Tag Archives: Mercury






Transformation is in the stars but not before an impending collapse of our global system of government, money, education and religion.

There are several upcoming and current astrological alignments which will bring a new age of consciousness to humanity, but not before collapsing what is already in place.

If you are one of those people who completely disregard astrology, then please keep in mind that astrology shows us how the cycles of time always repeat themselves while specific alignments always bring about specific changes.  For example, Pluto is in Capricorn until 2023.  The last time this rare alignment occurred was in 1776, the year of the American Revolution.  Look around. What’s going on?  REVOLUTION in many countries.

Read what everyone is talking about on this subject and leave a comment on YouTube

Also see: Expect HUGE Changes With Upcoming Rare Astrological Alignment!

In 2012, there was a rare alignment that hadn’t occurred since the 1960’s during the Summer of Love.  I knew about this alignment in 2008 and told my daughter to expect to see a lot of people wearing tie dye in the next few years and right on schedule, people were wearing tie dye without knowing WHY.

As I mentioned into the Transitioning Into 5D Earth article, we are going to need to take a step backwards before we take a HUGE step forwards. What we are going to be seeing is a literal implosion of government, education, money and religion in the next 3 years and it’s already begun!

Saturn is in Scorpio until September of 2015.  Right now, we are witnessing a total New Moon eclipse of the sun in Scorpio which brings about “the Great Awakening”. In astrology, Scorpio owns the house of death and rebirth.  This particular alignment presents the opportunity for people to eliminate their ego as well as for a transformation of consciousness. This will bring about the greatest amount of polarity between positive and negative.  In other words, as bad as things might get, they will be unimaginably amazing afterwards. The seed was planted when Pluto entered Capricorn and now the tree is starting to bear its fruit.

Let’s imagine that you own an orange tree. If you try to eat an orange while it’s green, then it’s going to be bitter but if you wait until the orange has ripened, then the fruit will be incredibly sweet. This is what’s happening right now.  While Saturn is in Scorpio for the next 2.5 years, it gives us an approximate timetable for when the fruit will be ripe.  Right now, we know that the bitterness of the fruit is already upon us.  We also know that, in time, the fruit WILL ripen. It will not ripen overnight but just like transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, this is a gradual change. In the great scope of “time” a few years is a fraction of a second, so look forward to this to come to fruition within the next few years.  We are going to see the immediate collapse of many of these institutions in the next few months, so be prepared because the ball is already in motion and nothing can stop it.

Let’s also keep in mind that Mercury goes retrograde on November 6th through November 26th, 2012. When there is a Mercury retrograde, one should avoid activities such as:

placing ads
making important decisions
purchasing communications equipment
signing contracts
initiating business deals
sending important correspondence or any type of message
starting school or any important project
beginning any new enterprise (as plans may be reversed later)

It’s no coincidence that this retrograde will occur during the general elections in the United States, which might cause delays or irregularities in the election results.

Astrologer Carl Boudreau believes that November will be “a good news/bad news month. But it’s also a test of our determination, our perceptions and our reactions. Depending on what you choose to focus on, it could seem all bad or all good. All of life is like that to some extent, but November is a special case. How we respond to November 2012 will have a major effect on the whole rest of our lives.

However it affects you, though, November will be a very, very eventful month, full of final decisions and major turning points. An interesting runup to the 2012 chart.”

Boudreau added, “On November 23rd, Mars in Capricorn squares Uranus retrograde in Aries on the cusp of the 11th house.  This square will release uncontrolled, angry, violent expressions of resistence and independence on an individual and a collective level.  There is a strong possibility of riots, civil unrest and outbreaks of warlike violence somewhere in the world.  It’s likely to provoke people who are already on edge, so on 11/23, things heat up.”

“On November 28th, there is a partial eclipse of the Moon in Gemini in the 12th house.  We’re expecting sudden unexpected events or crises that bring about the rejection of outdated or self-limiting attitudes and the release of deep, self-defeating fear and anxiety. What it means is that we’re expecting issues and events that shock people out of their complacency, their smugness or rigid or counterproductive habits of mind.

Astrologer Kelley Rosano believes that the Taurus New Moon will mark the beginning of the 4th and 5th dimensions as we move out of 3rd dimension polarity consciousness into triality consciousness.

