birth Charts HQ, for your personal chart throughout 2012 and BEYOND!!!



What Happens After Containment? –


Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel in March 2012 echoed SaLuSa’s request.

“We ask for you not to join in any way, shape or form in judgment or relishing what is happening to another, for that cannot be of love. So, yes, there is divine justice, and there is an absolute balancing that is taking place. And we want you to understand that, as it is taking place on Earth, upon your beloved Gaia, that those ripple effects are felt throughout the Universe, that, that rebalancing is taking place far further than any of you can even imagine.

“But the key to that amplification effect is for you to hold love, is for you to hold peace. You do not stand as judge and jury, my friends, … of your children, of your family, of your friends, of your neighbors – not of anyone. Do we sometimes pick someone up and say, “No, you are not permitted to continue in this manner any longer?” Of course we do! That is my job. And that is your job, as you work with me.

“But we do not fall into that old human paradigm of old Earth and say, ‘Now we will punish you. We will judge you. We will seek retribution.’ No. That is not loving. That is not kind. That is not gentle.

“Retribution comes in the rebalancing. It comes in the brilliant light of a new dawn. It comes in you stepping forward and assuming your rightful place, as light-holders and showers of the way. It is its own reward.” (6)

When we ponder the rebalancing that will take place, we might think of it not in terms of more or less, but in terms of returning to the center from extreme states like greed and hate. Love and peace reside in the center. Thus rebalancing means a return to the center, some would say, to the heart.

He asks us to join him in the new world rather than perpetuating the old.

“I ask you, we all ask you – for you are our beloved family; yes, a family of billions, it is an extended family – we ask you to join us in the new. And in the new there is no place for fault or blame or guilt. That does not mean, my brothers and sisters, that there is not room for acknowledgment and responsibility, for that is the bedrock. For when there is self-responsibility and mutuality, then there is joint responsibility and there is not an exercise of greed, of taking, of usurping power, for that power is already there. It is within you.

And so, as you see those who have tried and succeeded in many ways to control – and I could go down a list, but why would I wish to do that? – as you see that happening, feel the compassion – not sympathy, compassion – understanding about fallen angels and lost souls, and send them love. Send them forgiveness. And then begin with me – with all of us, with the Company of Heaven and far beyond, with your brothers and sisters from the stars – and let us build anew, because that is what this transition is about.” ( 7)

He reminded us that we have not yet finished our work. There is more to go and it makes it important for us to let thoughts of vengeance go.

“The old can only drag you down. Do not go there. My mission of peace has just begun, and I have need of you. You have travelled with me forever, in faith and trust and hope. So now you see the fulfillment of what we have talked about, the crumbling, the elimination, and yes, the destruction of the old. But let it go, and come with me, for there is further yet to go.” (8)

Thus our sources urge us not to allow the mass arrests to stir thoughts of vengeance in us. There is no reason to fear that justice will not be done this time, as it has not been done in the past.  If we seek revenge, we’ll lower ourselves to the level of the cabal. They remind us that all of us have spent lifetimes in the lower dimensions.

We are encouraged to speak about matters and as lightworkers we’re expected to. But we’re also encouraged not to go into emotional negativity or extremes.  They remind us that all members of the cabal will be given the opportunity to return to the Light.

The notion of rebalancing is explained. The cabal is returning to the center rather than living in the extremes of qualities like greed and hate. In the center resides love and peace.  We’re invited to join the Company of Light in the new world of the divine qualities like love and peace.  We’re asked to forgive and put these events behind us, turning our faces to the future.


Guido Reni's archangel Michael (in the Capuchi...

Guido Reni’s archangel Michael (in the Capuchin church of Santa Maria della Concezione, Rome) tramples Satan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



What Happens After Containment? – Part 3.

Much LOVE and Light to ALL my fellow Light Bearers and ALL of Humanity who is ready for an Enlightening tomorrow!  As the Mass arrests have begun, it is time to AMplify our Empathy and LOVE for ALL of Humanity.  There pain IS OUR pain, as there JOY is OUR JOY.  They too, are a part of OUR Collective Unconscious, and we would Want to treat them as WE Ourselves would Like to be treated.

LOVE and Light on Your Journey, the return to OUR Center has begun, continue to have the conversation, and spread the word of Mother Earth’s Transformation, as well as the Transformation of the Universe to come . . . .

Visit Birth Charts HQ for Your personal Guide through 2012 and beyond!



GVR – Drake Mid-Week Update – PREEMPTIVE PREPAREDNESS 06/27 by Global Voice 2012 Radio | Blog Talk Radio


Kalachakra thangka painted in Sera Monastery, ...

