The return of the Atlanteans and the Atlantis asteroid in conjunction Uranus?


English: Uranus revolves around the Sun once e...

English: Uranus revolves around the Sun once every 84 Earth years. Its average distance from the Sun is roughly 3 billion km (about 20 AU). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Need a translator or knowledge of the French language.  Still VERY worth reading, either way.  LOVE and Light on Your Journey, JoJo


L’astéroide Atlantis en conjonction Uranus et le retour des Atlantes ? ….


Birth Charts HQ



6 responses

  1. For translation use the link when I can’t get on the blog which translates the last three articles on my blog
    Drop the link select the French language to English and send

    You can convert a comment in French to the French or another language

    I communicate by the translator not knowing English 😉