Do not be afraid to let go of “life as you know it” because in order for the New Earth to begin in this 3rd dimensional reality, there NEEDS to be a collapse of what is presently unsustainable. This does not mean it will be replaced with a New World Order.  On the contrary, it will be rebuilt in the best interests of humanity as all suppressed technologies are released.  The way of life, as you know it, will seem like the Stone Age in the next few years so be willing to release whatever we have gotten accustomed to in this current paradigm.

You will ALL be the creators of the New Earth and history will record you as the fathers and mothers of innovation in the next stage of our spiritual evolution and transformation.  Those who are currently asleep will be turning to you for advice on how to cope with these changes, so be prepared to lead by example while helping those who do not understand what is happening. The LIGHT ALWAYS WINS in the end!

The Hopi say that “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”. While it’s possible that the world will transform into 5d Earth through a vibrational change, we are still in this 3rd dimensional reality where the current system is in desperate need of reformation. The next few years will provide the opportunity for a complete transformation of not only consciousness, but also political, educational and monetary change. Perhaps this is what the Maya envisioned?

They say that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  What have we learned and how can we make things better?  I provide some answers in the Transitioning Into 5D Earth article, but in the meanwhile, please be prepared to take that step backwards by having plenty of fresh water and enough food to last 2-3 months.  This, by no means, is fear mongering as change is needed in order to move forward.

Transformation always follows these alignments so there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is YOU!

Read what everyone is talking about on this subject and leave a comment on YouTube

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form.

For Your personal astrological interpretation, visit me at Birth Charts HQ TODAY!  Let me guide You through 2012 and beyond . . . . LOVE and Light on Your Journey through this amazing time.  JoJo


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URIEL. Brace Yourself-You Are In For An Exciting Ride. By, AuroRa Le. July 17, 2012.



☮ No doubt, my Friends, you are feeling the effects of the powerful flares of energy that are firing off from the surface of the Sun.  They batter the Earth and it’s occupants, unseen, but nonetheless they are impossible to ignore.  Coupled with the planet Mercury in retrograde, this intense period is serving to lay the groundwork for massive upheaval and change.  Your governments and financial systems are just now beginning to display the first signs of such, while up until this time the turnover and unrest has been simmering just beneath the proverbial radar.  In due course, nothing will be hidden from your view and long anticipated events and well laid plans will soon be coming to fruition.  Brace yourself-you are in for an exciting ride.

☮ This relentless onslaught of solar light is leaving no aspect of your lives untouched.  The pot is being stirred.  The surf is pounding hard against the shoreline, and everything which, up until now, has remained hidden is being dredged up and carried in with the tide.  In so many of your cases, the clutter and debris has piled up quite high.  Be aware that the more you procrastinate and the longer you wait to sift carefully through what has been put before you, the more formidable the task becomes.  Tear into it and separate the treasure from the trash.  Clear away the waste and keep only for yourselves those aspects of your life which appear clean and intact, and vibrate at a level in accordance with your own.  Also, ask yourself throughout your evaluation, “Is this situation conducive to a happy, healthy life?  Does it fit neatly in with the tableau I have created for myself,  does it have a place in the higher-vibrational New Earth?”   The beach I described is a symbolic representation of  your life up until this point, both in a physical and a spiritual sense. 

☮ Consider your New Earth vision to be a stunning landscape you have chosen to paint.  Then go on and imagine yourselves, brushes in hand, approaching an easel upon which rests a brand new canvas.  See how clean it is, how fresh and untouched?   You notice it is startlingly white and pristine, a clean slate.  What is it you will paint there and what will you leave out?  Your rapidly changing human life experience can be seen as just such a fresh tableau.  The paints represent the situations and ideas, and the hopes and dreams that you have the option to bring with you.  Your human vessel is the brush with which you make your magic happen.   Ideally, I feel your ascent into fifth density should be viewed as a rebirth of sorts, a reclamation of  the genuine Self into your existing, and brilliantly transforming, Earthly form.   Gaia herself is undergoing just such a transformation herself, and it is up to you to create a comfortable environment in which to ride out the many twists and turns she faces in her road to ascension.  A happy life is like a pristine and peaceful island; a haven for your ascending soul, and  a place where you may nurture your loved ones and compassionately guide them along on their own journeys.  This will be your safe harbour  in the eye of a swirling storm.