Kalachakra thangka painted in Sera Monastery, Tibet, (private collection), (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here is the latest update from Cobra and Drake.  I AM not sure exactly when this MASS Arrest is supposed to happen;  I do know there are many differing opinions.  Again, everything we hear and read should be taken for HOW it rings within YOU, the reader.  I cannot keep stressing enough, how important it is to discern for yourselves the interpolated truths of the masses.  We KNOW instinctively when something isn’t just.  As for the Cabal, and the Dark Fear based energies around the planet.  I feel there time here has come to an end, the Secret is out, and there is NO longer anywhere to hide.  Light is HERE to brighten EVERY corner of the Human Spirit; Our veil is being lifted and we are emerging stronger, for ALL that we have endured.  We are ONE and We are LOVE; the Human spirit knows NO bounds.  Enjoy the update, and remember continue the conversation . . . LOVE and Light on Your Journey

GVR – Drake Mid-Week Update – PREEMPTIVE PREPAREDNESS 06/27 by Global Voice 2012 Radio | Blog Talk Radio.

Visit me at Birth Charts HQ; I will guide you through 2012 and beyond!


Welcome to a New and Unimaginable World


Welcome to a New and Unimaginable World.

I really enjoyed reading this Blog at The 2012 Scenario.  I feel my readers will enjoy the message as much as I have.  Remember, if you have anything you would like to share, I AM always open to guest bloggers.  LOVE and Light on Your Journey’s and enjoy the read!

Visit Birth Charts HQ TODAY, for your personal guide to the planets . . . .

Mara ~earth light~

Mara ~earth light~ (Photo credit: Mara ~earth light~)

Meltdowns, New Focus Identities and Evolving-Door Realities: Answering Spirit’s Call to World Service


Meltdowns, New Focus Identities and Evolving-Door Realities: Answering Spirit’s Call to World Service.

Reality is changing everyday ALL around us.  From the Politicians we sill see in the media coupled with the intense focus of humanity’s Will; change is impending like NO other seen in several lifetimes.  Whatever happens . . . I know I will be surrounded by the LOVE and Light of my Ohana and friends.  I don’t feel destruction; I sense wonderment and amazement.  When the Veil has completely fallen, and Light has brightened every darkened corner; we will be ONE with each other and with ALL the creatures on this amazing planet.  Have Faith and LOVE Yourself as you push through the turbulent  transmutation of our collective Karma.  We are ALL responsible for ONE another now, whether we believe this to be Truth or not.  LOVE and Light on Your Journey’s . . . .

For custom cast astrological interpretations through 2012 and BEYOND, visit Birth Charts HQ.  Let me guide you to your planets, TODAY!

Related articles

Laura Tyco — Message from my Higher Self: I AM presence — 12 May 2012


English: Tibetan endless knot Nederlands: Tibe...

English: Tibetan endless knot Nederlands: Tibetaanse Oneindige knoop (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Laura Tyco — Message from my Higher Self: I AM presence — 12 May 2012.

People are beginning to wake up to the fact that love has absolute power. Conscious love is the key in all that you struggle with in your lives. At this time, it is important not to make hash decisions. We ask you to take your time and connect to your feelings when you are at peace, and when things would settle in what feels like clouded thoughts and high emotions, the answer will just present itself naturally . . . .

A beautiful message to my Light Bearing Ohana!  Begin the conversation, and above ALL be at peace with ONE’s Self.  This is a time of Enlightenment for ALL.  Wether or NOT we want to attest to change, it IS upon us.  I feel it is NOT the end of humanity; as some would like us to believe, but a time of Peace and Prosperity for ALL Living creatures.  I for ONE, AM HOPEful!  LOVE and Light on Your Journey . . . .

Visit Birth Charts HQ for your personal Astrological Story throughout 2012!

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth


The individual chapters in The Emerald Tablet can be found at the link below:

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database.

العربية: Deutsch: Alle Pyramiden von Gizeh auf...

العربية: Deutsch: Alle Pyramiden von Gizeh auf einem Bild. English: All Giza Pyramids in one shot. Русский: Все пирамиды Гизы на изображении. Español: Las Pirámides de Guiza (Egipto). Français : Les Pyramides de Gizeh (Egypte). Català: Les Piràmides de Giza, a Egipte. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many forms of religion and spiritual practices begin with The Emerald Tablet of Thoth.  Many Alchemist’s suggest that we take the first plate and after pondering its meaning for ourselves, we rewrite the cover of the tablet in a way which vibrate to us as an individual.  Since our world is changing quickly these days, I feel it is important to understand HOW and WHY everything REALLY manifests into being; and how WE the Beings of Light play an important part in the transformation of the Universe and planet Earth.  Enjoy the Read, and MUCH LOVE and Light on your Journey . . . .

For your custom interpretation on how the planetary energies will affect you throughout the shift, check out our Transit Package, at Birth Charts HQ TODAY!