☮ In order to attain such an enlightened state of being, it is required of you to dig deeply into the vast array of things that are currently washing up upon your shore.  Much of what you uncover will be the last remnants of what is now your final incarnation as a 3rd dimension human being.  What do wish to take with you as you move into the 5th?  And what do you wish to discard?  You will find that the greater portion of your life is still quite functional and  will continue to serve you well, while other parts lay in tatters and are beyond repair.  Are you hanging on to something because it is familiar?  Do you fear that in releasing it, a gaping hole will be left where it once was, and that you may never be able to replace it with something of equal value or better?  Or is it that, mistakenly, you believe that this is all you know?  For many of you it is about guilt, an insidious illusion, which keeps you holding fast to much which no longer serves you.   My Friend, you are not being disloyal or what you might deem “a quitter.”   Whether it be a job, a place of residence, an abusive or energetically toxic relationship, or merely an excess of material baggage…allow me to assure you that it is not so.   Thiese transitions are but part and parcel of your ascension plan and, in most cases, written in the contracts you designed.  To not release and progress will only sabotage your upward mobility, and it is seen by us as a form of emotional hoarding.

☮ Everything throughout the Universe will naturally fall into it’s proper place.  Trust that all is, and will always be, in Divine Order.  Ascension is an equal opportunity, which is lovingly offered to all living beings upon the planet.  No one will be left behind.  It is desirable that each of you grow and come into your own awareness at a pace that is comfortable for you.  I promise, it absolutely will occur, for your ascension is guaranteed.  It goes without question that you will succeed.  By the same token, the current conditions are rendering it impossible for you to ignore the need to make the necessary changes this process requires.  Try not to cling to what is broken and cannot be repaired.  Only you can make the determination as to whether something can be fixed or not.  To exist in a constant state of anger, stress, disarray or even boredom will either stagnate or impede your progression.  Take note here, that I do not refer to children who appear to be still soundly sleeping.  Within the familial and close social structures, it is to be expected that not all will progress at the same pace.  I refer here to to people, situations and things which cause you grief and pain, and even make you doubt yourself;  that which triggers anxiety, fear and depression.  It truly is best that rather than fight the process, be kind to yourself and allow this period of life-review.   Let it flow and see where it takes you.  Amend your personal circumstances in a way that feels comfortable and at a gentle pace.  Remain focused, and trust your heart-and your common sense-to guide you. 

☮ Let me also take this opportunity to remind you that there is not a one of you who is not surrounded by an ever-growing network of support.  It is not necessary that you see us with your physical eyes nor hear us with your physical ears.  Step away from your reliance on your five 3rd dimensional senses, and access us by turning inward.  By seeing with your inner eye and hearing with your inner ear, you are utilizing your natural gift of telepathy.  If you take nothing else away from our conversation today, please remember this: telepathy is the chosen means of communication in all dimensions above the 3rd.  Without exception.  It is to these higher realms that you have chosen to go.  It is imperative that you understand, and practice using it now.  You are more than capable of receiving information this way, and it is high time you set aside your self-doubt and the idea that you are somehow not good enough or aren’t up to the challenge.  Pay attention and you cannot miss the signs of our presence.  We are ready, as we have been all along, to partner with you in these historic times of change.

Carry on, my Friends.  You are doing admirable work.  Rest easy in the knowledge that the miracles are only just beginning!

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as the content remains complete, you do not alter it in any way and you include this copyright notice.

URIEL. Brace Yourself-You Are In For An Exciting Ride. By, AuroRa Le. July 17, 2012..

For Your personal planetary story, visit Birth Charts HQ TODAY!  Let ME guide You through 2012 and BEYOND . . . Much LOVE and Light on Your Journey, JoJo



The Day of Pleasant Seduction

The terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth...

Image via Wikipedia

June 15 people depend on their charm to get them where they want to go.  Thus, their principal talents are outwardly directed and involve other.  June 15th people must be appreciated for their seductive charms to work.  That is, their particular brand of seduction is overt rather than covert.  Those born on this day have a way of winning others over to their point of view and then bringing the best out of them.  Most June 15 people just want to feel appreciated; only the least evolved are more calculating and have a hidden agenda. Money may be very important to this type of June 15th person.

Those born on the 15th of ANY month are ruled by the number 6 (5+1=6) and 15, and by the planet Venus.  Those ruled by the number 6 are magnetic and sometimes can even inspire awe.  This, as mentioned above, is characteristic of June 15 people.  Since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, June 15 people tend to be both Venusian (sensuous) and Mercurial (clever).

The 15th card of the Major Arcana, The Devil, indicates a fear/desire dynamic working where sexual attraction, irrationality, and passion are concerned.  The Devil holds us slave through our need for security and money; he represents our base nature grasping for security; he controls us through the irreconcilable differences which exist in our male/female nature.  With their mind as the aggressive part and their body as the more passive, pleasure-loving, realm, June 15 people attempt a synthesis which can be both accepted and expressed in an easy manner without fear of irrationality–The Devil card.  The positive side of the Devil card is sexual attraction and the expression of passionate desires.  But, the card reminds us that although we are bound to our bodies, our Spirits are free to soar.

Daily Meditation:  Most living things demand constant satisfaction . . . .

Visit Birth Charts HQ for your personalized horoscope interpretation TODAY!  LOVE and Light in ALL you do. 


For more on June 15, please purchase The Secret Language of Birthdays (reissue) from Amazon.

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The Day of The Gutsy Confrontation

The Planet Mercury as a god according to a Tib...

Image via Wikipedia

The determined and intense people born on June 14 are very sharp in their observations and assessments of what goes on around them.  They are usually strongly opinionated, loyal, and demonstrate great courage when fighting the good fight, the honorable battle.  They are forceful and convincing when presenting their ideas and opinions, and because they understand human nature all too well, capable of mercilessly exposing hypocrisy and pretense . . . .

Those born on the 14th of ANY month are ruled by the number 5 (1+4=5), and by the planet Mercury.  The number 5, as well as the planet Mercury and the sign of Gemini all stand for change, implying a disdain for plodding behavior and a propensity for impulsive action.  June 14 people must learn to master impulsive urges, yet at the same time remain open to gradual (rather than sudden) change when it furthers their cause and that of those dependent upon them.  Fortunately, the number 5 bestows a resilient character which recovers quickly from the hard knocks of life.

The 14th card of the Major Arcana is Temperance.  The figure shown is a guardian angel who protects us and keeps us on an even keel.  This is a wonderful message for June 14 people, and they should heed it.  Those born on June 14th should especially avoid all forms of egotistical excess, and cultivate their innate ability to heal themselves.  Positively seen, Temperance modifies passions in order to allow for new truths to be learned and incorporated into one’s life.  However, it may also indicate negative traits of moodiness, trendiness, and malleability.

Daily Meditation:  Happiness is what we fear the most, peace somehow a luxury which we feel we cannot afford . . . .

For more see The Secret Language of Birthdays (reissue) for more detailed reading.

Visit Birth Charts HQ for your personalized astrological interpretation TODAY!

The Day of Far-Off Adventure

The magnetic field of Uranus as seen by Voyage...

Image via Wikipedia

Those born on June 13 are seekers, absorbed in dreams of far-off places and adventures.  Usually, beginning in their youth, their readings and/or fantasies fuel a passion for exploration of foreign worlds that stays with them for a lifetime.  These adventures may involve actual travel to distant lands or be an investigation of mythology dealing with metaphysical worlds, with the past, or with the future.  More highly developed June 13 people often realize their fantasies, whether in business, scientific research or art; the less ambitious born on this day nurse Walter Mitty-like secret desires, and though they don’t actually pursue them, such dreams bring color to their lives.  They must beware, however, that acute frustration may build up due to the disparity between what they want to be and what they are.

Those born on the 13th ANY month are ruled by are ruled by the number 4 (1+3=4), and by the planet Uranus which is both erratic and explosive.  Since June 13 people are so often involved in far-reaching activities, whether of fantasy or reality, they must learn to keep the Uranian part of themselves under control, following their logical Mercury (Gemini’s ruler) instincts.

The planet Uranus indicates change, often violent, and sometimes erratic, unconventional behavior, underlining the extreme nature of June 13 desires.  Although the number 13 is considered unlucky by most, it is rather, a powerful number which carries the responsibility of using its power wisely or inviting self-destruction.

The most misunderstood card in the Tarot is the 13th card of the Major Arcana.  Death, which very rarely is to be taken literally; but signifies a letting go of the past in order to grow beyond limitations, as a metamorphic transformation.  Both this card and the number 4 suggest that June 13 people must guard against   discouragement, disillusion, pessimism, and melancholy.

Daily Meditation:  The grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side . . . .

See The Secret Language of Birthdays (reissue) for more information on TODAY!

Visit Birth Charts HQ for your personal astrological interpretation, find out how the planets affect you . . . .

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